Rasputin by Another Name

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Whistleblower's Testimony: Rasputin's 
Neglect & Self Serving Leadership

What follows is a detailed account from an Ustaad and Alim who taught at 
the Bolton DU for nearly 10 years, enduring Rasputin greed filled incompetent 
leadership. His experience sheds light on the horrifying conditions 
and complete neglect that plagued the institution, exposing a deep-rooted 
failure to ensure the safety, well-being, and basic dignity of the pupils 
under Rasputin's care. All the while Rasputin and his evil cohorts exploited 
students (see previous post) to enrich themselves.

Through this testimony, one can see the shocking truth about 
the mismanagement, lawlessness, and intimidation tactics that defined Rasputin's 
regime at the school.

The tragic account published on here titled "The Tyranny Within" nudged
me to corroborate what that particular Alim had written regarding the
dire state the Darul-uloom was being run under S. Manya, and the disgusting
exploitation of the talibs, extorting money from them at every opportunity :

As a senior teacher at the Islamic boarding school, I witnessed first-hand 
the appalling conditions and complete disregard for student welfare. 
The leaders consistently failed to promote the health and well-being of 
the pupils and neglected their legal obligations to keep them safe. 
Many parts of the school, including the boarding accommodations, were 
in a terrible state of disrepair.

I saw peeling paint on walls, caused by damp and mould. Rubbish, 
including food waste, was left uncleared, and shockingly, bird faeces 
were found in students' bedrooms. The school and boarding premises 
were utterly unsuitable for pupils, boarders, and staff alike.

The lack of cleanliness posed a significant risk to everyone's health 
and well-being. Toilets and washing facilities were neither clean nor 
well-maintained, with no handwash, toilet rolls, or proper hand drying 
facilities available. There were no signs to indicate when water was 
hot or unsuitable for drinking. Even the water dispensers were filthy, 
insufficient in number, and poorly located.

The changing areas and shower facilities were equally appalling. Showers 
had been repaired, but the workmanship was so poor that tiles were missing, 
sealant was haphazardly applied, and they weren’t even waterproof. These 
cubicles quickly began to deteriorate; many were still dirty, with insects 
crawling around the shower bases.

There had been no cleaning staff employed for months, and no one was 
responsible for the maintenance of the school’s premises. Fire safety 
was virtually non-existent. During one inspection, fire doors were 
found locked, and after-dark evacuation routes to assembly areas were 
unlit. The leadership was woefully unprepared to comply with fire safety laws.

The careless attitude of allowing under and over 18-year-olds to mix 
together further added to the list of issues. Despite repeated warnings 
from inspectors, the leaders failed to meet the statutory guidance 
from the Secretary of State and consistently violated health and safety laws.

Many of the staff members had not completed safeguarding training. 
While a health and safety policy had been rewritten to comply with laws, 
the leadership blatantly ignored it. The principal and his enablers 
acted as though they were above the law, intimidating anyone who questioned 
their accountability regarding the students’ welfare and safety.

My experience working there was a constant battle against leadership that 
prioritised vile intimidation and neglect over the well-being of the students.



Rasputin's Shameless Fraud Attempt:
Manipulating a Charity for Personal Gain

The following received from an insider who was at the Bolton DU during and at the end of Rasputin's failed reign  :

Below are two emails that were sent by Manya and one of his associates during the upheaval at Bolton DU. 
Manya dismissed a teacher and when challenged, he lied and like a coward claimed to have resigned as 
executive principal and directed the complainant to the trust board.

Note that Barber is writing in the capacity of trustee. He was never a trustee of Bolton Darul Uloom - he was, however, 
a trustee of the charity set up by Manya of the same name. Further proof that Manya and his cronies were 
transitioning the Bolton Darul Uloom to their charity....and its assets with it!


From: Arif Baber <ababer@barbercosolicitors.co.uk>
To: ********@yahoo.co.uk' <**********@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: ‎Thursday‎, ‎24‎ ‎May‎ ‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎37‎:‎07‎ ‎BST
Subject: Your resignation

Dear Mr *******
I and the trustees acknowledges receipt of your handwritten letter dated the 19th May 2018 sent by 
recorded delivery to the former principle’s home address in Blackburn and to the institute.

The contents have been noted with some dismay and in particular your various threats contained therein. 
However we as trustees are not prepared to embroil ourselves in protracted correspondence.

For the record I write not as the appointed solicitor to the institute that is another firm, and I 
do not write on behalf of the former learned principal Mr Master who resigned his posts after the 
inspection in April 2018.Likwise we accepted your resignation too during the trustees meeting post 

I write in the capacity of a trustee on behalf of myself and my fellow trustees and to advise you 
not to contact Mr Master as he does not have the authority to deal with your emails and or letters.

Should you feel the need to contact us then please free to direct your communication to the trustees 
and we will endeavour to reply in a timely manner.

Please bear in mind the current board of trustees do not meet on a daily basis thus there may be delay in replying.

Yours faithfully,
Arif Barber


From: suhail <******@hotmail.co.uk>
To: ******* <******@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: ‎Thursday‎, ‎10‎ ‎May‎ ‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎27‎:‎09‎ ‎BST
Subject: Re: Hi.

Good Afternoon ******,

I have since resigned as executive principal, so please contact the Trust Board.
This is a matter for the Trust Board.



The above provides further evidence of Rasputin's blatant deception and 
gall in establishing a charity with the same name, address, and details 
as the legitimate one where he served as principal. His motive? To transfer 
assets—property, cash, and more—into his newly created charity. The deceit 
employed is both brazen and shameless, designed to avoid detection of the 
corrupt & sinful actions he and his partners were engaged in. They appointed 
trustees to the new charity, falsely claiming they were the trustees 
of the legitimate Bolton Darul Uloom. They even went as far as forging 
the signatures of the genuine trustees, asserting authority to transfer 
the assets to their illegitimate charity venture. By the grace of Allah, 
their kufr like deception was uncovered, and swift action was taken to address the 
fraudulent scheme.

Here's the evidence :

Link: Click Here

The first is the one Rasputin and his crooks created to carry out their attempted theft.

The second one is the genuine Bolton DU Charity


Now let's look at the details of both the fake and genuine charities.

Compare details of both, and see for yourselves the manipulative deceit in play:

Details of the fake one :

Link for the above here : CLICK HERE


Details of the genuine charity :

Link for the above here : CLICK HERE


Rasputin's Final Days in the Bunker


The Shadow of Narcissism:
A Case Study of Suhail Manya 
and Abuse of Power

This is another report that was composed at our request by Dr. Jibreel
(see below post for short bio). Dr. Jibreel provides a deep and 
insightful analysis of Manya's behaviour, leadership style, and the 
disturbing patterns that have emerged throughout his career. 
This report offers a unique perspective on the psychological traits 
and manipulative tactics employed by Manya, shedding light on the 
broader implications for those remaining few who continue to 
support him despite his  well-documented transgressions.

Posted as received, verbatim :

Comparative Analysis: Narcissistic Traits in Individuals Holding Positions 
of Authority - A Case Study of Suhail Manya (Rasputin) 


This report aims to analyse the presence of narcissistic personality traits 
in individuals holding positions of authority, specifically focusing on the 
case of Suhail Manya, also known as Rasputin, who held significant influence 
within the Darul Uloom Bolton and Tauheedul institutions.  Narcissistic 
personality disorder
(NPD) is a mental health condition characterized by a 
grandiose sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, a lack of empathy, and a 
desire for control.  We will compare the documented characteristics of NPD with 
Manya's observed behaviour within the aforementioned institutions. 


1. Grandiosity and Exaggerated Sense of Self-Importance: 

General Traits - Individuals with NPD often demonstrate an inflated sense of 
self-importance, believing they are superior to others. They may possess an 
exaggerated sense of their accomplishments and abilities, and often require 
constant admiration. 
Suhail Manya - Manya exhibited a marked sense of grandiosity, viewing himself 
as the rightful and ultimate leader of Darul Uloom Bolton. This belief manifested 
in his attempt to seize control of the institution through a hostile takeover.  
His perceived superiority led him to manipulate and coerce others into 
accepting his vision, demonstrating a disregard for the consequences of his actions.


2.  Manipulative and Controlling Behaviours:

General Traits - Individuals with NPD seek to exert control over others 
through manipulation. Tactics employed may include gaslighting, isolating 
individuals from external influences, and fostering dependence on the individual 
with NPD. This manipulation serves to maintain their power and authority. 

Suhail Manya - Manya's actions within Darul Uloom Bolton mirrored the manipulative 
tactics associated with NPD. He intimidated staff into signing documents without 
fully understanding their content, coerced students into making false statements, 
and used fear and intimidation to maintain control. His actions underscore his 
desire to exert absolute control over those around him. 


3. Lack of Empathy and Exploitation:

General Traits - A key characteristic of NPD is a profound lack of empathy.  
Individuals with NPD often view others as tools to be manipulated for personal gain, 
disregarding the emotional and psychological well-being of those around them. 
This can manifest in financial, emotional, or even physical abuse. 

Suhail Manya - Manya's actions demonstrated a lack of empathy and an exploitative 
approach towards those under his authority. He was accused of financially 
exploiting students, extorting money under false pretences, and creating a 
hostile environment where staff felt unable to speak out against his behaviour. 
His disregard for the well-being of others highlights his narcissistic tendencies. 


4. Authoritarian Leadership and Demand for Absolute Obedience:

General Traits - Individuals with NPD often exhibit authoritarian leadership 
styles, demanding unquestioning obedience and punishing those who challenge 
their authority. This desire for absolute control serves to maintain their 
power and influence within the group.

Suhail Manya - Manya's leadership style at Darul Uloom Bolton was highly 
authoritarian. He ruled with an iron fist, suspending staff who dared to 
oppose him, monitoring their movements, and restricting basic freedoms. His 
relentless pursuit of absolute control over the institution and its members 
is a hallmark of his narcissistic tendencies.


5. Paranoid Ideation and Persecution Complex:

General Traits - Paranoid ideation is a common feature of NPD. Individuals 
with NPD often believe they are being threatened by external forces or internal 
enemies, leading to a persecution complex. This allows them to justify their 
oppressive actions and rally supporters against perceived threats to their power. 

Suhail Manya - Towards the end of his tenure, Manya displayed marked paranoia. He 
became increasingly suspicious of those around him, accusing staff and students of 
conspiring against him. This paranoia fuelled his oppressive measures, as he 
sought to eliminate any potential threats to his authority. 


6. Charisma and Manipulation of Trust:

General Traits - Individuals with NPD often possess a charisma that allows 
them to exert influence over others. This charisma can be used to manipulate 
individuals into believing in their vision, regardless of its legitimacy or 
potential consequences.

Suhail Manya - While Manya may not have possessed the same level of charisma 
typically attributed to cult leaders, he did exert a significant influence 
within Darul Uloom Bolton. His ability to manipulate and intimidate others 
into following his lead suggests a form of charisma rooted in fear and control 
rather than admiration and trust. 



A comparative analysis of Suhail Manya's behaviour with the characteristics 
of NPD reveals striking similarities. His actions within Darul Uloom Bolton 
demonstrate the dangers of individuals with narcissistic personality traits 
holding positions of authority.  Manya's case highlights the importance of 
recognizing and addressing the potential harm caused by such individuals, 
particularly in settings where they wield significant power and influence 
over others. 


A Tragic Tale of Exclusion:
When Rasputin Denied a Child Her Final Wish

Below article reproduced courtesy of Mufti Satia.

The second imam mentioned in the article is referring to Rasputin. 
He said that the girl will be a hazard in case of a fire. 
Simply put, he refused a disabled girl access to view the masjid. 
This girl has since passed away at a tender age.


I am Gujarati: Hands Off My Mosque

An Eye-Watering Story

by Mufti Ismail ibn Nazir Satia

12 September 2020

ومن أظلم ممن منع مساجد الله أن يذكر فيها اسمه

“And who is more oppressive than he who prevents the mosques 
of Allah from mentioning His name.”

I write this with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye, never before 
have I written on behalf of someone who is deceased. That’s right, 
this message is on behalf of a girl who passed away aged 7.
Before she passed away she desired to visit a Masjid, the house of 
Allah, but she was refused from several Gujarati Masjids in Blackburn. Why?

One Masjid said her wheelchair will make our carpets dirty?!

Another Masjid said, if we have a fire she will cause a hazard! 
(She wanted a tour, not admission).

The Masjid that finally gave permission said, just look from the 
shoe racks??? Which she did and tearfully said, “Mum, is it because I am disabled I didn’t get a proper tour?” 

In the end, the Abu Hanifah Foundation gave her a proper tour, 
their students sang Nasheeds for her and gave her a crystal frame…

THIS IS ISLAM! Respect to AHF, I salute you. 

And shame on the others, you disgust me. I must mention that the girl 
was a Pakistani and Pakistani is not a code word for Patels. 
Maybe if she was a Patel, she would have been allowed? 

Dear Gujarati Masters,

I’ll call you by the title you love, let me massage that 
ego for you. I’m happy to be your slave and servant. Your Masjids 
are no longer the houses of Allah, they are clubs, where the Gujarati Master 
throws his weight around and stamps his authority down. 
Perhaps it doesn’t work at home on the wife and kids?

If your heart doesn’t irk with this story you need to do an 
“Iman test” toooo many people testing for Corona and not checking that 
their Iman is positive. Just because these Imams don’t have disabled 
children, that doesn’t mean you don’t care about disabled children. 
This family is not related to me, nor do we have disabled children 
in the family, Alhumdu lillah… but the story still bothered me for nights. 

Before you blame committees of the Masajid… stop right there! The family 
approached the Imams who are very outspoken on the Mimbar but fragile on 
the inside I guess, it’s easy to talk the talk I guess. Gujaratis are good 
for establishing institutions, but not for establishing JUSTICE!

Ulama are incompetent when it comes to these diversity issues. Islam is 
not just about Salah and Sawm. Islam is a diverse religion, let Ulama 
open their minds, open their hearts and open their Masajid.

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)

24 Muharram 1442


Unmasking the Enigma: Understanding the 
Few Remaining Supporters of 
Narcissistic Leaders 
Like Rasputin

This article was composed at our request by Dr. Jibreel, a  Muslim scholar and clinical 
psychologist who practices at a private Harley Street clinic, London. With extensive 
experience in both Islamic scholarship and clinical psychology, Dr. Jibreel brings a 
unique perspective to the analysis of why individuals continue to support narcissistic 
leaders like Rasputin, despite clear evidence of their detrimental actions. His 
insights draw from both Islamic teachings and psychological principles, offering 
a comprehensive understanding of this complex phenomenon.

Posted as received, verbatim


Report: Why A Few Continue to Support Narcissists
Like Suhail Manya Despite Exposures

Narcissistic leaders like Mr Manya often manage to retain a small base of loyal supporters 
despite significant evidence of their harmful actions. This phenomenon is perplexing, 
particularly when their behaviour has been exposed and widely condemned. To understand 
why some individuals continue to support such leaders, it’s essential to delve into 
the psychological, social, and situational factors that contribute to this loyalty.

1. Psychological Manipulation and Gaslighting:

- Gaslighting: Narcissists are skilled at gaslighting, a form of psychological 
manipulation where they make their victims doubt their own perceptions and beliefs. 
Supporters may have been subject to continuous gaslighting, leading them to question 
the validity of the allegations against the leader and to remain loyal out of confusion 
or fear of being wrong.

- Cognitive Dissonance: When confronted with evidence that contradicts their beliefs, 
supporters may experience cognitive dissonance—an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding 
conflicting ideas simultaneously. To resolve this discomfort, they may choose to dismiss 
the evidence and cling more tightly to their support for the leader, rationalizing their 
behaviour to align with their prior commitment.

2. Charismatic Authority and Dependency:

- Charismatic Leadership: Narcissistic leaders often possess a strong, charismatic 
presence that can be deeply influential. Followers may feel a strong emotional connection 
to the leader, who they perceive as uniquely capable of solving their problems or 
guiding them to success. This emotional bond can be difficult to break, even in the 
face of overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing.

- Dependency and Loyalty: Over time, supporters may develop a dependency on the 
leader, believing that their personal or professional success is tied to the 
leader’s continued influence. This dependency can lead to a loyalty that persists 
even when the leader’s actions are exposed as harmful or unethical.

3. Fear of Retribution and Social Pressure:

- Fear of Retribution: In many cases, supporters may fear the consequences of 
abandoning the leader. Narcissists often create an environment of fear, where 
dissent is punished and loyalty is rewarded. This fear of retribution, whether social, 
professional, or even legal, can prevent supporters from breaking away.

- Social Pressure: Group dynamics play a significant role in maintaining support for 
narcissistic leaders. Individuals within a group may feel pressured to conform to 
the majority’s views, fearing ostracism or backlash if they express dissent. This 
social pressure can reinforce loyalty to the leader, even if privately, individuals harbour doubts.

4. Belief in the Leader’s Vision and Ideology:

- Shared Ideology: Narcissistic leaders often present themselves as the embodiment 
of a particular ideology or vision that resonates with their followers. Supporters 
may align themselves with this vision, believing that it justifies the leader’s 
actions. This ideological alignment can create a strong bond that is difficult to 
sever, even when the leader’s behaviour is exposed as inconsistent with the values 
they claim to uphold.

- Rationalization of Behaviour: Supporters may rationalize the leader’s negative 
behaviour by focusing on the perceived greater good that the leader is striving for. 
They may believe that the ends justify the means, and that the leader’s transgressions 
are minor in comparison to the larger goals they are working towards.

5. Gradual Indoctrination and Isolation:
- Gradual Indoctrination: Narcissistic leaders often indoctrinate their followers 
gradually, making it difficult for them to recognize the manipulation as it occurs. 
Over time, followers become more deeply entrenched in the leader’s worldview, making 
it challenging to see the leader’s flaws or to accept that they have been misled.

- Isolation: Narcissists may also isolate their followers from alternative perspectives, 
cutting them off from dissenting opinions and critical voices. This isolation reinforces 
the leader’s narrative and makes it harder for supporters to consider the possibility 
that they are being manipulated or deceived.

6. Investment and Sunk Cost Fallacy:
- Sunk Cost Fallacy: Supporters may continue to back a narcissistic leader because 
they have invested significant time, energy, or resources into the relationship. The sunk 
cost fallacy suggests that people are reluctant to abandon a course of action if they have 
already invested heavily in it, even when it becomes clear that continuing is not in their 
best interest.

- Identity and Ego Involvement: For some, supporting the leader may have become a 
part of their identity. Admitting that the leader is flawed or harmful would require 
them to confront their own errors in judgment, which can be psychologically painful. As a 
result, they may double down on their support rather than face the cognitive and emotional 
turmoil of admitting they were wrong.

The continued support for narcissistic leaders like Mr Manya , despite the exposure of 
their harmful actions, can be attributed to a complex interplay of psychological manipulation, 
social dynamics, and personal investment. Understanding these factors is crucial for 
addressing the challenges posed by such leaders and helping individuals break free from their 
influence. Education, critical thinking, and fostering an environment where dissenting voices 
can be safely expressed are key strategies in combating the grip of narcissistic leaders on 
their followers.


A Reign of Deceit: The Corrupt
Rule of a Tyrannical Narcissist

Yet, another report received from a former alim/ustaad and employee of Darul Uloom Bolton.

Posted as received, verbatim :


As I read through these pages and I speak with the people of Blackburn, 
it takes me back to the dark days of Bolton DU.

I witnessed MS's oppression and tyrannical rule first hand and seeing 
him repeat this type of behaviour pains me deeply.

He needs help. I don't say this to insult him, but out of genuine concern 
for his wellbeing in this temporary abode but more importantly, his salvation 
in the hereafter. Allah Ta'ala save us all from such personality and character traits.

I don't want to expose his sins, but I will shed more light on some of the 
incidents that have been mentioned on this page so the people of Blackburn can 
unanimously say in one voice that he is no longer wanted.... hopefully this 
will wake him from his delusion of grandeur.

This so called leader was trying to take over Bolton DU. About this, there 
is no doubt. He and his associates set up another charity with the same name 
and were trying to transfer the assets of Bolton Darul Uloom to his charity. 
They forged, lied and manipulated staff and students to achieve their objective.

One such example is intimidating us staff into signing a document against 
the actual trustees of the DU. He lied about the purpose and contents of the 
document and bullied staff into signing. When we realised what he had done, he 
refused to give us back the letter or let us remove our signatures from it.

As things progressed and staff realised what was happening, MS even went to 
the extent of suspending  ustaads for voicing their concerns - of course, he 
and his associates always came up with some delusional tale to justify the suspension.

Relating to the teacher who was suspended - the students were coerced into 
making statements against him. Darbar dictated the statements the students 
needed to write and even gave them written examples. I know this because the 
students, upon realising the consequences of their actions upon the teacher, 
were filled with remorse. They came to me and I put them in touch with the 
teacher so they could ask for forgiveness. MS put into jeopardy the teachers 
entire career just because he suspected the teacher was working to stop him 
taking over DU - the fact is, up to the point he was suspended, we had no 
contact with him and he wasn't involved in the fight against MS. In his 
lust for power, MS and Darbar concocted these 'serious' and 'grave' allegations 
against him. Unbeknown to these tyrants, the students had voluntarily withdrawn 
the statements they made and had the matter gone to a tribunal, MS would have 
been exposed much much sooner. Unfortunately, MS and his associates scuttled 
and abandoned ship well before it got to that stage

Another teacher from Blackburn tried to mediate and was told by MS that if the 
teacher (who was suspended) met with him (in private) and resigned, he will make 
all the allegations go away.......If the allegations were true, shouldn't the 
principal have the institution's best interest at heart? The fact that he was 
able to make the 'allegations' disappear shows they were just a figment of his 
imagination, just like his popularity.

In the last few weeks of his reign, the environment of DU became so toxic 
that ustaads were afraid to speak with one another, out of fear of having some 
bizarre accusations made against them. MS even went to the extent of stopping 
ustaads taking toilet breaks. They were called in for a disciplinary meeting for 
leaving their classrooms, even if it was to use the restroom. The Darul Uloom went 
from a pleasant place to work to something more like a prison camp where your every 
move is monitored and questioned.

The verbal abuse, mocking and belittling we had to put up with was so intense 
that, like the school teacher, a valuable member of the madressah handed in his 

Thinking back to that time, I feel truly saddened that someone with so much 
potential used their God given talents to oppress, divide, pillage and 
plunder the Darul Uloom.

I hope MS reads this and understands how he is perceived by those that 
worked with him and asks himself, why?....

However, narcissists usually don't.


Another Poem, in Urdu 

After the USA sister's poem, we were inspired to do one ourselves :


ظالم کا انجام

،ظلم کی دنیاؤں میں اک نام تھا بڑا 
رسپوٹین کے قصے، جن میں وہ جڑا۔  
،بولٹن کے مدرسے میں آیا جب  
چہرے پر منافقت، دل میں بغض بھرا۔

،دنیا کو دکھانے کو، خود کو رہنما کہا
،دل میں چھپی ہوئی، نفرتوں کی آگ جلتی رہی
،ہر فیصلے میں عداوت، ہر حکم میں ظلم 
معصوموں کے دلوں میں، خوف کی سی دیوار گڑتی رہی۔

،طلبا کے خواب چھینے، حق کی بات نہ مانی  
،مال و دولت کا نشہ، اس کے سر چڑھتا گیا  
،یقین کے نام پر، جھوٹ کے پُل باندھے  
دھوکے سے وفاداریاں، خریدتا رہا۔

،ٹوٹتے دل، جھوٹے وعدے، سرابوں کا جال  
،تھا ہر قدم پہ ظلم، جو اس نے ڈالا،  
،مدرسے کے مستقبل، کو کھوکھلا کرتا گیا  
جھوٹ، مکر و فریب سے، قوم کو گھاؤ دیتا گیا۔

،پھر آیا وہ دن، جب نقاب ہٹا  
،سچائی کی روشنی میں، جھوٹ کا چہرہ کھلا  
،حقیقت کا جب پردہ ہٹا  
رسپوٹین کا تخت، ہوا پاش پاش۔

،ٹوہیڈول میں بھی، وہی کہانی چلی  
،جہاں ظلم و جبر کا راج چلتا رہا  
،لیکن سچائی نے، اس کا حشر کیا  
وہی ہاتھ، جو ظلم اٹھاتا تھا، آج ٹوٹ گیا۔

،ظلم کی فطرت ہے، کہ انجام برا ہوتا ہے  
،ہر ظالم کو، اپنے کیے کا حساب دینا ہوتا ہے  
،رسپوٹین کا سایہ، اب ہوا کی طرح بکھر گیا 
اور قوم نے دیکھا، کہ سچ کی جیت ہوتی ہے۔


Beautiful Poem Expressing the 
Reality of Rasputin

sent by a Sister who is a Lecturer in English Language
at a University in USA 


Rasputin's Shadow

In the corridors of power and control,
Where trust is broken, hearts grow cold,
A man of cunning, cloaked in grace,
Leaves behind a tarnished place.

At Tauheedul, the walls still ring,
With stories dark of suffering,
Where promises of faith and light,
Were buried deep in endless night.

Children left in squalor’s grip,
Extorted for each broken slip,
A lightbulb shattered, pockets drained,
In Rasputin’s reign, few remained.

Phones that vanish without a trace,
While staff and students hide their face,
And shower heads, they charge with glee,
But mercy? Absent, hard to see.

The halls where water's stained and foul,
The rooms where silent students scowl,
Where plates and cups cost more than gold,
And justice's voice is weak and cold.

He mocks their cries, he twists their plea,
A ruler draped in cruelty,
For those who dare to challenge lies,
Are quickly taught where silence lies.

Takfir drips from bitter lips,
As he tears down both faith and ships,
Of hope that once in children dwelled,
Now gone, their dreams expelled.

Behind his smirk, his power glows,
But in the shadows, the story grows,
Of secret schemes and greed obscene,
A leader rotten, yet unseen.

A teacher scorned, unjustly sacked,
Yet forced to return, to fight, intact,
Rasputin's lies twist in the wind,
But soon, his reign would start to bend.

For every time his power surged,
Another tale of darkness merged,
With truth, and light, and righteous rage,
That sought to end his twisted cage.

He bribed, he bullied, he betrayed,
He built a kingdom, then decayed,
At Bolton, Tauheedul, it’s clear,
His legacy is one of fear.

But Rasputin, hear this sound,
The world you built will soon be bound,
To crumble, fall, beneath the weight,
Of justice coming, sure and late.

Two passports hide your many names,
But none can shield you from your shame,
The lies you wove, the trust you broke,
Will rise in flames, will choke and choke.

So let the light of truth burn bright,
Expose your schemes to open sight,
For every child you've made to weep,
Will one day rise from fear so deep.

Your empire's dust, your power’s lost,
For you, Rasputin, bear the cost,
Of greed, of lies, of souls betrayed,
And none will mourn the fall you made.


A Clinical Dissection of Exploitive Leadership
From a Malaysian Behavioural Analyst

This report, titled "A Clinical Dissection of Exploitive Leadership: The Pathological 
Traits Driving Suhail Manya's Tyrannical Behaviour," has been meticulously prepared by 
a Behavioural Analyst with a Ph.D. from a prestigious Malaysian medical institute. The Muslim Dr. 
specializes in clinical psychology and behavioural analysis, with a focus on the study 
of leadership pathology and its impact on organizational dynamics. The report aims 
to provide an in-depth analysis of the psychological and behavioural tendencies exhibited 
by Suhail Manya, shedding light on the underlying factors contributing to his 
documented actions and the broader implications of such behaviour in institutional settings.

Posted verbatim, as received :

A Clinical Dissection of Exploitive Leadership: 
The Pathological Traits Driving Suhail Manya's Tyrannical Behaviour

A detailed picture of Suhail Manya, also referred to as "Rasputin," emerges as a figure whose 
leadership and behaviour at educational institutions have been marked by authoritarianism, 
exploitation, and manipulation. Here’s an analysis of the type of person he 
appears to be and why he might act in such a manner:

 Personality and Leadership Style

1. Authoritarian and Tyrannical Leadership:
   - Manya's leadership style is depicted as highly authoritarian, where he 
demands absolute control and obedience. His attempts to lay down the law 
and expect unwavering agreement from staff members, as noted in the incident 
with the teacher who dared to challenge him, reflect a dictatorial approach. He 
doesn't tolerate dissent and retaliates against those who oppose or question him. 
This behaviour indicates a deep insecurity, where any threat to his authority 
is met with disproportionate aggression.

2. Hypocrisy and Manipulation:
   - There's a clear pattern of hypocrisy in Manya's actions, where he publicly 
upholds certain values, such as Islamic teachings, but privately engages in behaviour 
that directly contradicts these principles. For instance, while he preaches from the 
pulpit, he allegedly engages in unethical practices, such as financial exploitation, 
lying, and even takfir (declaring others as non-believers) without legitimate grounds. 
His ability to lie blatantly, even in situations where he knows others are aware of the 
truth, suggests a manipulative personality that relies on gaslighting and deception to maintain power.

3. Financial Exploitation:
   - Manya’s actions are also characterized by financial exploitation. The 
exorbitant and unjustified charges imposed on students for minor damages, confiscation 
of their property without return, and the misuse of funds within the institutions point 
to a leadership driven by greed. The exploitation of children as "cash cows" and the 
misuse of charity funds reveal a deep disregard for ethical boundaries, prioritizing 
personal gain over the welfare of the students and staff.

4. Disregard for Human Dignity:
   - Manya’s treatment of students and staff, including verbal abuse, discriminatory 
behaviour, and the imposition of harsh penalties for minor infractions, shows a 
fundamental lack of respect for human dignity. His actions create a toxic environment 
where fear and intimidation are tools for maintaining control. The allegations of 
bullying and targeting individuals who resist or criticize him further illustrate a 
personality that thrives on subjugating others to reinforce his own power.

 Why Might He Act This Way?

1. Power and Control:
   - Individuals like Manya often act out of a need to maintain control. His actions 
suggest a deep-seated fear of losing power, leading him to enforce his will through 
intimidation, manipulation, and exploitation. The authoritarian approach ensures that 
dissent is crushed and that he remains unchallenged at the top.

2. Insecurity and Ego:
   - His behaviour could stem from deep insecurities, where any challenge to his 
authority is perceived as a personal attack. To counter this, he engages in excessive 
measures to eliminate threats and prove his dominance. His delight in "sacking" a 
teacher, only to backtrack when confronted legally, indicates an ego that is fragile 
yet aggressive when unchecked.

3. Greed and Corruption:
   - The financial misconduct alleged against him suggests a motive rooted in greed. 
His disregard for the well-being of students, staff, and the ethical standards expected 
of a religious leader points to a person who prioritizes personal enrichment over 
any moral or religious obligations.

4. Disregard for Consequences:
   - Manya's actions reflect a person who operates with little regard for the 
consequences of his actions on others. Whether it's the psychological harm inflicted 
on students or the potential long-term damage to the institutions he leads, his focus 
appears to be on immediate gains—whether financial, authoritative, or ego-driven—without 
considering the lasting impact.


Suhail Manya, as portrayed in these accounts, appears to be a deeply flawed 
leader driven by authoritarian impulses, greed, and a fundamental disregard for the 
values he publicly espouses. His actions have caused significant harm, not only to 
individuals but to the institutions he has been a part of. Such behaviour typically 
stems from a toxic combination of insecurity, a desire for control, and a lack of 
ethical grounding. Individuals like him often continue their destructive patterns until 
they are forcibly removed or until the damage they cause becomes too significant to ignore.


The Tyranny Within: How Rasputin and His *Cohorts
Exploited Students for Personal

* (Kamboli, Darbar, Wadiwala)

The following report was penned back in May 2018 by a senior Alim at the Bolton DU who 
had taught there for over 10 years, under Rasputin's failed leadership.


Information has been brought to my attention which is extremely upsetting and disturbing.
The activities carried out by some of the staff at darul uloom is unethical and immoral to say the
least. The purpose of the establishment is to nurture a yearning for Islam and imparting of
knowledge about Islam to young people, however, the example being set by the management of the
Darul uloom sends a totally different message to the students. Students openly say that our
management are liars and hypocrites, as they do not lead by example. Some of the staff at the Darul
u loom lie to children and verbally abuse them in order to steal the wealth and property of the

One such example is that when phones are confiscated they are never returned to the rightful
owners. Yes, we understand that children aren’t allowed to have mobile phones, but students
openly say that when they ask for the phone’s back they are given the run around. In many
instances, are simply told that the phone is gone. Islamically speaking, it is still their property and it
is our responsibility to return it back to them and not doing so amounts to theft. How can they then
tell the students that theft is haram?

The children are charged extortionate rates for damage of property. We have a copy of the list of
charges that students incur, and again some chargers are understandable, however, if a light bulb is
broken in a room, each student in that boarding room (8 to 12 students) is charged £10. This equates
to £80 to £120 - I ask you, is this reasonable for a broken light bulb?

Another such example is when a shower head is damaged, every student on that floor is charged
£10, this equates to approximately £800 as there are 80 students approximately on that floor. How
can anyone morally or ethically charge £800 for damage to a shower head, which costs less than

These are just some examples of the exploitation taking place, and we have many more, and we
have a list of all the extortionate charges. Students are charged 20p per day for a disposable plate so
they can eat their dinner. Without paying this, the students are not allowed to eat. They are charged
10p for a disposable Cup. With this in mind, we ask, for what purpose do parents pay their child’s

Some other examples of exploitation and abuse are: (these are only a few)

* Paying extortionate prices for stationery and books – some of which are never given.

* A student having £70 deducted from his deposit for losing a key.

* Students not being given access to showers (showers are opened when Ofsted inspection
takes place, then locked immediately after)

* Students having to shower in cold water as hot water is rarely available

* The toilets being in a disgusting state, and when the students complain, they are told that if
they want clean facilities, they must clean it them themselves.

* Students being verbally abused including being referred to as pigs (particularly by the
(aka Rasputin)

* Any student that complains, is bullied to such an extent that they fear speaking out again in
the future.

* Students being charged £10 for not making their bed correctly.

* A medical doctor has not been on site for months. When students are sick, appointments
with GP's, dentists and opticians are not made, even though the students request them.

* Taking on students with special Educational Needs, yet not having any specialist staff,
resources or facilities to meet their needs.

* Absence of soap and toilet paper (except when Ofsted visit)

* The students have no right to complain or raise any sort of grievance, and if they do, they
are bullied, abused and sometimes expelled (for some made up reason), and seen as trouble

* The students are coached when Ofsted come in so that they do not complain, and led to
believe that they will be harming an Islamic establishment if they do.

* Teachers without DBS checks were teaching until the recent Ofsted check.

* Over 21 yr olds were told to hide in a different location as they didn’t have a licence to have
students over the age of 21

* Students live in the basement and living conditions can only be described as living like

* Students were made to sleep on the floor when the recent Ofsted inspection took place 
as they were over crowded

* Drinking water is not drinkable. It comes from old pipes which makes the water murky.

* Trustees take money from the Darul u loom to pay their contacts in India, in the name of

* Most of the trustees have been involved in some sort of criminal activity.

* Children are not called by their name but called other abusive names like soovar (pig) by the
(aka Rasputin)

The Darul u loom has millions of pounds in assets, and the reason that management gives for such
poor facilities is lack of funds, when you can see in their financial records (which are available online
for all to see) the darul uloom has enough money and often has a surplus of cash at the end of each

The darul uloom is run as a business and the children are seen simply as cash cows. There is no
spiritual enhancement of the children, in fact quite the opposite, as they’re alienating the children
from scholars and anything Islamic. The children think it acceptable to lie, deceive and abuse others
as this is the example that is being set by their ‘leaders’

Corrective steps need to be taken immediately, as we run the risk of alienating an entire generation
of young Muslims from the beautiful Deen. The damage from such callous treatment will only
manifest it self in years to come.

It is time for change, and this change will only come if all the individuals involved in the current
management are removed and replaced by righteous, caring people.

The management do not only bully the students, but there is a culture of intimidation of staff and
unlawful dismissal. Any member of staff that the management takes a disliking to, is simply
discarded, without any concern for their livelihood. Even the alims.

All I ask is help to get this message out.

My child was victimised and bullied. 75% of the children are going through this. Ofsted and the
relevant authorities have been notified. Children will not speak up. They are scared.
In the name of Islam, Please all I ask is get this message out.

These men need to have accountability.


Rasputin & His Conjoined Accomplice 
Twin in Degenerate Immorality

This message received from an ustaad who taught at the Bolton DU, 
when Rasputin and Salim Kamboli were looting it to the ground :


Do you know Salim Kamboli married a woman (from Preston I believe), took money 
from her and then discarded her?.....guess who performed the nikah? 
(Rasputin of course)

The woman contacted Yusuf bhailok who then put her in 
touch with a crises  team to help her through the ordeal. 

Salim Kamboli betrayed Moulana Irfan of Bolton for Tens of Thousands of 
Pounds (related to South Africa business deal) and when Moulana Irfan 
went to Rasputin, Rasputin didn't want to know or help him.

Speak to  Moulana Irfan of Tayyabah Masjid in Bolton if you want more info.


Doing Takfir on Ulama, Teachers, 
and even their Parents.
Branding them as Munafiqs in 
a Shocking Speech

This audio sent by a senior Alim who taught at  Bolton DU
during Rasputin's tyrannical reign.  This shameful and desperate hyperbolic spiel was given
by Rasputin as he realised his fitnah filled rule was coming to an end (2019).


The sheer gall of Rasputin doing takfir
(labelling a muslim a kafir) on Bolton DU/School's respected ulama,
staff members and even their parents shows his shameless and
total contempt for Prophetic teachings, which he loves to preach from the pulpit
- but that is for others to practise.  

He, on the other hand, lives by his own demonic rules.


Rasputin’s Tyranny at Bolton Darul Uloom: 
A Senior Ustaad's Report 


This report sent to us - detailing the events at
Bolton DU before Rasputin's dishonourable discharge


I was employed at Bolton DU as a senior ustaad since before Rasputin 
was employed. Around 2009 a teacher was employed in the school by the 
then headteacher. Almost immediately it became known amongst ustaads 
that Rasputin did not agree with his appointment, although we didn't 
know why. Later on we found that Rasputin had an outright hatred for 
the teacher. Even though the teacher was very popular with the students, 
Rasputin tried a few times to accuse the teacher of misconduct to the 
headteacher but nothing ever came of it. Later on we figured the reason 
for Rasputin's enmity towards this teacher was because he had the audacity 
to speak out in meetings when, like a dictator, Rasputin liked to lay 
down the law with everyone nodding in agreement. The teacher would 
challenge Rasputin and was often critical of the decisions that were 
being made about the school.....and he was surti, and we all know 
how Rasputin feels about surtis, Bengalis and Pakistanis.

Around Ramadhan 2017 (June 2017) I was approached by Rasputin who 
told ustaads that he had telephoned the teacher and sacked him from 
his post. He looked truly happy at his decision and there was a sense of 
bragging in his telling the staff what he had done.

Two weeks later, I met the same teacher in the corridors of 
Bolton Darul Uloom where he was going about his daily duties. Surprised 
to see him there, I accidentally let slip that I thought he 'left' 
the Darul Uloom. He went on to tell me that following the telephone 
conversation where he was 'sacked', he demanded a meeting with the 
headteacher and Rasputin (Rasputin had also told the headteacher what 
he had done). During the meeting, Rasputin realised that the teacher 
was not one to roll over and accept his unprofessional conduct and would 
challenge it legally if necessary. Rasputin immediately changed his story 
and claimed that he had not sacked him, but had actually called him to discuss 
what more the teacher could offer the Darul Uloom as he was a very experienced, 
qualified teacher!!!

Rasputin, the teacher in question and the headteacher who were all present 
knew that Rasputin was lying, yet he was adamant that he actually wanted 
to promote the teacher!!!

I was fully aware of what Rasputin had done as he had told me himself, 
but then to lie, knowing full well that everyone knew he was lying 
beggars belief. I felt sick to the stomach as this incident took place 
in Ramadhan and that meant that Rasputin had not only lied repeatedly, 
but did it whilst he was fasting!!

Rasputin left the meeting with his tail between his legs and from 
that day forward, the teacher concerned had a target on his back. 
This culminated in the suspension of the teacher based on some hocus 
pocus allegations, allegedly made by the students. This was towards 
the end of Rasputin's tyrannical reign.

By the time Rasputin's tenure was coming to an end, he was brimming 
with hatred for anyone who was exposing his grand deception. His hostile 
takeover over Bolton Darul Uloom was being exposed and he victimised ustaads 
and teachers that were fighting to stop the coup. In a paranoia filled frenzy 
he accused one of Bolton Darul uloom's longest serving teachers. This teacher 
had given weekends and evenings to help students, for which, they had nothing 
but praise and respect for him. Without a shred of evidence, Rasputin 
accused the teacher of being in cahoots with the trustees that Rasputin was 
trying to oust. The teacher, heart broken, resigned a few weeks 
later - a great loss for the Darul Uloom.

In the dying days of his grand scheme, MS had the audacity to give a 
speech to the students in which he labelled ustaads and teachers as munaafiqs ......

The students openly called Rasputin and Darbar liars and hypocrites. 
They would take money from students to pay for damage but the work was never 
carried out.....where that money went, no one knows. They would promise 
students rewards for spying on teachers and when they did, Rasputin told 
them that their 'reward' would be given in charity. They were financially 
exploiting the children and that's why when they left the Darul Uloom they 
went on a shredding spree 

Also, Rasputin has two passports - Suhail Manya and Suhel Master....
this is worth looking into as it is a criminal offence.


A Sister's Disheartening Experience: 
Unprofessional Conduct and Dismissive 
Attitudes of Rasputin and Hope & Help 

The following was sent by a sister, detailing her torrid experience when 
she sought help and so approached Rasputin's so called charity "Hope & Help".  
As you will read, it just reinforces everything written about
him on this website. He is nothing more than a narcissistic self
serving hypocrite of the highest order. 


I would like to make a comment on the complete unprofessionalism I 
received by Hope & Help Charity and the lack of professionalism.

I recently contacted Hope & Help with a personal dilemma, the admin staff 
named Anas Mayat, has throughout been very rude, unproductive, late to 
always reply to messages and voicemail left for him, to pass on a message to MS.

Always very reluctant, excuses always when chasing up a query and a reply back.

Moving on to MS, where do I begin, as a female, where only now I have 
decided I do not want him dealing with me. I have to make comment on how 
I was initially advised that a female Apa would be sat present, whilst I 
attended an appointment with him.

However upon my arrival to my appointment, there was only MS present.

I mentioned to him, that I thought it would not be appropriate for me to 
speak whilst a female person was not present. However he stated that someone 
would be coming shortly and I should feel comfortable as apparently he's well 
known in the community and he's very much respected and people know about him.

I spoke about my personal dilemma and when talking, his constant interruption, 
was very rude, him undermining me when I was talking to portray that he knew better 
and that I was wrong in explaining my dilemma.

He explained that women in the community do not know how to carry themselves 
and this is why the women in the community then complain.

I was very shocked by this.

He carried on to constantly speak about himself and tried to express 
that he was doing his work for free.

But we all know that is not true, he is receiving funding where he's also paying 
himself a wage.

Why lie?

I explained how I felt the admin was very rude. He replied and 
said "he is doing it for free, please be respectful."

He would not take any form of positive criticism and was very defensive 
and very intimidating as a male.

At this point I felt very uncomfortable and confirmed I was leaving 
and I wanted him to close my file.

His mannerism of trying to show superiority is quite disgusting.

When he tries to create an environment for women to attend if 
they are worried.

He picks and chooses who he wishes to reply to, when he wants and 
when he chooses is best for him.

Yet is complaining that the Masjid didn't reply to him on time.

He doesn't like it now does he.

I urge women to speak up if they've received ill treatment from 
this individual.

He should be ashamed of himself.


Surah Maryam, Verse 75:
Its Application to Rasputin and 
his two useful idiots

Surah Maryam (Chapter 19), verse 75, reads:  

قُلۡ مَن كَانَ فِی ٱلضَّلَـٰلَةِ فَلۡیَمۡدُدۡ لَهُ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنُ مَدًّاۚ حَتَّىٰۤ إِذَا رَأَوۡا۟ مَا یُوعَدُونَ إِمَّا ٱلۡعَذَابَ وَإِمَّا ٱلسَّاعَةَ فَسَیَعۡلَمُونَ مَنۡ هُوَ شَرࣱّ مَّكَانࣰا وَأَضۡعَفُ جُندࣰا ۝٧٥

"Say, 'Whoever is in error, let the Most Merciful extend [increase] for him an 
extension [ie time, wealth, power etc], until, when they see that which they were promised – either 
punishment [in this world] or the Hour [of Resurrection] – they will come to know 
who is worst in position and weaker in companions.'"

This verse is a powerful reminder about the transient nature of worldly success and 
the ultimate reckoning that awaits everyone. It addresses those who are misguided or 
arrogant, believing that their current power or success is an indication of their 
righteousness or invincibility. The verse highlights that Allah, in His infinite wisdom, 
may allow these individuals to continue in their ways for a time, but this extension 
is not a sign of approval or blessing. Rather, it is an opportunity for them to 
reflect, repent, and return to the right path before they face the consequences of 
their actions.

1. The Temporary Nature of Worldly Success: 
The verse emphasizes that any success, power, or influence one holds is temporary. 
It is not an indication of divine favour but rather a test. This can often lead to a 
false sense of security or arrogance in those who are misguided.

2. Divine Patience and Justice: 
Allah, in His mercy, gives people time. This "extension" is a chance for self-reflection 
and repentance. However, it also serves as a test, where prolonged perceived success 
can either lead to more arrogance or genuine repentance.

3. Inevitable Consequences: 
The verse warns of an inevitable day when the truth will be revealed, and those who 
were arrogant or unjust will face the consequences of their actions, whether in this 
world or in the Hereafter.

Rasputin been embroiled in various controversies and allegations. His public 
persona, characterised by a desire for power, influence, and apparent religious 
piety, has been contrasted sharply by accusations of hypocrisy, arrogance, and 
misuse of his position.

1. False Sense of Security in Power:
Much like the people described in verse 75, Rasputin might have believed that 
his rise to power, influence over religious institutions, and material success were 
signs of divine favour. However, this verse reminds us that such success can be a 
test, and not necessarily a reward. His downfall, seen by many as inevitable, may well
be interpreted as the "promise" mentioned in the verse – a moment where the true nature 
of his actions is revealed.

2. The Extension Before the Fall:
According to this verse, Allah's mercy allows individuals time before their eventual 
downfall. Rasputin’s ability to maintain his position despite mounting criticism 
can be seen as this divine extension. It was a period where he had the opportunity 
to reflect on his actions, to repent, and to realign his life with genuine Islamic 
principles. However, as his critics suggest, his continued arrogance and failure to 
heed warnings have led to his ruin, as exemplified by the verse.

3. Hypocrisy and Divine Justice:
The accusations against Rasputin include hypocrisy – preaching simplicity while 
indulging in luxury, using the pulpit to settle personal scores, and leading a life 
that contradicts his public teachings. Surah Maryam:75 warns that such hypocrisy 
will not go unnoticed, and when the promised time comes, the true state of such 
individuals will be laid bare. In Rasputin's case, his loss of influence, respect, 
and the exposure of his actions can be seen as the manifestation of this divine justice.

4. The Inevitable Downfall:
Just as the verse predicts that the truth will become evident "either punishment 
[in this world] or the Hour [of Resurrection]," Rasputin's (and his two minions) downfall in this life can 
be viewed as a fulfilment of this warning. It serves as a reminder to others 
that no matter how powerful or influential one becomes, if their actions are rooted 
in arrogance, envy, or deceit, they will ultimately face the consequences.

Surah Maryam, verse 75, provides a poignant lesson for all, particularly for those 
in positions of power and influence. It warns against the dangers of arrogance and 
the false sense of security that worldly success can bring. In the case of Rasputin , 
this verse offers a lens through which his rise and fall can be understood. His story 
serves as a reminder that true success lies not in power or wealth, but in humility, 
sincerity, and adherence to the principles of the deen. The verse also underscores the 
importance of self-reflection and repentance, highlighting that Allah's mercy gives 
everyone the time to correct their path before it’s too late.


Parent Responds to the Whining 
from Rasputin's Useful Idiots

Darbar and M.Asim still have the audacity to question the committee's decision to 
dismiss them. They were directly involved in the closure of the Madrasah without 
any authority. They claim they did this with the ustads consent. After speaking 
to the majority of the ustads they weren't aware of this. Regardless, to make 
such a decision and abusing the broadcast is a cause of concern for us parents 
and clearly seen as gross misconduct in any other organisation. Leaving the parents 
hanging on a thread. Darbar is poison and toxic, clearly seen in the videos in the 
incidents outside the masjid.

His behaviour has been appalling and hence why his title of Moulana hasn't 
been included. Is this the behaviour we want our students to learn from. M.Asim 
is a grown man and has a brain of his own. Not sure why he doesn't use it and 
didn't think about the protection of the Madrasah. As a parent I am completely 
with the committee in this decision. Finally somebody is making the right decisions.

I have spoken to numerous parents and they have stated, if Darbar is there my 
son is not going back to Bicknell.

Concerned Parent of 3 children at the Madrasah.


The Petty Whining of Rasputin’s Rejects:
Darbar and Wadiwala’s Delusional Defense

Oh, how the mighty have fallen—and by "mighty," we mean a duo of disgraced foot 
soldiers in Rasputin's band of merry men, Darbar and Wadiwala. After their 
spectacular booting from Tauheedul for what can only be described as behaviour 
unbecoming of anyone with a shred of decency, they’ve now taken to penning what 
they likely consider a manifesto. Instead, it reads like the whiny last gasps of 
those who thought they could rule a kingdom that wasn't theirs to begin with.

 Where do we even start with this laughable attempt at self-defense? Darbar and Wadiwala, 
two of Rasputin’s most loyal yet woefully inept minions, seem to be under the delusion 
that their ousting from Tauheedul was anything other than inevitable. After being 
rightfully booted for behaviour that can only be described as a masterclass in skulduggery, 
they’ve now crawled out of their metaphorical hidey-holes to pen what they presumably 
think is a scathing critique. Spoiler alert: it’s not.

It’s almost heart-warming to see how they cling to their grievances like a 
security blanket—if it weren’t so laughable. 

Let's dive into this comedy of errors and break down this pitiful excuse 
of an outcry, shall we?

Sufyan Copper: The Phantom of the Masjid
Ah, so Sufyan Copper makes a phone call, and suddenly he’s the villain of the story. 
According to Darbar and Wadiwala, because he hasn’t been around for two weeks, 
he’s unfit to make decisions. But let’s be real: does his brief absence somehow 
disqualify him from doing his job? It's amusing that Darbar and Wadiwala are 
trying to spin this into a dramatic saga when it’s really just standard protocol. 
And the best part? The dramatic claim that Sufyan has been hiding ever since—because 
obviously, he must be cowering in fear rather than simply getting on with his 
responsibilities. Perhaps he’s just avoiding the melodrama of those who seem 
to think they run the place.

Zakir Mitha: A 'Failed' IT Graduate?
Next, we have Zakir Mitha, apparently a "failed" IT graduate who dared to 
pursue teaching. Darbar and Wadiwala seem to believe that his career path is 
somehow a mark of shame. But here’s a thought: maybe Zakir’s move into teaching is 
something to be respected rather than mocked. He found his calling and chose to 
contribute to society by educating the next generation. How terrifying that must 
be for those who believe only in their own inflated egos.

And let’s not skip over the bizarre conspiracy theory about Star Academies and 
military cadet forces. They’re throwing in every wild accusation they can think of, 
hoping something will stick. But it’s hard to take these curses seriously when they 
sound more like the ramblings of someone who’s watched too many late-night documentaries.

Hanif Chenya: Brother of the 'George Clooney Wannabe'
Finally, we have Hanif Chenya, whose greatest crime, according to Darbar and Wadiwala, 
is…reassuring teachers? Truly scandalous behaviour! The real issue seems to be that Hanif 
is being accused of lying simply because he had to make some tough decisions. But when 
you’ve got nothing better to say, why not call him a liar and throw in a ridiculous 
comparison of his brother and George Clooney for good measure? It’s almost as if they’re more upset 
about his brother's resemblance to a Hollywood star than his actual actions.


In the end, it’s clear that this entire diatribe is nothing more than sour grapes 
from Darbar and Wadiwala. Unable to handle their own ousting, they’ve resorted to 
petty attacks on those who’ve had the audacity to move forward without them. It’s 
classic playground behaviour—if they can’t have their way, they’ll just sling mud and 
hope something sticks. Unfortunately for them, this latest attempt is more laughable 
than anything else.

So here we are. Darbar and Wadiwala, in their desperate attempt to cling to relevance, 
have laid bare their incompetence and hypocrisy for all to see. They decry the removal 
of certain Ulema while conveniently ignoring their own cronies' underhanded tactics. 
And let’s not forget their rants about Tauheedul’s "greed" and "corruption"—all the 
while failing to deliver any transparency or ethical governance within their own 
pitiful ranks.

Tauheedul, by removing these charlatans, has done a service not just to the madrasah, 
but to the community at large. As for Darbar, Wadiwala, and their band of misfits, 
perhaps it's time they look in the mirror—though we're not sure they'd like what they see.


Rasputin's Hypocrisy:
Demanding Transparency from Tauheedul
While Failing His Own Charity

Rasputin has been a vocal critic of Tauheedul, calling for greater transparency and ethical 
management from the institution. Alongside his supporters, Rasputin has accused Tauheedul of 
failing to meet these standards. However, a glaring irony emerges when we consider the 
state of Rasputin’s own charity, "Hope and Help." Despite being a relatively small 
and recent endeavour, the charity has already shown significant signs of mismanagement, 
failing to submit its financial accounts for over 205 days—an alarming oversight for 
an organisation that employs only a handful of staff.

 A Small Charity, Big Failures
"Hope and Help," under Rasputin’s leadership, should be a straightforward operation, 
yet it has failed to meet basic regulatory requirements. The charity’s inability 
to submit its accounts on time suggests a profound lack of organisational competence. 
If Rasputin cannot manage the affairs of such a small charity, one must question 
his and his cohorts' ability to oversee an institution as large and complex as Tauheedul, 
which employs a substantial number of staff and manages significant funds.

Demanding Accountability Without Providing It
The public campaign led by Rasputin and his allies against Tauheedul centers on 
demands for transparency and ethical governance. Yet, their own organisation’s failures 
expose a troubling double standard. How can they credibly demand such standards from 
others when they cannot provide them within their own charity? The delay in account 
submission hints at either gross negligence or potential financial irregularities 
within "Hope and Help," both of which should be of grave concern to donors 
and the community.

A Warning to the Trustees of "Hope and Help"
The trustees of "Hope and Help" must now ask themselves a critical question 
(apart from Rasputin himself, who appointed himself as a trustee - see previous post): 
what are they doing to ensure compliance with the Charity Commission’s regulations? 
The prolonged delay in submitting financial accounts not only jeopardises the charity’s 
reputation but also puts it at risk of regulatory action. Trustees have a legal duty 
to ensure that the charity is well-run and financially accountable. Failure to meet these 
obligations could result in fines, increased scrutiny from the Charity Commission, 
or even deregistration—a fate that would be disastrous for the charity and its beneficiaries.

The trustees should take immediate steps to rectify the situation, including conducting a 
thorough review of the charity’s financial practices and ensuring that all future 
submissions are made on time. They must also address any internal issues that may be 
contributing to these delays, whether they stem from incompetence, lack of resources, 
or other underlying problems. 

The Double Standard
This situation casts a shadow over Rasputin’s credibility. While he criticises 
Tauheedul for perceived ethical shortcomings, his own charity is failing to meet 
the most basic standards of transparency and governance. The public is beginning to 
see through this hypocrisy, which undermines the legitimacy of his demands for 
greater accountability from others.

 A Call for Introspection
Before Rasputin and his group continue their public campaign against Tauheedul, 
they must first address the glaring deficiencies within his own organisation. 
The values they preach — transparency, accountability, and ethical management—must 
be reflected in his own actions. Only then can he and his cohorts credibly begin a call for 
these standards from others. Until "Hope and Help" gets its house in order, 
any demands for accountability from Tauheedul will be met with the contempt it deserves.


“Hope and Help” or Hope Deferred? :

The Unanswered Questions Behind
Rasputin’s Charity Accounts

The charity "Hope and Help," led by Rasputin has raised eyebrows due to its 
inexplicable delay in submitting its financial accounts. With over 205 days 
having passed since the legal deadline, the lack of transparency is increasingly 
concerning and reflects poorly on the organisation’s management.

Financial Mismanagement or Something More?
The prolonged delay raises serious concerns about the charity’s financial health. 
Are we witnessing a case of financial mismanagement, or is there something more 
sinister at play? The absence of timely accounts suggests either an alarming 
lack of competence within the organisation or a potential cover-up of financial 
irregularities. Either scenario is deeply troubling, especially for a charity 
that is supposed to be dedicated to providing hope and help to those in need.

Fraud or Concealment?
More troubling is the possibility that the delay is a deliberate attempt to 
conceal financial discrepancies. Charities are supposed to be bastions of 
transparency and trust, yet "Hope and Help" has provided no reasonable 
explanation for its failure to meet this critical obligation. This raises 
the spectre of potential fraud or misuse of funds—accusations that are hard 
to dismiss given the length of the delay.

A Breach of Trust
Charities rely heavily on the trust of the public, donors, and regulatory 
bodies. The fact that "Hope and Help" has not been able to produce its accounts 
on time for such a prolonged period is a severe breach of this trust. Donors 
expect their contributions to be handled with integrity and transparency, 
and this delay casts doubt on whether the charity is fulfilling its obligations.

Regulatory Implications
The Charity Commission takes the timely submission of accounts very seriously, 
as it is a key indicator of a charity’s transparency and accountability. Continuous 
failure to comply with these requirements not only tarnishes the reputation 
of "Hope and Help" but also puts the charity at risk of regulatory action, 
including potential fines or even deregistration. This would be a disastrous 
outcome for any organisation, especially one that claims to be a lifeline 
for the vulnerable.

The Question of Leadership
Rasputin, the man behind "Hope and Help," now faces significant scrutiny, and not 
in a good way.  His leadership is being questioned like never before, not only because 
of the delay in submitting accounts but also due to past controversies surrounding his 
management style and public image. The current situation only adds to the 
growing list of concerns about his ability to run a charity effectively.
Known for his fiery sermons and public persona, Rasputin's inability to steer 
his charity through this basic requirement calls into question his competence as a leader. 
This isn’t the first time his leadership has been questioned; his tenure at Tauheedul 
mosque and Bolton DU was also marred by similar controversies, marked by his craving for 
power and influence.

Hope and Help, or Smoke and Mirrors?
Is "Hope and Help" truly providing the support it promises, or is it 
merely a facade to distract from the organisation’s internal dysfunction? 
The lack of transparency in financial reporting, coupled with the extended 
delay, only fuels suspicions that the charity may be more about maintaining 
appearances than actually delivering on its mission.

The delay in submitting accounts by "Hope and Help" is not just a minor 
administrative oversight—it is a glaring red flag that should not be ignored. 
Whether this stems from incompetence, mismanagement, or something more troubling, 
the charity’s leadership owes the public a full and transparent explanation. 
Until then, the integrity and future of "Hope and Help" remain in serious doubt.


Altaf "Tommy Robinson" Khanjra’s Public Outburst:
Thuggish Behaviour and the Erosion of a Brand

Lancashire Telegraph (article here) hints at Altaf "Tommy Robinson" Khanjra's thuggery.
No doubt he thinks it'll do wonders for the "Khanjra" brand.

The Lancashire Telegraph newspaper report highlighted the incident (see previous post on here)
involving Altaf "Tommy Robinson" Khanjra,  who was caught on camera by fellow worshippers at the 
masjid entrance. The footage shows Khanjra making various claims before aggressively shouting "come on," 
all while filming the scene himself.  This kind of behaviour is disturbingly similar to the tactics 
used by figures like EDL's Tommy Robinson — individuals who resort to intimidation and confrontation 
rather than constructive dialogue.

Khanjra’s public challenge, captured in this footage, paints a troubling picture of a man 
who confuses aggression with leadership. His actions suggest a desire to incite and provoke rather 
than to lead or unite. For someone positioning himself as a leader within his community, 
this outburst only serves to highlight a lack of genuine leadership qualities, instead revealing 
a tendency toward thuggish posturing.

Moreover, this incident has broader implications for the "Khanjra" brand, particularly the food store 
associated with his name. Once a respected name within the community, the Khanjra brand is now 
being dragged through the mud, as previously predicted on here. The more Altaf "Tommy Robinson" Khanjra engages 
in such public displays of hostility, the more he erodes the values of respectability and trust 
that are essential to maintaining a successful brand and a positive community presence.

Khanjra's shout of "come on" is more than just a call to confrontation—it symbolizes the 
decline of both his personal reputation and the business empire associated with his name. 
The Khanjra brand is increasingly becoming synonymous with controversy and divisiveness, 
rather than quality and community service. This incident marks yet another step in the downfall 
of a once-respected name, as Altaf "Tommy Robinson" Khanjra's actions continue to tarnish the brand he represents.


Judicial View on the Witness Statements: 
A Barrister and Mufti’s Perspective

(posted verbatim - as received)

As both a barrister practicing in one of the esteemed chambers in London and 
a traditionally trained Mufti (Deoband under, among others, the late Shaykh 
and Principal Mufti Saeed Ahmed Sahab Palanpuri رحمه الله سبحانه), I am well-versed in the 
intricacies of both secular and Islamic legal principles. Having been 
asked by a brother to provide my professional assessment of the judicial 
commentary concerning the three witness statements in this case, 
I find myself compelled to offer a candid critique of the matter.

It is my considered opinion that the case, as it stands, is exceedingly 
weak in both its substantive content and evidentiary support. Had I 
been instructed to represent these individuals, I would have strongly 
advised them against proceeding further, thereby sparing them the inevitable 
financial burden and emotional toll that accompany such a misguided legal endeavour.

The witness statements in question are, quite frankly, riddled with 
conjecture and subjective opinion, none of which meet the rigorous standards 
required for credible evidence in a court of law. These statements fail 
to present concrete facts or corroborative details necessary to substantiate 
the claims being made. In essence, they amount to little more than personal 
narratives lacking any objective proof. This glaring absence of credible 
evidence would undoubtedly lead to the swift dismissal of the case, should 
it have been brought before a judge.

Furthermore, the claims appear to be rooted in assumptions rather than 
demonstrable realities, a critical flaw that would undermine any legal 
argument. The reliance on hearsay and unsubstantiated assertions renders 
the case not only weak but wholly untenable. No prudent legal advisor 
would recommend proceeding under such circumstances, where the likelihood 
of success is minimal at best, and the potential for reputational and 
financial damage is significant.

In conclusion, this case, built on the foundation of these witness 
statements, is fundamentally flawed. It is constructed on conjecture 
without solid evidence to support the claims. Had I been consulted 
at an earlier stage, my advice would have been unequivocal: to abandon 
the pursuit of this matter and avoid the unnecessary expenditure of 
time, effort, and resources on a case that, in my professional judgment, 
was destined to fail.


Rasputin and Trump:
A Tale of Two Megalomaniacs

In the world of power-hungry personalities, few characters stand out 
as much as Donald Trump and our very own Rasputin. Despite occupying 
very different realms—one in the political arena, the other in the 
spiritual—they share a remarkable number of similarities that make 
them both larger-than-life figures, albeit not necessarily for the 
right reasons.

Addiction to Power:  
Let’s start with their shared addiction to power. Both Trump and 
Rasputin have an insatiable hunger for control. Trump’s obsession 
with maintaining his grip on the White House mirrors Rasputin’s 
relentless quest to remain at the helm of the Masjid. Neither seems 
capable of stepping down or sharing power gracefully. For Trump, 
losing the presidency was an unthinkable affront, while for Rasputin, 
the very idea of being sidelined from his position is met with the 
same level of denial and outrage.

Next up, megalomania. Trump, with his golden towers, constant need 
for adoration, and self-proclaimed genius, exhibits classic signs 
of a man who believes he’s bigger than the office he held. Rasputin, 
in his own way, mirrors this with his belief that he alone is the 
spiritual beacon of light for the youth, the one true leader who can 
guide the masses. The grandiosity in both men’s self-perception is 
staggering. They aren’t just leaders—they’re saviours in their own eyes, 
and everyone else is merely playing catch-up.

Inability to Accept Removal from Office:  
When it comes to being removed from power, both Trump and Rasputin 
exhibit the same level of denial and fury. Trump’s refusal to concede 
the 2020 election and his subsequent attempts to undermine the results 
are eerily similar to Rasputin’s refusal to accept being sidelined 
from the Masjid. Both see themselves as irreplaceable and react to 
any challenge to their authority with outrage, accusations, and a 
desperate attempt to cling to power at all costs.

Abuse of Opponents:  
Then there’s their shared love for lashing out at anyone who
dares to stand up to them. Trump’s Twitter tirades against anyone 
who crossed him are legendary, from political rivals to former allies. 
Similarly, Rasputin isn’t shy about using his position to belittle 
and abuse those who challenge him, whether they’re fellow clerics, 
committee members, or even members of his congregation. Both men 
see any opposition as a personal attack and respond with vitriol, 
seeking to crush their opponents rather than engage in any meaningful dialogue.

Cult of Personality:  
Both Trump and Rasputin have built cults of personality around themselves. 
Trump’s rallies, filled with fervent supporters chanting his name, bear an 
uncanny resemblance to the devoted following that Rasputin cultivates 
among his congregation. Both men thrive on the adoration of their base, 
using it to bolster their egos and reinforce their belief that they alone 
are the chosen ones.

In the end, while their domains are different—one political, the 
other spiritual—Trump and Rasputin share a deep-seated need for power, 
control, and adulation. Their refusal to accept limits on their authority, 
coupled with their disdain for anyone who opposes them, paints a picture 
of two men who are, in essence, cut from the same cloth. Whether in the 
White House or the Masjid, the world is simply not big enough for their 
outsized egos.


Letter from Tauheedul's Real Youngsters,
Not Made Up Propagandists

(posted verbatim)

We do not have an issue with programmes not taking place 
in the mosque at the moment as we understand that 
the masjid is under considerable constraints due to 
legal cases and trying to put things in order, after 
MS has ruined our mosque.

What programmes are you talking about? Everyone 
just came for food. The jamaat khana only got 
filled 10 mins before the programme was due to end. 

We help out on Thursdays to clean up and we are the 
youngsters who go jamaat. Knock on peoples doors to 
bring them to the mosque. Whist you fake youngsters 
or party  goers just want a carnival every month. How
many of you remember what and was said in his bayaan. 
But I’ll bet you remember what burgers you had in his programmes.


Rasputin's Dubai Diaries:
The Ascetic Hypocrite 

Ah, Rasputin, our revered preacher of asceticism, simplicity, 
and the oh-so-humble life. The very man who never misses a 
chance to lecture us on the evils of materialism—whether it's 
special bayaans condemning anniversaries, baby showers, 
Valentine’s Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day, or warning us 
about the moral dangers of keeping up with the Joneses. 

And let’s not forget his passionate tirades against those sinful, 
opulent kitchen extensions! Yet here he is, jetting off to Dubai, 
the Middle East’s glittering capital of vice, excess, and sin. 
Not once, but multiple times this year! How delightfully consistent of him.

Isn’t it just wonderful to know that while we’re dutifully shunning 
Hallmark holidays and keeping our kitchens small and spartan, Rasputin 
is has probably basking in the glow of Dubai’s extravagant luxury? We're sure 
he’s spent his time there reflecting deeply on the virtues of 
simplicity—perhaps while browsing the latest luxury goods in the 
Dubai Mall, or maybe while lounging in one of those ultra-luxurious 
hotels that the city is famous for.

Oh, but we mustn’t be too quick to judge. Perhaps Rasputin’s 
frequent pilgrimages to the land of opulence are simply his 
way of researching the evils of materialism up close. After all, 
how can he truly warn us against the dangers of excess if he hasn’t 
immersed himself in it, time and time again?  
Purely for educational purposes, of course.

And what about those bayaans? Maybe, we’ll now be 
treated to a new series of special lectures—on how to balance 
condemning the world’s temptations while simultaneously indulging 
in them. Because clearly, Rasputin has mastered that delicate art.

So here’s to you, Rasputin. May your next trip to Dubai be as 
enlightening as the latest one, and may we all one day reach the level 
of asceticism that allows for multiple luxury getaways while 
preaching against the very excesses we secretly enjoy. Who needs 
consistency when you’ve got the kind of spiritual flexibility that 
can stretch from the pulpit to the penthouse?


The "Grave Concerns" of the
Youngsters (Yes, We're Serious)

Assalamu'alaykum (because, you know, we’re polite like that). 

We hope this letter finds you living your best life, full of health 
and iman, because we've got a few things to get off our chests. The 
youth—yes, those mysterious creatures lurking around the edges of your 
Masjid—have decided to drop some truth bombs. Buckle up.

It seems our beloved Masjid has been on a downward spiral since the 
16th of May. Why, you ask? Well, our "saintly" Imam, Moulana Suhail Sb—whom we 
affectionately refer to as Rasputin—has been unceremoniously sidelined. 
And guess what? Ever since, the once-enlightening English bayaans and 
Quran Tafseer sessions have been Missing In Action. Yep, the Masjid has gone from 
"spiritual haven" to "where enthusiasm goes to die" faster than you can say, 
"Rasputin's reign."

Ah, the days when programs actually happened—daily, mind you! And let's 
not forget those monthly Seerah bayaans, which were a real hit in Moulana Manya's mind,
(though we suspect some folks were just there to bask in the glow 
of Moulana Suhail Sb’s towering ego, and the food). Now? The Masjid is as lively as a 
silent retreat - ok we admit, even if it's of the spiritual kind. Three whole months without 
hearing Moulana Suhail Sb’s voice—how are we even surviving? He was our 
beacon, our guiding light, our... well, our Rasputin.

Let’s talk about your own Masjid website, which proudly declares that Moulana 
Suhail Sb’s "primary responsibility is to develop and organise Youth and 
Social Development activities for the Masjid community
." That’s rich, 
considering the committee has done everything short of chaining him to a 
radiator to keep him from fulfilling that very duty.

Yes, he could've spent 4 months, even 40 days in
Tabligh as he was on full pay - to carry out his much vaunted da'wah duties. 
But then we suppose that would require some form of sacrifice, inconvenience and the ability 
to listen and obey the amir - something our Rasputin isn't accustomed to in doing
as he is more used to demanding that he is the 'amir' for everything and anything.

And yes, no one in the whole of the UK has approached him or even poached him to 
have a slice of his bayaans and seerah talk, all for themselves. 

 But that's not the point (as we don't  have a response to such valid observations).
We’ve heard from many of the "once-in-a-blue-moon" masjid-goers
(who miraculously appeared for those English programs) that
Moulana Suhail Sb was their “beacon of light.”  Really? Moulana Suhail, just a beacon?  
More like a blinding supernova that outshines the sun itself!

So here we are, with all the grace and humility of youth, writing this slightly 
exaggerated letter, hoping the committee and trustees—who surely know what's 
best—actually read it. After all, whether you like it or not, the youngsters are 
the future of this Masjid, —teach them well and let them lead the way. Show 
them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier 
- apologies, got a bit carried away there with the soppiness.
Maybe, just maybe, the community can pull itself together and reinstate Moulana Suhail Sb, 
our very own Rasputin, the self-proclaimed 'one and only true Imam' of our Masjid.

Jazakallahu Khairun (because, despite everything, we still care).

P.S. This letter may seem like it was penned by Rasputin himself, what 
with all the self-aggrandizing and inflated praise, but we assure you—it wasn’t. Honest.


What Happened During a Visit

To Rasputin's HQ Bunker


£10k Down the Drain,
Not a Dime for the Dome:
Altaf Khanjra's Priorities in Action!

The Tommy Robinson Wannabe Who Traded Charity
for Blowing Thousands on Vengeful Legal Fights!

Meet Altaf Khanjra, the illustrious Managing Director of Khanjra International Foods, 
a multi-million pound turnover business that supplies everything from spices to 
samosas—basically, the guy who makes sure your curry night doesn’t turn into a disaster. 
You’d think with all that success, he’d know a thing or two about wise investments. 
But alas, when it comes to playing the hero, Altaf seems to have swapped his business 
savvy for something a bit more... let's say, Robinson-esque.

Altaf recently made headlines not for his business acumen, but for blowing a cool 
£10,000 on a legal case so pointless that even the most clueless of judges couldn't 
help but kick it out the door.
This isn't just a man throwing money at a lost cause—this 
is a man catapulting it into the abyss with the gusto of a kid launching a rock at a 
hornet’s nest. He led his legal donkeys, much like his hero Tommy Robinson leads his 
rabble, into a fray that was doomed from the start. But here's the kicker: while he was 
happy to splurge thousands on this futile courtroom drama, he didn’t spare a
single quid for the mosque’s construction fund. Not one penny. Nada. Zilch.

Yes, this is the same mosque he now claims to care about, pretending to be a stalwart 
protector of the institution. But where was this sudden burst of loyalty when the 
mosque needed funds to actually, you know, exist? It seems that Altaf is more 
interested in playing the part of a self-styled crusader, trying to stir up a bit of 
Tommy Robinson-esque drama in his community rather than making any real contribution.

And let’s talk about that image he’s so carefully cultivating. Altaf struts around 
like he’s some kind of local hero, but really, he’s just a guy who's more interested 
in instigating chaos than actually building something meaningful. It’s a classic case 
of style over substance—except, in this case, the style is less “respected community leader” 
and more “wannabe rabble-rouser.” It’s almost as if Altaf took one look at Tommy Robinson and 
thought, "Hey, I could do that, but with less sense and more money to burn!"

So, while Khanjra International Foods continues to rake in the profits, its MD seems 
hell-bent on squandering his personal wealth on lost causes and futile battles. Maybe he 
should stick to stocking shelves, where at least he knows what he’s doing. Because when 
it comes to being a community leader, Altaf Khanjra is about as effective as a spice rack 
in a tornado. Here’s hoping his son is taking notes—just not from his father’s playbook.


Witness Statement of Altaf Khanjra :

 When Elections, Paperwork,
and Paranoia Collide

 1. Background and Credibility

I, Altaf Khanjra, am a member of the Masjid e Tauheedul Islam 
association, a charity registered in Blackburn."

Judicial Commentary:

Enter Altaf Khanjra, our noble protagonist, riding 
in on his high horse, proudly waving the banner of “just a member” of the charity. 
We’re all eager to see how this humble, selfless guardian of mosque democracy 
will save us from the perceived tyranny that’s befallen Blackburn. Surely, there’s 
no personal agenda here—just pure, unadulterated altruism!


2. Allegations of Improper Election Conduct

"The election... was conducted in a manner directly contrary to 
the Charity’s constitution and to all proper standards of electoral conduct."

Judicial Commentary:

Imagine the shock! An election that didn’t follow 
the “Khanjra Protocol.” It’s almost like the universe didn’t get the memo that all 
elections should be tailored to his liking. He may not have brought any real evidence, 
but who needs facts when you have outrage and indignation? It’s the principle of the thing, right?


3. Financial Mismanagement Concerns

"There are strong suspicions about financial mismanagement at the Charity."

Judicial Commentary:

Ooooh!, “strong suspicions,” that wonderful phrase that 
serves as a catch-all for baseless claims and whispered rumours. It’s like the 
“I read it on the internet” of the legal world. After all, who needs evidence when you’ve
 got a good, old-fashioned hunch? Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out—Khanjra’s on the case!


4. Premature Announcement of Election Results

"The results of the election were posted on the mosque’s notice 
board before they were fully known to me and my associates."

Judicial Commentary:

Scandalous! Imagine the nerve—posting results without first 
checking in with the self-appointed election police. It’s almost as if the rest of 
the mosque didn’t realize that Khanjra and Co. are the ultimate arbiters of when 
and how election results should be shared. How dare they bypass the 
all-important “Altaf Approval Process”?


5. Challenge to the Legitimacy of the Executive Committee

"The Applicants do not accept that the Election was valid... 
the purported new Executive Committee members do not hold office under 
the Charity’s constitution."

Judicial Commentary:

The classic “I don’t like the outcome, so it must be wrong” 
argument. If you didn’t win, it’s only logical to declare the entire election 
null and void. Democracy only works when it works for you, right? Clearly, 
the only legitimate election is the one where Khanjra and his cohorts emerge 
victorious. Anything less is a travesty!


6. Allegations Against Trustees for Not Updating Land Registry

"The Trustees have failed to update the Land Registry entry for the Mosque."

Judicial Commentary:

The Land Registry—truly the cornerstone of any 
mosque’s operational success. Forget about community service or spiritual 
leadership; it’s the paperwork that really matters. If this doesn’t get updated, 
who knows what could happen? Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!


7. Suspension of the Imam and Its Implications

"The Principal of the Madrasah, Suhel Master, was suspended after he began to 
unearth and make public the mismanagement of the Charity by the Trustees and Committee."

Judicial Commentary:

Suhel Master, the supposed whistleblower, bravely unearthing 
all manner of horrors—or at least that’s the story. The reality might be a tad less 
glamorous. After all, isn’t it convenient how every good drama needs a hero and a 
villain? Unfortunately, this isn’t a Hollywood movie, and there’s no Oscar for 
Best Overblown Narrative.


8. No AGMs or Elections for a Long Time

"There have been no AGMs and no elections for the Executive Committee for a long time."

Judicial Commentary:

Boohoo, the lament of the absentee voter. Elections not held? 
AGMs skipped? Clearly, this is a crisis of epic proportions—one that could only be 
rectified by the noble efforts of Mr. Khanjra, swooping in to restore order. If only 
someone had thought to, you know, just hold an election and move on. But where’s the drama in that?


9. Urgency of the Application

"Due to the urgency of the situation... the applicants are bringing 
this application directly to the court."

Judicial Commentary:

Urgency, the last refuge of the desperate. When all else fails, 
just declare everything an emergency and hope nobody notices the lack of substance. 
After all, nothing says “pressing legal matter” like a vague suspicion and a failed power grab. 
Quick! To the courtroom—before anyone realizes what’s really going on.


 Conclusion: The Final Act in Khanjra’s Comedy of Errors

In conclusion, Mr. Khanjra’s witness statement is less a coherent legal document and 
more a melodramatic screenplay in desperate need of a rewrite. Filled with overblown claims, 
baseless accusations, and a healthy dose of self-righteous indignation, it’s the kind of 
performance that might earn a standing ovation at a high school play but falls flat in the courtroom.

As the curtain falls on this farce, one can’t help but marvel at the sheer audacity of it all. 
Let’s also not forget the irony—while Mr. Khanjra has never contributed a penny to the mosque’s construction, 
he somehow managed to squander £10,000 on a futile legal challenge. If only he had channeled 
that energy and money into something more productive—like updating that pesky Land Registry 
entry—perhaps he’d have less time to pen these flights of fancy.

Until then, we’ll just have to enjoy the show. It’s a pity that his self-indulgent theatrics 
come at such a high cost to the community—financially and morally. But as they say, every great 
tragedy has its fools. And in this saga, there’s no doubt who’s playing the part.



Witness Statement of Ilyas Darbar:

A Judge's Eye-Rolling Perspective


1. Employment and Role at the Charity

Ilyas Darbar, the Charity’s self-proclaimed long-serving martyr, tells 
us he’s been toiling away since 2009 without a contract—because who 
needs paperwork when you’re saving souls?

Judicial Commentary:

So, Mr. Darbar, you’ve been happily flying under the radar 
for over a decade without a contract, and only now, amidst the drama, you’ve 
decided to raise the red flag? Sounds more like a plot twist in a soap opera 
than a serious legal revelation. Perhaps your invisible contract got lost in 
the mail along with your sense of timing.


2. Salary and Payment Method

 Our heroic whistleblower earns a princely sum of £75 a week, 
handed over in a neat little envelope—cash, of course, because bank 
transfers are so passé.

Judicial Commentary:

 Ah, the sweet smell of freshly minted cash, slipped to 
you like a back-alley deal. And you’re only just now realizing that 
this might be a tad bit shady? What tipped you off, Ilyas—the lack of a 
receipt or the sound of the HMRC knocking on your door? A decade-long 
game of hide and seek with taxes doesn’t exactly scream “victim” here.


3. Volunteer Status and HMRC Investigation

 Ilyas suspects that the sudden downgrade to “volunteer” 
status is somehow linked to an HMRC investigation. Who would’ve thought?

Judicial Commentary:

  Of course, it’s always the volunteer status 
switcheroo! Classic. It’s as if one day you’re a valued employee, and the 
next, you’re an honorary volunteer—because nothing says charity like unpaid labour. 
The real mystery here is why you didn’t see this coming from miles away, especially 
after years of ‘mystery money’ showing up in your pay packet.


4. Allegations of Evidence Destruction:

 Ilyas claims that a committee member, let’s call him “The Shredder,” 
instructed him to rip up letters—because nothing screams innocence like a good 
old-fashioned paper shredder party.

Judicial Commentary:

  Ah yes, the foolproof plan of evidence destruction by 
verbal command. I mean, who needs witnesses or cameras when you’ve got a guy 
telling you to “just rip it up”? And you, Ilyas, you’re the paragon of virtue 
for not going along with it—except for the fact that you only mentioned this now, 
after the fact. Bravo!


5. Request for Financial Transparency:

 In a bold move, Ilyas asked to see the books and, surprise surprise, 
was shown the door instead. Shocking, isn’t it?

Judicial Commentary:

 The audacity of it all! Asking for transparency in a 
charity’s finances? How dare you, Ilyas! We can only imagine the horror on 
their faces when you asked for receipts instead of just pocketing your weekly 
cash envelope. But alas, no books were forthcoming—just like no solid evidence 
in this entire statement.


6. Statement of Truth:

 Our noble truth-teller assures us that every word in his 
statement is the gospel truth. Because, obviously.

Judicial Commentary:

 Of course, we believe you, Ilyas. Just as we believe 
in the Easter Bunny and that a decade of cash-in-hand payments doesn’t raise 
any red flags. After all, what’s a little creative accounting among friends? 
But just in case, you might want to start practicing the phrase, “I solemnly swear…”



If this were a TV show, we’d be tuning in for the next episode of Ilyas and 
the Invisible Contract, where our protagonist continues his quest for truth, justice, 
and maybe a tax rebate. But as it stands, this witness statement reads more like a 
script for a legal comedy than a serious document. Mr. Darbar, your timing, and 
your tales might be better suited for prime-time entertainment rather than a courtroom drama.


A Teacher’s Counsel: A Letter from Azaadville

A heart rending letter just received, written by a former teacher of Rasputin
while he was at the Madrassah Arabia Islamia Darul Uloom, Azaadville 20+ years ago.

(The teacher has requested anonymity)

Text in blue is verbatim from the letter.


My dear student,

I write to you today with a heavy heart, troubled by the reports 
that have reached me regarding your actions and the discord you 
have sown. It is difficult for me to reconcile the young man who 
once walked the halls of Azaadville with the figure who now stands 
at the center of such turmoil. As your former teacher, it is my 
duty to offer you counsel in these trying times, in the hopes that 
you will find your way back to the principles that once guided you.

During your time at Azaadville, you were not only taught the intricacies 
of Islamic jurisprudence but also the values of humility, integrity, 
and service to the community. These lessons were meant to shape your 
character and actions, yet it pains me to see how far you have strayed 
from them. The position you hold now is not a platform for self-aggrandizement 
but a trust—an amanah—from Allah and the community. It is a responsibility 
that requires humility and a deep sense of service, not arrogance or a 
desire for control.

I have heard of the conflicts you have incited, the divisions you have 
deepened, and the way you have used your influence to silence those 
who disagree with you. This is not the behaviour of a true leader or a 
scholar who seeks the pleasure of Allah. The Prophet  (peace be upon him) 
taught us to lead with justice, compassion, and a desire for reconciliation, 
not to use our positions to create discord and strife.

Greed and the pursuit of worldly gain are temptations that even the 
most learned can fall into if they are not careful. It seems you have 
allowed these temptations to cloud your judgment. Remember the lessons of 
zuhd—detachment from the material world—that we taught you. Wealth and power are 
fleeting, and the damage they cause when sought for the wrong reasons can last 
a lifetime. Reflect on what truly matters and do not let your desire for wealth 
or influence lead you away from the path of righteousness.

What troubles me even more is the thought of your son, who is now a student 
here at Azaadville, walking in your footsteps. What example are you setting 
for him? Do you want him to grow up believing that power and influence are 
tools to be used for self-serving purposes, or do you want him to learn the 
true essence of leadership—service, humility, and sincerity? Your actions 
are not only shaping your own legacy but also the path your son may choose 
to follow. Consider the impact you are having on his future, and ask yourself 
if this is the legacy you wish to leave behind.

I urge you, as your former teacher and someone who still cares deeply for 
your well-being, to pause and reflect on the consequences of your actions. 
Return to the principles you were taught at Azaadville. Seek the forgiveness 
of those you have wronged and strive to rebuild the trust and respect that 
has been lost. The path of repentance is always open, and it is never too late 
to change course.

Remember, my dear student, that true success lies not in the accolades of this 
world but in the pleasure of Allah. Your legacy will be defined not by the power 
you held or the wealth you accumulated but by the lives you touched and the example 
you set for the next generation, especially your son. Return to the path of humility, 
service, and sincerity, and you will find peace once more.

May Allah guide you and grant you the wisdom to make the right choices, for your 
sake and for the sake of your son.

With sincere concern and du'as,

Your Teacher from Azaadville


Altaf Khanjra: The MD of Controversy
and the Unintended Brand Ambassador

The video below (11 Aug 2024), is a smoking gun, showing Altaf ‘Tommy Robinson’ Khanjra, 
rallying his clueless donkey herd like a wannabe rabble-rouser, as they stampeded 
towards the speaker, turning the masjid into a circus of chaos and confusion.

Possible Consequences for the Brand and Image ?


In the world of business, few things are as critical as brand image. Companies 
spend years, even decades, cultivating a reputation that resonates with customers, 
standing for quality, trust, and reliability. But every so often, a wild card 
comes along—a figure so hilariously out of sync with the corporate ethos that 
you can almost hear the collective facepalms in the marketing department. 
Enter Altaf Khanjra, the Managing Director of Khanjra International Foods, 
a man who seems to be doing his utmost to single-handedly redefine what his 
company stands for—though not in the way anyone would have hoped.

Picture this: a company known for its dedication to providing the finest 
international foods, now inadvertently linked with a figure whose public 
persona is more in line with a certain notorious provocateur of the far-right 
variety. Yes, Altaf Khanjra appears to have taken inspiration from Tommy Robinson, 
trading in the carefully built reputation of his business for a brand of activism 
that can only be described as incendiary, divisive, and ultimately damaging to the 
very brand he represents.

Now, let’s be clear—Tommy Robinson’s approach to activism is hardly a recipe 
for good PR. Yet, Altaf seems to have missed that memo, instead opting to throw 
himself into the fray with all the subtlety of a bull in a china shop. Imagine 
the puzzled expressions of Khanjra International Foods' loyal customers when 
they realize that the man behind their favorite grocery brand is also the man 
behind a series of public outbursts and rabble-rousing antics that would make 
even the most seasoned shock jock blush.

It’s almost as if Khanjra is testing the limits of how much a brand can endure 
before it starts to fray at the edges. Because while most companies strive to 
associate themselves with positive values—community support, integrity, 
inclusivity—Altaf seems hell-bent on dragging his own brand through the mud. 
And what’s worse, he’s doing it all with the conviction of a man who thinks he’s 
leading a noble cause, blissfully unaware of the train wreck he’s steering his 
company towards.

The irony, of course, is palpable. Here’s a man who should be focused on 
expanding his business, building trust with his customers, and ensuring 
that Khanjra International Foods remains a household name for all the right 
reasons. Instead, Altaf seems more interested in emulating the worst aspects 
of Tommy Robinson, alienating not just his potential customers, but likely 
his business partners as well. After all, it’s hard to take a company seriously 
when its MD is more focused on stirring up controversy than selling products.

And let’s not forget the real kicker: in the world of social media, where 
everything you do is amplified a thousandfold, Altaf’s antics are now linked, 
inextricably, with the Khanjra brand. Every misguided outburst, every 
inflammatory statement, every instance where he channels his inner Tommy Robinson, 
chips away at the brand’s reputation. And in today’s marketplace, where 
consumer trust is everything, that’s the kind of damage that no amount of 
marketing dollars can easily fix.

In the end, Altaf Khanjra is a cautionary tale—a reminder that the role of a 
Managing Director is not just to lead a company, but to protect its brand, 
its image, and its future. By embracing the tactics and tone of a figure like 
Tommy Robinson, Altaf is doing just the opposite. He’s steering his company 
into a reputational minefield, where every misstep could have lasting consequences.

So the next time you’re in the aisles of your local grocery store, 
think twice before picking up that product from Khanjra International Foods. 
Because while the label might say “quality,” the man behind the brand seems 
more interested in peddling controversy than food. And if Altaf Khanjra continues 
down this path, he may find that his company’s legacy has less to do with 
international cuisine and more to do with the damage one man can do to a brand 
in the pursuit of a misguided cause.


RDL's lieutenant :
Altaf "Tommy Robinson" Khanjra
with a Touch of Bruce Forsyth

In the ever-colourful tapestry of public personalities, few threads stand 
out quite like those woven by Altaf Khanjra—a man who seems to have 
taken one too many pages from the Tommy Robinson playbook, though perhaps 
not the chapters that make for a best-seller. If you squint just right, 
you might even see a hint of another British icon—though instead of 
charisma, it’s more like a funhouse mirror reflection of Bruce Forsyth, 
with a face that’s trying to decide whether to host a game show or start a ruckus.

Imagine, if you will, a world where passion for controversy trumps 
logic and where the art of grievance has been perfected to a science. 
Enter Altaf Khanjra, a character so determined to emulate the self-styled 
defender of all things British, Tommy Robinson, that he’s practically a 
carbon copy—albeit one who might need a bit more time in the copier machine to 
get the finer details right. His attempts at rallying the masses are as earnest as 
they are misplaced, much like a Bruce Forsyth impersonator trying to do 
stand-up comedy—amusing for all the wrong reasons.

Khanjra, much like Robinson, has mastered the art of stirring the pot. 
He’s got the bravado, the righteous indignation, and the uncanny ability 
to rile up a crowd faster than you can say "nice to see you, to see you nice!"
 But while Robinson's brand of populism is seasoned with a certain gritty, 
street-level charisma, Khanjra’s approach is more like trying to start a 
fire with damp matches—lots of smoke, but not much heat.

Where Tommy Robinson charges headlong into the fray, often igniting clashes 
and chaos wherever he goes, Khanjra is no stranger to stoking the flames of 
conflict himself. He knows exactly how to whip his followers into a frenzy, 
painting them a picture of imminent danger, usually at the hands of some 
nebulous "enemy." Much like Robinson, he thrives on the tension, the division, 
and the sense that a battle must be fought—preferably right now and with no 
holds barred. It’s almost as if he’s rehearsing lines for his next big performance, 
only the applause never comes.

In his mind, Altaf is a hero—leading the charge against an imagined foe, 
much like Robinson with his shadowy cabal of conspirators. But where 
Robinson's confrontations often play out on the national stage, Khanjra’s 
conflicts tend to simmer closer to home. One might think that such a dedicated 
defender of the faith and community would have generously contributed to the 
local mosque construction, but not Altaf. No, his contributions seem to be 
more of the incendiary variety. 

In a particularly ironic twist, Khanjra managed to waste a cool £10,000 on a 
futile and failed legal injunction to stop a meeting he didn't like. While 
his pockets stayed firmly closed when it came to helping build the mosque—a 
symbol of community unity and faith—they suddenly opened wide to finance his 
personal crusade. It’s almost as if his principles come with a price tag, 
but charity isn’t on the list. 

Yet, perhaps what’s most striking about Khanjra is his unwavering belief 
that he is a man of the people. Never mind that the people in question 
often seem perplexed by his latest provocations. Much like Robinson, he’s 
convinced that he’s speaking truth to power, even if that truth sometimes 
gets a little lost in translation. And in both cases, it seems the audience 
is left wondering whether this is a serious political movement or an 
elaborate performance art piece. Perhaps he’s waiting for someone to shout, 
“Good game, good game!” before realizing the joke’s on him.

But if there's one thing Khanjra has learned from his unintentional mentor, 
it's that controversy is currency. The more outrageous the claim, the better. 
Why debate when you can just declare? Why donate when you can instead squander 
thousands on a legal farce? After all, in Khanjra’s world, it’s not 
about building up the community—it’s about stirring up the drama.

In the end, Altaf Khanjra is like Tommy Robinson’s less successful 
understudy—full of bluster, short on substance, and always ready to incite 
the next conflict, even if nobody’s quite sure what they’re fighting for. 
Whether he’ll ever step out of Robinson’s shadow is anyone’s guess, but 
one thing is for sure: as long as there’s a crowd to rile up and a 
cause to twist, Altaf will be there, valiantly leading the charge into 
yet another manufactured battle—just don’t ask him to chip in for the 
bricks and mortar. And if he does ever manage to win a crowd over, 
one can only hope he’ll leave the Bruce Forsyth impressions at home.



Rasputin's Witness Statement :
A Judicial Commentary

1. The Tale of the Suspended Hero (Paragraph 6)

Rasputin, the self-proclaimed martyr of Masjid-e-Tauheedul Islam, claims 
he’s the victim of an elaborate plot where dastardly trustees fabricated 
allegations out of thin air. Apparently, these trustees have magical powers 
to "retaliate" against him, even without providing any tangible proof. It's 
almost as if Rasputin expects us to believe he's the only person in history 
who never got a performance review.


2. The Great Election Conspiracy (Paragraph 7)

In a twist straight out of a political thriller, our hero asserts that 
the trustees rigged elections to install their cronies. Of course, 
no concrete details or evidence are needed—Rasputin’s word is as good 
as gold! Forget about voter ID laws, we’re dealing with phantom ballots 
and smoke-filled rooms here. Someone alert the Election Commission!


3. Wages of Fear (Paragraphs 8-9)

Imagine being told you’re getting a pay cut, and then saying nothing 
about it for TEN WHOLE YEARS. According to Rasputin, that’s exactly what 
happened to him! He endured a decade-long financial beating with all the 
stoicism of a monk... or maybe just the bargaining power of a potato. 
And to top it off, he was the principal of the institution—without any pay! 
Who knew altruism came with a side of naivety?


4. The Case of the Missing Millions (Paragraph 14)

Move over Sherlock Holmes, Rasputin is on the case! He claims the 
trustees are busy funnelling funds to their secret pet charities. 
Armed with nothing but suspicion and hearsay, Rasputin bravely stands alone, 
unearthing the mysterious financial dealings. One wonders why the trustees 
didn’t just buy an island and declare it "NonProfitLandia" while they were at it.


5. The Minimum Wage Massacre (Paragraph 15)

In a horror story worthy of Stephen King, Rasputin reveals that the 
staff are paid below the minimum wage. But wait, there’s a twist—no 
one’s actually seen the payroll! It’s all just inferred from a vibe, 
you know? Forget bank statements or pay slips; we’ll solve this mystery 
with the power of gut feelings and conjecture!


6. The Phantom Tuition Fees (Paragraph 16)

Apparently, £88,000 in student fees has vanished into thin air—poof! 
Just like that. Who needs a forensic accountant when you’ve got 
Rasputin and his magical ability to sniff out missing funds 
without showing the receipts? Maybe the money grew legs and walked 
off, or perhaps it’s lounging on a beach somewhere, sipping on a piña colada.


7. The Election That Wasn’t (Paragraphs 17-18)

According to Rasputin, the election was such a farce that two-thirds 
of the members didn’t even bother to vote. Was it apathy, or were 
they busy rehearsing for their roles in the next big drama? Rasputin 
conveniently leaves out the details of how this boycott was orchestrated, 
but surely it’s all part of the trustees’ evil plan to reign supreme 
over an electorate that couldn’t care less.


8. The Not-So-Great Break-In Caper (Paragraph 20)

In what sounds like a subplot from a budget spy movie, Rasputin’s 
office was "mysteriously" broken into, but nothing was stolen, and 
the CCTV cameras just happened to be pointed the other way. Cue the 
dramatic music! Of course, it’s all too convenient to be a coincidence, 
and Rasputin suspects foul play. It’s almost as if someone wanted to 
stage a break-in, but forgot the part where they actually steal something.


9. The Defamation Website: Web of Lies (Paragraph 22)

In a shocking turn of events, a website pops up overnight, apparently 'slandering' 
our hero. Clearly, it must be the work of those sneaky trustees, right? 
The fact that the website appeared right after his suspension is definitely 
more than just impeccable timing—it’s obviously a global conspiracy.

Conclusion: The Epic Saga of Masjid-e-Tauheedul Islam

In this thrilling, albeit over-the-top narrative, Rasputin 
paints himself as the underdog fighting against a cabal of shady trustees 
who are up to no good. But between the missing evidence, grandiose claims, 
and the occasional conspiracy theory, one might wonder if Rasputin is more 
interested in spinning a tale than in seeking justice. At the end of the day, 
this story is less about the facts and more about keeping the drama alive.


The Failed Injunction :
A Judicial Commentary

Comments on the Rejection of the Injunction: The Case of the Imaginary Constitution Breach

1. Alleged Breaches of the Charity's Constitution in the Election Process

Applicant's Argument: The applicants claim that the election process has violated the Charity's 
Constitution, and in a heroic act of self-righteousness, they are here to save the day with 
an injunction.

Judicial Commentary:
- The Phantom Constitution: Ah, the mysterious Constitution, that elusive document that 
everyone swears by but nobody seems to have actually read. The applicants are convinced it 
was breached, but much like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster, there's no hard evidence to 
back up their claims. If this Constitution is so sacred, one might expect the applicants 
to produce more than vague allegations, perhaps a signed affidavit from the Constitution 
itself? But alas, it appears the Constitution is staying silent on this one.


2. Urgency and Lack of Charity Commission Involvement

Applicant's Argument: The situation is so urgent that the usual requirement to 
get permission from the Charity Commission can be conveniently ignored. Rules, 
after all, are for other people.

Judicial Commentary:
- Urgency, Schmergency: The applicants would have us believe that the sky is 
falling and only they can hold it up with this injunction. They’re in such a rush, 
they skipped that pesky step of involving the Charity Commission—because who needs 
oversight when you’ve got a superhero complex? The court, however, is not in the habit 
of playing along with theatrics. Maybe next time, they should try the Commission first—after 
all, it’s not just there for decoration.


3. Interim Relief to Prevent the Removal of an Imam

Applicant's Argument: The removal of an Imam during these tumultuous times would 
be a disaster of epic proportions, second only to the sinking of the Titanic.

Judicial Commentary:
- The Imam-as-Human-Shield Strategy: The applicants seem to be using the Imam as a 
sort of human shield in their legal crusade. “Save the Imam!” they cry, as if this is 
the last stand at the Alamo. Yet, the harm they predict is as hypothetical as a unicorn on a 
skateboard. The court doesn’t hand out injunctions for imaginary disasters, so the applicants 
will have to find a different strategy—perhaps one that involves actual evidence.


4. Concerns About the Conduct of the Election

Applicant's Argument: The applicants have serious concerns about the election process—concerns 
so serious that they’ve decided to elevate them from gossip at the local coffee shop 
to a full-blown High Court case.

Judicial Commentary:
- The Gossipy Grievance: It seems the applicants have mistaken this courtroom for a 
complaint box. Their “serious concerns” are as well-founded as a rumour spread by someone’s 
nosy aunt. Without any real evidence to back them up, these concerns are just that—concerns. 
And concerns, last time it was checked, are not legal grounds for an injunction. 
Perhaps a chat over tea would be a more appropriate forum for their grievances.


5. Request for a Fresh Election

Applicant's Argument: Let’s just scrap the whole election and start over. 
After all, when in doubt, reboot!

Judicial Commentary:
- The Election Do-Over Request: Ah yes, the old “if you don’t like the result, 
just redo it” approach. While this might work with video games or reality TV shows, 
it’s not how elections—or the law—work. The applicants are asking the court to hit 
the reset button without any real justification, like a child demanding a do-over 
after losing a game of Monopoly. Unfortunately for them, this isn’t a game, and the 
court isn’t here to indulge tantrums.


6. Costs and Proportionality

Applicant's Argument: Money, time, and the Charity’s resources be damned—let’s 
get that injunction!

Judicial Commentary:
- The Law of Unintended Expenses: The applicants seem blissfully unaware that 
their little legal adventure could cost a small fortune—money that could perhaps 
be better spent on, I don’t know, charitable work? Instead, they’re proposing to 
burn through cash like it’s Monopoly money, all for the sake of a cause that’s 
shakier than a house of cards. The court prefers to keep the Charity’s funds where 
they belong—serving the community, not padding the pockets of lawyers.


In summary, courts are not in the business of indulging in legal fantasies 
or serving as a venue for settling personal vendettas dressed up as constitutional 
crises. The applicants’ case is as solid as a soggy biscuit, and their injunction is 
denied with the fervour it deserves. If they truly care about the Charity, they 
might consider putting down the lawsuit and picking up the Constitution they keep 
talking about—maybe even reading it this time.


Failed Injunction - Judge Throws it Out
Rasputin puts ALL UK
Imams, Ustaads, Masjids
and Madrasahs in Jeopardy
Betrayal at its Worst !!

Rasputin attempted to file a case in the High Court in London to 
prevent the General Meeting scheduled for Sunday by seeking an injunction.

The judge dismissed the case brought by him and his 
associates, costing them £10,000.


On the back of the high court injunction by : 

Altaf Khanjra
Maaz Golita
Javid Ibrahim
Saeed Vallifawa 
MS & Darbar 

The madrasah is likely to face substantial fines, potentially amounting to hundreds 
of thousands of pounds. Additionally, all teachers will be required to become 
officially registered, which may lead to many leaving, as they currently 
prefer cash-in-hand payments—a practice that Rasputin ironically endorsed. 
Consequently, madrasah fees will need to be significantly increased, 
likely causing widespread discontent within the community, all due to Rasputin's
desire for control.

Teachers who have received cash payments over the years may now face 
investigations. Each will be required to declare their earnings, 
pay back taxes, and possibly incur additional fines.

Furthermore, the issue of minimum wage violations occurred under Rasputin's
leadership, where, as principal, he was directly responsible for these 
operational decisions.

To preach about caring for the community while betraying them,
then reacting with outrage when they uncover his true intentions,
is a hypocritical contradiction of epic proportions.


If Rasputin claims to represent and advocate for the community, his actions 
have, in fact, created a significant problem for many madrasahs.


Another Bolton DU Graduate
Shares His Thoughts 

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أرجو ان تكونوا جميعكم بخير

Respected ulama Kiram and fellow Muslim brothers. 
I hope you all are in best of imaan and health with the 
fadhl of Almighty Allah swt.

Before I write the objective of my message, I would like to
make it clear I will not be writing my name or signing this 
message off as per the Hadith of the prophet (saw) 

“ A time will come when people will honour oppressors and unjust people just 
to be saved from their fitnah and aggression towards them" 

and I strongly  believe we are in that time and I fear that I will 
also be a target of a smear campaign.

I will however say that I am a graduate of Bolton Darul uloom and 
an imaam of a Masjid. I run my own madrassah alhamdulillah, with 
almighty’s grace and fadhl. I have connections with the big Shuyukh 
in the U.K. and abroad namely Mufti Inayatullah Sahib/ Moulana Saleem Dhorat Sahib/ 
Hazrat Moulana Kamrun Zamaan sahib and Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahib. 
I have not listed other respected Shuyukhs as I feel listing these Shuyukhs will 
hopefully give an idea to my surroundings and somewhat little I have gained 
in understanding of deen. This is just to point out that I have been 
exposed to great scholars of our time not to boast my connections. 

I first of all would like to express my sadness and utmost 
disbelief to what we are witnessing regarding Masjid Tauheedul Islam.  
I remember I use to frequent this masjid for great programmes delivered by 
great scholars and I have also made few visits through jamaat. This masjid 
always was introduced as one of the pioneering masjids in the western world 
in establishing the great deen of Rasullulah (saw). 

Unfortunately, I have recently received the news that 
the masjid is now النزاع في المحكمة (dispute in court). I have also received 
news this has been filed by individuals wanting to reinstate Ml Suhel and 
wanting a new Trust Board (forgive me of this isn’t the case)

I am not sure if the brothers realise what a grave mistake they are 
making. In no way I expect them to accept or even believe it’s true as per the saying 

‎ لا يمكنك ان تري الأعمي 

It is not possible to make the blind see.

One incident I will relate which I strongly believe is directly 
connected to Ml Suhel’s downfall and the help of Allah swt being  void in his 
cause to which I am an eye witness. 

Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahib is one of the most renowned scholars of our times. 
He has been accepted by عجم (non Arabs) and عرب (Arabs) alike and given him 
the title Shaikhul Islam. Whilst sitting in one majlis where Moulana Suhel 
was also present, the discussion around halaal mortgage came up 
and Mufti Taqi Usmani sahibs fatwa on it. The ulamas understand the 
intricacies of the debate. Regardless, Mufti Taqi Usmani sahib (db) has 
his تفردات (individual judgement based on his knowledge). Ulamas can differ and have 
differed but no one in their sane mind has ever insulted Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahib or 
even challenged him in a disrespectful way. 

Unfortunately for Moulana Suhel he was the victim of insulting this great 
scholar in the midst of other ulama’s. When this fatwa was discussed and 
Mufti Taqi Usmani sahibs view on it I heard with my own own ears Moulana Suhel 
remarking in gujrati:

“What does that goofy know” (apologies I don’t know the gujrati wording).

Another alim and a teacher of Tirmidhi shareef was sat there also, who at 
this remark in shock said

‘This man’s days are numbered’

I was very much perturbed and disturbed by this remark and to some degree 
it put me in semi shock at the time. But we are now witnessing the effects of 
this statement before our eyes and the teacher of Tirmidhi shareef’s prediction 
coming true I am compelled to believe that Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahib is one of the great 
friends of Allah. As now I have witnessed this Hadith in my lifetime: 

‎قَالَ رَسُول اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه و سلم إنَّ اللَّهَ تَعَالَى قَالَ: "مَنْ عَادَى لِي وَلِيًّا فَقْد آذَنْتهُ بِالْحَرْبِ

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, 

"Verily Allah ta’ala has said: 'Whosoever shows enmity to a wali (friend)

of Mine, then I have declared war against him.' "

If there is any hope for the individuals involved or rather if Almighty Allah 
has kept any goodness for them, then my advise is move away from this 
fitnah and desist in challenging Allah swt,
 as this can only result in one thing :

Zillat (disgrace) and further Zillat (disgrace) for anyone supporting this cause. 
I for one have already seen the effects of this already.

وما توفيقي إلا بالله

‎السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

‎جزاك الله خيرا واحسن الجزاء


A Maulana's Naseehah for Rasputin

This  from a Maulana who says that, like Rasputin, he 
is a graduate from Azaadville, living in the UK.  Until a few 
years ago, he was in regular contact with Rasputin, even meeting 
up with other Azaadville friends and acquaintance for meals and get togethers.   

He has been observing the sad account of Rasputin's
shameful conduct firstly at Bolton DU and now here at Tauheedul.

He has penned this short piece of naseehah (advice) not only for Rasputin, but
for all those who are given responsibility/leadership of any kind.


Where He Went Wrong:

He was initially blessed with great potential and a position of leadership, 
but he allowed pride, greed, and a thirst for power to corrupt his heart. 
Instead of serving his community with humility and justice, he sought to 
elevate himself above others. His arrogance led him to dismiss wise counsel, 
get rid of people who he thought would get in his way, and his greed drove 
him to exploit the very people he was supposed to protect.

Worse still, he began to misuse the pulpit, a sacred place meant for guiding 
and uniting the community, to settle personal scores. He turned his sermons 
into opportunities to attack those he perceived as enemies, sowing discord 
and division within the community. Rather than using his platform to uplift 
and inspire, he used it to fuel his own ego and to belittle others, betraying 
the trust that had been placed in him.

He surrounded himself with followers who, blinded by loyalty, defended 
his wrongdoings, even resorting to violence. But as his actions grew more 
tyrannical and his intentions more transparent, even his closest allies 
began to see through his deceit. By then, the damage was done—he lost 
everything: his power, his respect, and the trust of his community.


Lessons to Be Learned:

1. Humility in Leadership: Leadership is not about power or control, 
but about serving others with humility. A leader must always remember that 
their role is a trust (Amanah) given by Allah, and they will be held 
accountable for how they fulfill it.
2. The Sanctity of the Pulpit: The pulpit is a sacred platform, meant for 
delivering truth, spreading guidance, and uniting the community. Misusing it 
for personal vendettas is a grave betrayal of that responsibility. Islam 
teaches that speech should be kind, just, and aimed at fostering unity, not division.

2. Avoiding Pride and Arrogance: Pride (Kibr) is a dangerous trait that 
can lead to one's downfall. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned that even a 
small amount of pride can prevent a person from entering Paradise. A true 
leader listens to advice, acknowledges their own faults, and seeks to improve.

3. Guarding Against Greed: Greed (Hirs) can corrupt the soul and lead to 
unethical behaviour. Islam teaches that contentment (Qana'ah) and gratitude 
for what one has are far more valuable than the pursuit of worldly wealth.

4. Choosing Righteous Companions: The people you surround yourself with can 
influence your actions. His downfall was accelerated by those who encouraged 
his wrongdoing. Islam emphasises the importance of keeping righteous company, 
as the Prophet (PBUH) said, "A person is on the religion of their close friend."


How Not to Fall into the Same Trap:

- Maintain Taqwa (God-consciousness): Always be aware that Allah is watching, 
and strive to act in a manner that pleases Him. This will help keep pride, 
greed, and other harmful traits in check.

- Seek and Heed Wise Counsel: Surround yourself with advisors who are honest, 
knowledgeable, and God-fearing. Listen to their advice, especially when it 
challenges your desires.

- Practice Accountability: Regularly reflect on your actions and intentions, 
and hold yourself accountable. Remember that you will be questioned about 
your leadership on the Day of Judgment.

- Foster a Sense of Responsibility: Recognise that leadership is a 
responsibility, not a privilege. Serve your community with sincerity, 
and always prioritise their well-being over personal gain.

By learning from his mistakes and adhering to these Islamic principles, 
one can avoid falling into the same traps and instead lead
with integrity and righteousness.


  The Self Destruction of Rasputin

A Timeline

1. 30th March - Rasputin started a brawl outside the masjid in Ramadhan 

2. 31st March - Demand  of Trust and Committee stepping down campaign is 
ran by Rasputin. Completely unrelated to the incident day before 

3. 31st March - Rasputin’s son attacks a fellow masjid musallee

4. 3rd April - Rasputin holds an unofficial meeting declaring his supremacy 
and claiming the trust board and committee is dissolved without any consultation 
or right of holding this meeting knowing well his just an employee.

5. 15th May - Rasputin causes another carnage. His brother N Mohammed swings 
baseball bat around to show he's a 'Manya'. The whole mosque was in mayhem

6. 16th May - Rasputin gets his suspension. Another uproar by his gremlins occur. 
Rasputin throws the letter on the floor claiming he'll lead Jummah next day (which he didn't)

7. 18th May - Rasputin directs his cronies to handout letters of disagreement 
outside the mosque

8. 20th May - Rasputin issues orders to Darbar and Wadiwala to get signatures 
for his reinstatement from teachers

9. 21st May - letter from Madrasah is sent out regarding change of holidays 
with Rasputin’s name as signing principal even though he was suspended.

10. 22nd May - Rasputin is given a warning letter of his attendance at his 
suspended place of work and further causing disruption.

11. 22nd May - Rasputin orders Lukman Desai to stand up and make an announcement 
in his favour. Things get ugly again in the masjid

12. 22nd May - Darbar issues a letter trying to entice parents and use them 
as bait, claiming the madrasah has a safeguarding issue. Darbar and Wadiwala 
pass on the responsibility towards the Trustees as they claim they can no longer 
function without Rasputin.

13. 22rd May - Rasputin orders an online petition 

14. 31st May - Rasputin orders Darbar to send Madrasah closure letter.

15. 1st June - Rasputin realises back clash on closing madrasah so claims 
the issue is between teachers and Trustees - claims he had nothing to do with it (which was a lie)

16. 1st June - Rasputin further realised he's not cutting it through with 
the public and decides to order Darbar to make up a story about someone else 
sending letters out on their behalf

17. 3rd June to 14th June - Rasputin and his cronies plan next steps

18. 14th June - Rasputin orders for a WhatsApp broadcast group to be created. 
Darbar breaching GDPR uses madrasah broadcast list.

19. 15th June - PFC (Rasputin's henchmen) introduce themselves and create
unrest in the community on the night of Arafah 

20. 1st Jul-  nominations for applications open up for the new committee.

21. 6th July - Rasputin leads nikah ceremony knowing well he is suspended. PFC 
send a notification out of an SGM demand from trustees.

22. 8th July - Rasputin informs HMRC of madrasah not paying official pay

23. 21st July - nominations window closes for the new committee

24. 22nd July nominees details put on the notice board 

25. 22nd July - Rasputin orders his cronies to bully Trustees and force them 
to terminate the process after seeing no one credible is on the list from their side.

26. 23rd July - Rasputin orders his cronies to go and intimidate trustees at 
their house. Police  called to deter them and protect family of trustee

27. 26th July - PFC announce an emergency meeting for their 3 followers on 
27th July after asar prayers

28. 27th July- PFC decide they are withdrawing their names from the nominee list

29. 28th July - PFC hand in their withdrawal letters to Trustees

30. 29th July - Rasputin orders riots to be caused by PFC now known as RDL, 
as they can’t stand the thought of election going ahead without any of their 
nominees. Police once again called. 

31. 1st August - Maaz Golita and Wadiwala on orders from Rasputin try to gain 
access to the principal's office and are denied.

32. 2nd August - Robbery takes place, items stolen from ex-principal's office.

33. 4th August- PFC don’t hold the meeting they promised, and PFC’s functioning as a 
body is officially dissolved. This further creating speculation why the meeting 
didn’t go after the robbery.


 Rasputin the Rooster
 A Tale of Pride and Humility

Once upon a time in a serene village nestled between rolling hills and lush meadows, 
there lived a rooster named Rasputin. From a young age, Rasputin was blessed with a melodious 
crow that could wake the entire village at dawn. His crow was so enchanting that the villagers began 
to look up to him, believing that he was destined for greatness.

The wise old owl, who served as the village elder, saw Rasputin’s potential and 
decided to mentor him. Under the owl’s guidance, Rasputin learned the principles of 
harmony and justice, becoming well-versed in the ways of the village’s sacred traditions. 
Soon, Rasputin was appointed as the new village leader, much to the joy of the villagers.

Rasputin's early days as a leader were filled with wisdom and compassion. He led the 
village with kindness, and his decisions were fair and just. However, as time went on, 
the praise and admiration of the villagers began to inflate Rasputin’s ego. He started to see 
himself not as a humble servant, but as a ruler above all others.

One day, Rasputin demanded that the hens provide him with the best grains, claiming 
it was his right as the village leader. The hens, fearing his wrath, complied, even though 
it meant their own chicks went hungry. Rasputin’s greed grew, and soon he began to hoard the grains, 
leaving little for the rest of the village.

Rasputin also became arrogant, dismissing the wise counsel of the old owl and belittling 
those who dared to question his authority. He strutted around the village with a gang of thuggish crows, 
who enforced his will through intimidation and violence. Anyone who dared to stand up to Rasputin 
was swiftly dealt with by the crows, who believed in their leader’s superiority and right to rule.

The once peaceful village was now plagued by fear and resentment. The crows’ loyalty to Rasputin 
blinded them to his faults, and they defended him fiercely, thinking he was the rightful leader. 
But as Rasputin's actions grew more tyrannical and his demands more unreasonable, even the crows 
began to see the truth. They realized that Rasputin was not the wise and just leader they had believed him to be.

One fateful evening, as the sun set and the village gathered for the evening assembly, the 
old owl decided it was time to act. With a heavy heart, he approached Rasputin and said, 
"You were gifted with a rare talent and entrusted with a noble duty, but you have 
allowed pride, greed, and cruelty to corrupt you."

Rasputin scoffed at the owl’s words, but as he looked around, he saw the sad and weary 
faces of the villagers. The crows, seeing their leader’s vulnerability and reflecting on 
their own actions, felt a deep sense of regret. They realized that Rasputin had misled them, 
and they had become instruments of his tyranny.

Realizing the extent of his wrongdoing, a wave of shame washed over Rasputin. The crows, 
understanding their mistake, abandoned him, leaving Rasputin alone. The villagers, 
guided by the wisdom of the old owl, forgave Rasputin but removed him from his position as leader. 
They chose a humble sparrow, known for its fairness and gentle nature, to lead them. Rasputin, 
stripped of his title and power, spent the rest of his days in quiet reflection, working to mend the 
relationships he had broken.

From that day on, the village flourished under the sparrow’s leadership. And Rasputin’s 
story was told to every generation as a reminder of the dangers of pride, arrogance, greed, 
and thuggery. It was said that true leadership is not about power or wealth, but about serving others 
with humility and compassion.

And so, the village thrived, holding fast to the lessons of their past, ensuring that no 
one rooster’s crow would ever overshadow the harmony of their community again.


Bolton DU Play Book 

Executed Like Clockwork.
see also : 
Tauheedul Islam mosque releases CCTV footage after burglary - Lancashire Telegraph

On Friday after Fajr (2nd),  the EX-imam/principal’s office was broken into
and robbed.  Not of cash or any other liquid assets - but the culprit stole the masjid server.
The same computer that Rasputin worked on, stored his documents and files.

Before we speculate who the thief is and their motive, let's ask who could've
employed him to do the task ? Also ponder over the other occasion similar thing happened ?

Yes, when Rasputin was on his last legs at Bolton DU c2019.

Recap what happened there :

* Rasputin and his merry band of cronies descended into a pit of 
suspicion and mistrust with other teachers and the trust board.

* Rasputin expertly alienated other teachers from any decision-making, 
reserving the reins of power solely for his loyal yes-men.

* Struggling to work harmoniously with the trust board, Rasputin 
ingeniously resorted to forgery, replicating signatures to place 
his lackeys on the board.

* With his newfound power, Rasputin bullied and oppressed 
the entire institution, like a true zaalim/tyrant.

* Sensing the growing rebellion from teachers and former trustees
who dared to challenge his criminal misdeeds, Rasputin was on high alert.

* Legal threats loomed large over Rasputin due to his now exposed fraudulent activities.

* Eventually, Rasputin was ousted by a coalition of over 30 scholars.

* In what seemed to be a last-ditch effort to destroy any incriminating evidence,
Rasputin, Darbar, Wadiwala, Kamboli,  and their motley crew allegedly executed a
brazen office break-in. Arriving in a van, they ransacked the office, taking the
computer hardware to remove any trace of  Rasputin's misdeeds at Bolton DU.

* Rasputin and Darbar then persistently pestered the charity commission making
up false accusations in attempt to get the Darul Uloom shut down.

* Tauheedul, upon discovering Rasputin's fraudulent escapades, 
decided he could no longer serve as an imam.

* Enter Yakub Khanjra, who pleaded for Rasputin's reinstatement. 
A clandestine meeting ensued at "Javsy’s Laundry".

* With Tauheedul showing leniency and allowing Rasputin to stay on.
Rasputin got to work in gaining control of Tauheedul's affairs. 

* And so like he did at the Bolton DU, Rasputin attempted to sneak 
Maaz Golita onto the trustee board through the late President, but failed miserably.

Fast forward to Thursday (1st), Maaz Golita and Asim Wadiwala demanded access to the ex-imam/principal’s office, 
concocting a feeble excuse about needing to print something. Despite owning a business, Maaz Golita 
bizarrely needed to print from the office. They were rightfully denied access.

Next day (Friday), the robbery takes place.  

The thief, ignoring the cash (see pic) but snatching computer hardware.

Who arranged this theft ?

And why rob just computer hardware and leave the cash ?

It was seemingly a targeted robbery. The culprit in the video isn't a local.  

So why would he need to specifically want computer hardware ?  

To be more precise... who hired him to target robbing the hardware which most likely
had all of Rasputin's files, documents and heaven knows other possible incriminating info ?

The trustees and committee had no need to take this as they
already had access to the room and the computer.

Isn't all this a replica of sorts of what happened during Rasputin's last days at Bolton DU ?

Possible Scenario ? :

A plausible and possible deduction is that someone wanted the data, files, documents etc 
that were on the server as it contained incriminating files. Unable to gain access legitimately after
being denied on request of access, they resort to hiring a thug to do the same job
that was executed at the Bolton DU.

The culprit obviously didn't count on a CCTV camera capturing his image and
so hopefully he will be in custody soon enough.  

Then, Insha Allah - he will sing like a canary
and divulge, for once and for all, who the real organ grinders are



EDL, Eat Your Hearts Out !
A New Defence League is Born;
The RDL.

The Rasputin Defence League

A brand new sister branch of the EDL has been born.

EDL observed and officially commended the childish mayhem caused by the Rasputin mob
on the 29th (see below).  So much so, that they not only decided to do their own
hooligan filled violence (see last nights news in Southport), but have now officially 
given their blessing for the creation of a new sister branch ...


All hail the 'new' Rasputin Defence League (RDL), consisting of the self-proclaimed guardians
of an ex-imam whose antics make Grigori Rasputin himself look like a saint. If you thought the 
English Defence League (EDL) was a circus, wait until you get a load of this troupe.

First, let’s introduce the make shift ringleader of this farce, Mr. Bluster aka 
Altaf Khanjra (see the video below, he's the one on the steps recording on his phone 
- yes the one who seems to have this perpetual creepy retarded grin like some wannabe 
Columbine mass murderer). Much like the EDL’s top brass, he’s mastered the art of loud, 
impassioned bakwas that are big on drama but short on facts. Mr. Bluster insists on painting 
their cause as some moral crusade and hailing Rasputin as a martyr, 
conveniently ignoring his knack for causing pandemonium. 
If the EDL can rewrite history, why can’t the RDL?

Next, we have the RDL’s field operations (the ones facing him, in the video), 
which are as organised as a toddler’s tea party. Their latest escapade? Disrupting a voting process at 
the mosque with the grace of a herd of elephants on crack cocaine. Picture this: devout community 
members trying to cast their votes while RDL members block entrances, shout obscenities, 
and one particularly zealous goon tries to steal the ballot box. Their antics were 
so outrageous that the police had to be called in to restore order. Democracy, meet the RDL.

And what about their media and reporting ? It's a treasure trove of unintentional comedy. 
They boast about “fighting for justice” and “defending the faith,” all while glossing over theirs
and Rasputin’s laundry list of offenses. It’s like watching a soap opera where the villain just 
keeps getting more absurd with each episode.

But the real pièce de résistance is their ability to turn every critique into a 
personal vendetta against them and their master Rasputin. Call out their misconduct? 
Clearly, you’re a heretic. Question their actions? Must be part of a vast conspiracy. 
They’ve taken the EDL’s persecution complex and turned it into a full-blown melodrama.

If they were to hold a “solidarity rally” it would morph into an impromptu barbecue, 
complete with chants of “Rasputin forever!” as they grill burgers (Minny "Speedy Gonzales" Khanjra
is getting ideas now). It would be like a surreal version of the EDL’s flag-waving, beer-swilling 
gatherings, minus the nationalism and beer-swilling.

Who knew defending a devious ex-imam could be so festive?

So, hats off to the Rasputin Defence League – the comedic gift that keeps on giving. 
Their misguided devotion to their troublesome ex-imam would be endearing if it weren’t 
so utterly ridiculous. They’ve proven that in the grand circus of religious and 
political absurdity, there’s always room for one more clown car.

Bravo, RDL. Bravo.


The Ballot Box Bandit

As the Olympics kicked off in Paris, we've witnessed Team GB snag 
five medals in the first three days. The nation is buzzing with 
anticipation for the 100 meters heat, especially with the emergence 
of a new sensation who rivals even the legendary Usain Bolt in his golden shoes. 

Enter Minny "Speedy Gonzales" Khanjra, whose speed is so mind-blowing 
that it defies speedometers. In a flash of brilliance, yesterday, he managed to swipe 
the ballot box taking it for a distance of a whole 500,000 Micrometers (don't get too excited, it's only 50cm) 
before getting caught. 

A word of advice, if Speedy wants to go for some sort of record, then sprinting isn't one of them.
Instead stick to working on increasing your love for devouring  burgers - there's a good
chance you will get some sort of recognition you are after.

By the way, the met office recorded a seismic event that occurred at the place and time
Speedy took the ballot box - recording a reading of 5.5 on the Richter scale.  

Coincidence ? you decide 


Like Obedient Dogs, Rasputin's Thugs
Heed His Whistle Call of
".. going to do 'dhamal' before
the AGM never mind waiting for it"
As promised by Rasputin of threats and violence - his small clique of
shayateen qareen companions have again resorted to nasty hooligan behaviour,
 just because masjid goers / members were casting their vote.
Such shaytanic and munafiqoon conduct in front of the House of Allah !!
NEVER has such hedonistic and evil actions
occurred in the history of Tauheedul.
These are the so called disciples of Rasputin - the ex-imam - the one who for so long 
preached about inculcating in oneself Prophetic morals and good character.
YET it has had ZERO effect on those that are closest to
him, who are in reality nothing more than his devilish jaahil rabid attack dogs.
The violence and aggressive behaviour from the small pack of 20 or so Rasputin's kilaaboon THUGS,
resulted in the Police being called.  They have now shuttered the mosque,
and kept the keys.  They will be the ones to open the mosque for prayers.



Meet Rasputin's Beloved
Immoral Benefactor
AND Desperate Wannabe President 
Yakub Khanjra together with Altaf Khanjra involved
in haraam pastime.  And displaying how much they are loving it.
In Rasputin's pseudo sharia book, for them to be involved in these
despicable and HARAAM sins is perfectly fine.
For everyone else he'll pompously preach fire and brimstone.
Ask any of our Deoband akabir ulama 
whether listening, let alone actively being in
such a gathering is allowed or not ?
Rasputin will not level anything against such haraam participating
immoral scumbags because they are the ones who provide his bread and butter.
Rasputin's previous cover (president) departed this mortal coil few weeks ago. So now
he desperately needs another, and Yakub Khanjra fits the bill.
From someone who loves to arrogantly claim to speak the truth
no matter what, this as well as all the other points detailed previously on here,
shows HYPOCRISY flows through his blood and DNA.
As for the fanciful ambitions of Yakub Khanjra wanting to be President ?
Tauheedul would be the ultimate laughing stock if such a thing were to happen.
Appointing an immoral individual that takes part in fasad (depraved) activities.
Curse anyone who chooses him and so
bringing Allah's house into disrepute. 


Rasputin's own words :

"We are going to do 'dhamal' before
the AGM never mind waiting for it"
Is this an example of prophetic behaviour  ?
If his years of sermonising from the pulpit has not affected himself
then what chance, it has had any effect on others ?
This just received from one  individual  :

Only one way!

Suhel Manya has shown his true colours.

Since Ramdhan the masjid has been in turmoil.

Many are not aware of how things actually started. Suhel Manya 
sensed the late president time is up in this world and his 
support (rightly or wrongly) coming to an end.  He tried many times to 
change the trust board and the committee with his evil tactics like 
he did at Bolton DU, But failed miserably.

In Ramdhan, Sufyan Bhopa parked his car blocking Manya. Sufyan 
parked his car always blocking Manya and many others did as Manya never 
came out until after Maghreb. That day Manya was not doing bayaan 
and asked for Sufyan’s car to be moved. Sufyan moved his car and 
Manya went round the block and came back. In the interim the Bhopas 
swore at Manya for which nothing was done by Manya at that point (his lame excuse was he was fasting).

After Maghreb Manya caused a commotion and took this opportunity to 
rile the community up shouting ‘look he swore at your imaam’. 
Well from here the campaign of a takeover started. A car parked by 
one member validated Manya to attempt a takeover.

Fast forward.. all his takeover attempts have failed and his last 
throw of the dice was to force a takeover like we have seen last 
couple of days. He was challenged by one of the members to why he is 
not stopping his disciples from sending messages tarnishing people and 
rather wait for the AGM to express your concerns. 

The reply:
‘We are going to do dhamal before the AGM never mind waiting for it’

Which brings us to only one conclusion, this man who is embodied in 
human flesh is nothing less than a devil, and
needs to be sacked


With his future coming to an end
a desperate Rasputin orders his
attack dogs (or his bi*ches, to be more precise)
to attack a trustee.

The  intimidation tactics are reminiscent of the Bolton Darul Uloom 
playbook, are being employed here.

Fifteen thugs on the orders of their master, Rasputin, went 
to a trustee's house, prompting him to inform the police. These 
individuals are now provoking trustees and committee members, 
harassing their wives and children. Their aim is  to 
disrupt the election process and prevent a new committee from forming. 
It's crucial not to resort to violence and instead show support for 
those standing against these jahil thugs.

Who were these nasty cowards ? Well among them were: 

Ilyas Darbar
Zakir Kamboli (brother of the adulterous maulwi)
Altaf khanjra
Mehbub khanjra 
Adam khanjara
Idris Manya
Hamza Manya 
Maaz golita 
Haroon janabe 
'Little' Bhikhi 

Notice the trend ?  Darbar, Kamboli, Manyas, Khanjras etc

Pictures of incident where Police were called to protect a trustee from the thugs mentioned above:


A Maulana's Brief Account of Life Under
Rasputin's Stewardship at Bolton DU

This is an email we received yesterday, from a former student of Bolton DU when 
Rasputin was employed as it's head, before he was rightfully booted out with dishonour.

My name is Mufti Salim Nakhuda, and have been tracking your blog detailing the awful
behaviour and actions of Tauheedul Masjid's former Imam (labelled on here as Rasputin).

I finally plucked up the courage to briefly
detail my experiences with the same individual (M. Suhail Manya) when he was the principal 
of the Bolton DaralUlum. I can vouch for the veracity of all the details noted on here 
in relation  to his failed tenure at the DaralUlum.  As would  countless other ex-students, 
who would rather forget their torrid experiences under his failed stewardship.

There were serious issues of verbal abuse, threats, and discriminatory practices 
perpetrated by the then Principal,  S. Manya. These actions were in direct violation 
of the ethical standards and values that the DaralUlum was supposed to uphold.

During my time at the seminary in the Alimiyyah class, I along with other students, experienced severe 
verbal and mental abuse from S. Manya. He frequently used derogatory terms such as "khinzeer" (swine) and 
"iblis" (devil) when addressing specific section of students (see below). Such language was deeply offensive and not in 
keeping with the principles of respect, dignity, and compassion that Islam teaches.

In addition to the verbal abuse, he responded to complaints and concerns raised by students and the 
darsi teachers with threats of fabricating accusations and exposing non-existent misdemeanours. This threatening 
was clearly intended to silence us and prevent any accountability for his persistent gross misconduct.

Moreover, he exhibited blatant racism and bigotry towards students who were not from the same Bharuchi Gujarati 
section of the community as himself. As a Gujrati from the Surti community myself,  along with other students from 
Bangladeshi and Pakistani backgrounds, were made to feel inferior and untrustworthy compared to our 
Bharuchi Gujarati peers. This discriminatory treatment fostered a divisive and hostile environment, 
contrary to the inclusive and respectful community we strived to create. 
We were constantly demeaned and de-humanised, and made to feel insignificant and worthless.

The actions of S. Manya had caused significant emotional distress to many students and  
severely damaged the reputation of the seminary.  Let me cite one example. One fellow student from Bolton,
had almost completed the alimiyyah course. The constant abuse that was dished out by S. Manya 
had an enormous effect on his mental well being. Such an effect was on him, was that he suffered
a mental break down, and his father had to take the heart breaking decision to extract him from the DaralUlum
even though the lad only had 1 year left (dor-e-hadith) for his completion of the course. His father
took the decision after medical advice from their GP as he felt a deterioration of his mental health
could have lasting effects.  

Alhamdolillah, the student, once out of the DaralUlum slowly but surely recovered and eventually 
completed the final year at Blackburn DaralUlum, which incidentally was a totally different uplifting experience for him.

I can vouch for this significant difference of this experience. As I studied at Blackburn DaralUlum  after my alimiyyah
completion. I spent further 18 months there doing my iftah speciality. The professionalism, courtesy and
Prophetic adaab one expects from ulama was self evident there. I regretted that I had not done my alim course
there instead of in Bolton.

It was his behaviour that also lead to so many respected teachers leaving,
and eventually S. Manya being shown the door. Alhamdolillah.

I am not surprised at all that Tauheedul Masjid is going through the same turmoil as was 
experienced by the DaralUlum. The only way to remedy this sad situation, is to
do what was done at the Bolton DaralUlum, and to swiftly remove this fitnah fomenting person, 
otherwise he will drag the whole masjid and madrasah down with him and undo decades
of effort, paid in sweat and blood by elders who are no longer in this mortal world. 
Get rid of him before he ruins the Masjid and Madrasah for good.


Rasputin's Hypocrisy from the Pulpit

A Scathing Critique of the Hypocritical Imam


In the hallowed space of the pulpit, where truth, morality, 
and divine guidance are supposed to reign supreme, there 
exists a most appalling form of hypocrisy. This is embodied by Rasputin who, 
with righteous indignation, exposes the faults of others while concealing 
the transgressions of his close friends, associates and supporters.

For example, when was the last time you heard him
bringing up the adulterous shenanigans of his life long bosom buddy and cheer leader, Salim Kamboli ?

Yet the same Rasputin loves to amplify and expose any actions of those
he has extreme hasad, envy and hatred for - that in his warped mind have 
committed a mortal sin. BUT get in his good books, be a supporter, fund his 
lifestyle, massage his ego - and the pope-like arrogance he has will mean you get a 
free pass - no exposure from the pulpit. Annoy him, don't let him get his 
way, decline a request, don't feed his ego etc, and even the 
smallest of misdemeanour's, come Jummah, and he will howl it 
from the pulpit - revenge and payback is what he uses the pulpit for.

This is his hypocrisy, mastered to the highest level.

Such a figure not only betrays 
the sacred trust placed in him by his congregation but also corrupts the 
very essence of his spiritual mission. This critique aims to lay bare 
the fundamental flaws and moral failures of Rasputin, 
whose actions are antithetical to the principles he professes to uphold.

 The Abuse of Authority

Rasputin holds (or held) a position of significant influence and authority 
within the community. His  role was to guide, support, and provide a moral 
compass for his congregation. When this authority is misused 
to selectively expose the faults of some while shielding others, 
it becomes an abuse of power. This selective morality undermines 
the integrity of the imam's position and erodes the trust of the 
community - and certainly has. The imam's duty is to apply moral standards 
impartially, without fear or favour. By failing to do so, 
he has betrayed his sacred responsibility and diminishes the 
moral fabric of the community he is supposed to serve.

 The Double Standard

Rasputin's selective exposure of faults reveals a pernicious double standard. 
He publicly condemns the perceived sins of certain individual or organisations, 
often those outside his inner circle, while turning a blind eye to the 
misdeeds of his friends and associates. This double standard is a clear 
violation of the principle of justice, which demands impartiality 
and fairness. Rasputin's actions suggest that moral accountability is not 
universal but rather contingent upon personal relationships. 
This erodes the very foundation of ethical behaviour and teaches the 
congregation that power and proximity to authority can shield one from moral scrutiny.

 Hypocrisy and Its Consequences

Hypocrisy is perhaps the most damning indictment of Rasputin. When a supposed
spiritual leader fails to live by the principles he preaches, 
he not only undermines his own credibility but also brings the entire 
institution into disrepute. Rasputin's hypocrisy fosters cynicism and 
disillusionment among the congregation. If the shepherd cannot be trusted, 
how can the flock be expected to follow the path of righteousness? 
This hypocrisy is particularly damaging because it exploits the faith 
and trust of the congregation, who look to the imam for guidance and moral clarity.

 The Erosion of Trust

Trust is the cornerstone of any religious community. It is built on the 
belief that the imam will act with integrity, honesty, and impartiality.
When an imam exposes the faults of some while hiding those of others, 
he shatters this trust. The congregation becomes divided, with some 
feeling unjustly targeted while others perceive a lack of accountability. 
This erosion of trust can have far-reaching consequences, leading to fragmentation 
within the community and a general loss of faith in religious leadership.

 The Betrayal of the Sacred Mission

At the heart of a imam's mission is the pursuit of truth and the 
promotion of moral and spiritual well-being. By selectively exposing faults, 
the imam  betrays this mission. His actions are not motivated by a 
genuine desire to promote moral rectitude but by personal biases, vendetta and favouritism. 
This betrayal is a grave moral failing, as it prioritises personal 
relationships over the communal good and the pursuit of divine justice.


Rasputin who exposes the faults of others from the pulpit while hiding 
the faults of his close friends embodies a profound hypocrisy that is 
antithetical to the principles of justice, integrity, and moral leadership. 
His actions constitute an abuse of authority, establish a pernicious double 
standard, and erode the trust and unity of the community. Such an imam not only 
fails in his sacred mission but also brings disrepute to the very institution 
he represents. In the face of such hypocrisy, it is incumbent upon the 
community to hold their leaders accountable, ensuring that the principles 
of fairness, integrity, and impartiality are upheld, and that the 
pulpit remains a place of truth and moral guidance.

Insider spills the proverbial beans
on Rasputin's side hustles :
"Hope & Hoodwink"


In the past couple of days, we have received a somewhat detailed

account of what is actually happening at one of
Rasputin's other swindles, which claims to provide "hope" and "help"
to individuals and couples in various state of distress - from marriage issues to drug related problems.


However, as will be gleaned from what this

whistle blower has stated, it is nothing more than
a charade for Rasputin to line his pocket in order to

satiate his never ending appetite for wealth.

Here's the letter verbatim :


The charity presents itself as a beacon of hope,

offering assistance in areas such as marriage problems,

social issues, and drug addiction.

However, a closer examination reveals that

this charity is doing more harm than good.

I am writing this report aiming to

uncover the inefficacies, mismanagement, and potential

exploitative practices of the charity, highlighting the

urgent need for accountability and reform.


Lack of Professionalism

One of the most glaring issues is

the absence of qualified professionals.

Effective intervention in areas such as marriage

counseling, social work, and drug rehabilitation

requires the expertise of licensed and

professionally qualified practitioners.

Unfortunately, instead it relies solely on volunteers

and staff with inadequate training and qualifications.

This lack of professionalism

not only diminishes the quality of support provided but also

poses a significant risk to the individuals seeking help. 

I have personally seen many clients leave in a far

worse state than when they came in for counselling.

The attitude of the CEO is nothing short of authoritarian.

There is no counselling in the professional sense -

it's either his way or the highway.

Don't be fooled by the glowing feedback on google reviews,

they were concocted by friends of the CEO at his behest.


Mismanagement of Funds

Financial transparency is crucial for any

charitable organisation. However, the charity

has consistently failed to provide clear and detailed

accounts of how donations are spent. Staff are too scared to

question the CEO on such matters - in fear of being hurled abuse

and being belittled.  Even surreptitiously removed for

even daring to get clarification on issues like income and expenditure.

I have seen internal reports indicating that

a disproportionate amount of funds are

allocated to administrative costs and executive salaries/wages,

with minimal resources directed toward the actual programs

designed to assist those in need. This misallocation of funds raises

serious ethical concerns and undermines donor trust.

This so-called charity, masquerading as

a beacon of hope, is nothing more

than a scheme of deceit and exploitation.

While purporting to raise funds

for noble causes, their true expertise lies in

the art of manipulation and greed.

Behind the facade of philanthropy, they

clandestinely siphon off donations

to inflate executive salary and administrative costs,

leaving mere scraps for the actual

intended beneficiaries. The true reflection of donations

and wages are NEVER disclosed in the official accounts.

For them, cash is king so the real

situation of how much is received

and where it's spent (or pocketed) is never disclosed.

Their opaque financial practices not

only betray the trust of well-meaning donors

but also perpetuate a cycle of disillusionment and

despair among those who give their time for the charity.

This charity's flagrant disregard for transparency

and ethical responsibility underscores

a shameful disregard for the very

people they claim to serve.


Hoodwinking the Charity Commission

The CEO uses false names to make out that there are two different

people operating at the charity. However, both of these

are the same person - himself.  Not only is he

the CEO (using his fake surname 'Manya')

but also is registered as a trustee but under a

different name (using his real surname 'Master').

The commission is being mislead

into believing there are two different people at the charity

each with a different roles.  

Charity commission laws are clear that this has to be declared.

The reason why he does this, will become clear as stated below.

It is also an offence for a trustee to

NOT declare ANY sort of compensation

(either expenses or remuneration or any in-kind payments).

This is clearly happening at the Charity.

The CEO under a different name

is receiving compensation while at the

same time being a trustee, under a different name.

The other trustees (Mr. Ayaz Patel and Mr A. A. Master)

know full well this is the case

yet are either wilfully ignoring it

or unwilling to reprimand the CEO to rectify this breach.


Questionable Methods and Practices

The methodologies employed by the charity in addressing

complex issues like drug addiction and marriage counseling are,

at best, outdated and, at worst, potentially harmful.

There are numerous accounts of participants being subjected

to unproven and controversial techniques, which can exacerbate

their problems rather than resolve them.

For instance, their approach to drug addiction

lacks evidence-based practices, often side lining medically

recommended treatments in favour of unverified methods.

The CEO has no relevant academic or professional

qualification in any subject let alone counselling.

Neither do any of the volunteers - no matter how well intended

their help may be, it is extremely irresponsible to

make out that the help being give is professional and qualified.

There is also the fact that one of the scholars on it's board

is on the Prevent register.  This was messaged to them last year

by a concerned client - I personally read the email.

Nothing was done about it. The charity

commission still do not know of this.


Lack of Accountability and Oversight

Effective governance is critical to the success

and integrity of any charity. Unfortunately, in this case

the charity operates with minimal oversight,

lacking a robust system for accountability.

This absence of checks and balances has led to numerous instances

of misconduct and negligence, which continue unchecked

due to the lack of external review and regulation.

The CEO of this charity runs it with an iron fist,

treating it as his personal domain rather

than a service-oriented organisation.

His autocratic leadership style stifles

dissent, marginalises accountability,

and prioritises self-interest over the charity's mission, 

casting a dark shadow over its purported altruistic goals -

 suggesting it serves as a means

for the CEO to enrich himself at the

expense of the charity's mission and the trust of its donors.

In light of above, it is evident

that the charity is failing to fulfil

its mission in a meaningful and ethical manner.

The lack of professionalism,

financial mismanagement, questionable practices,

exploitation of vulnerable populations,

and lack of accountability collectively paint a

damning picture of an organisation in chaos.

It is imperative that donors, regulators,

and the general public hold the

charity accountable to ensure that it

either undergoes significant reform

or ceases operations to prevent further harm.

1. A truly independent audit should be

conducted to scrutinise the financial

practices and ensure transparency.

2. Employ licensed professionals to

manage and execute programs effectively.

3.  Implement methodologies that are

backed by scientific research

and have proven efficacy.

4. Establish ethical guidelines for

fundraising to prevent the exploitation

of vulnerable clients.

5.  Develop a governance structure that

includes external oversight to ensure

accountability and ethical operations.

By addressing these critical issues,

the charity can begin to rebuild trust and

genuinely support those in need, fulfilling its

foundational mission with integrity and effectiveness.

 Rasputin's Treachery -
Throwing Madrasah Ustaads
Under the Bus !

 Betrayal of Trust

One of the most egregious aspects of this Rasputin's actions is

the profound betrayal of trust. The madrasah teachers

inherently rely on each other to maintain a level of confidentiality and

solidarity. By reporting his fellow teachers to the HMRC, he has shattered this trust.

This betrayal not only damages personal relationships but also

undermines the cohesive fabric that is essential for any team

to function effectively. Trust, once broken, is exceedingly

difficult to rebuild, and the repercussions of such an act

can ripple through an organisation, leading to a toxic work environment filled with suspicion and fear.


Devoid of Integrity

Integrity is a cornerstone of professional and personal conduct. It entails

adhering to moral and ethical principles, even when it is inconvenient or challenging.

By throwing his colleagues under the bus, this individual (Rasputin) has demonstrated a

total lack of integrity. Such actions suggest a willingness to prioritize self-preservation

or personal gain over the well-being and life  of others. This lack of ethical backbone

is alarming and raises questions about his reliability and moral

judgment in other areas of his professional life.


 Endangering Lives and Careers

The decision to report the teachers to HMRC is reckless and thoughtless.

It can have devastating consequences for those involved, potentially

leading to job loss, legal troubles, and irreparable damage to their

reputations. In extreme cases, it can also endanger their personal

safety and mental health. A colleague who jeopardizes others’ lives and

careers in this manner exhibits a blatant disregard for the severe

consequences of his actions on real people with families, responsibilities, and futures.


Consequences for the Children
The consequences extend beyond the immediate victims and the madrasah

teaching space. Students are directly impacted by the sudden upheaval.

Consistency and stability are crucial for an effective learning

environment. When teachers are under threat from Rasputin's

cowboy like actions, students lose trusted mentors and educators,

which can disrupt their deeni progress and emotional well-being.

The abrupt absence of a teacher can lead to gaps in the

curriculum, confusion, and a loss of motivation among students.  

The appalling self serving actions of one individual aka Rasputin,

has an enormous effect on the deeni well being of 100s

if not 1000s of children, not only at Tauheedul but

potentially all the masajids in Blackburn.


Erosion of Ustaads Morale
The fallout from such actions extends beyond the immediate individuals

involved. The entire team or organisation can suffer from reduced

morale and increased anxiety. Colleagues may feel insecure, constantly

worrying about being the next target. This creates a hostile

work environment where collaboration and open communication

are stifled. The fear of betrayal can lead to reduced productivity,

higher turnover rates, and a general decline in job satisfaction across the board.


Selfish Motivations
One must consider the motivations behind such a

betrayal. Rasputin's actions are driven by selfish desires for

personal advancement, revenge, or deflection of blame from

oneself. Such motivations reveal a character that is fundamentally

self-serving and manipulative. Madrasah teachers are likely to perceive

this individual as someone who cannot be trusted and who will readily

sacrifice others for personal benefit. This perception can permanently

damage his professional relationships and reputation.


By reporting the teachers to the authorities and thereby endangering their

lives and careers, Rasputin has demonstrated a profound

absence of integrity, empathy, and respect for the principles of trust

that underpin any functional workplace. His actions have far-reaching negative

consequences, undermining not only the immediate victims (including children's deeni ta'leem)

but also the broader team dynamics and organisational culture. It is a stark reminder

of the importance of ethical behaviour and the devastating impact that

betrayal can have on both personal and professional levels.


The Treason and Treachery 
of Rasputin

Last Ramadhan, when Rasputin and his thugs including his baseball

bat wielding brothers caused shameful violence in the

masjid and outside  - Among other vile village mob like rhetoric,

Rasputin  threatened the masjid that he would report them

to HMRC in relation to all the ustaads that teach at the madrasah. 

In response, an individual rebuked him saying this would shut down

the ta'leem of the children.    Rasputin harped back saying, he didnt care. 

Those who are in doubt about this, should ask witnesses who were there when this happened.

Well, if that was not enough, we have now had multiple reports

from various masajids that Rasputin has been so treacherous

in committing what would only be counted as treason against

the deen of Allah.  He, like the snake in grass he is, has informed the HMRC

about the teachers at Tauheedul madrasah.  This has resulted in

not only Tauheedul being investigated, but virtually EVERY madrasah

in the Blackburn region coming under the HMRC spotlight.

Every masjid is now being investigated by HMRC - they are now

running over the tax affairs of the madrasahs

and its teachers in every masjid in Blackburn.


Furthermore, this has been corroborated by a muslim

brother who works at HMRC in the North West. He has informed us

that any telephone conversation and/or correspondence would

have been recorded/stored, and so will be used in evidence

should this end up on legal terrain - where Rasputin will be exposed as the

one whose malicious hate resulted in the HMRC taking action.


This is the so called imam and apparent 'alim' who has

done this atrocious act that now endangers every madrasah

in the north west, not only its teachers but also

the children that receive deeni knowledge.

As a reminder, Rasputin, did exactly the same thing

when he was ousted from Bolton DU. He was hell

bent in getting the DU into trouble every which way - even phoning up

the DU's bank telling them nasty lies that the DU was committing

fraud in some vengeful attempt to have it investigated and

closed down – even though he had been at the

helm of the same DU for nearly 10 years.


For the remaining few who are still left in giving this “ghaddar” (traitor) and

treasonous evil monk, support - may Allah's wrath

also be upon you.  You are supporting someone who

through his vengeful hatred is going to such lengths to satiate his

hate, hasad and jealousy - so much so that he couldn’t care less about the

future of 1000s of  childrens deeni knowledge and the risk to their teachers.


 The Pound Shop
Maulwi Kray Twins

This is the recording of the shameful violence perpetrated by Rasputin and

his conjoined violent adulterous twin, Salim Kamboli - back in 2019 at the Bolton DU.

It was the final straw that resulted in Mr. Bhailok finally taking action to get rid of these morons for good.

Mr. Bhailok who is in the video, where you can see Rasputin hell bent in 
attempting to physically (and no doubt verbally) abuse him.

These two, plus their other two lapdogs (Darbar and Wadiwala) ruled the DU

as it was their fiefdom - just like the gangster Kray Twins that terrorised London back in the 50s and 60s.

Those of you who couldn't accept what was stated on here as truth,

like an attack on a 70 year old trustee of the DU  by these two shameless thugs,

then watch the video and see the evidence being played out.  

The Maulwi Kray Twins at the time attempted to ban this video from

circulation knowing it would expose them for who they really are and shatter
their charade as some heavenly god fearing sufis.  

In reality, it shows their real selves - hypocrites, and charlatans
taking everyone, who falls for their faux 'hazrat' showmanship, for a one almighty ride.

You decide who is Reggie and who is Ronnie.

First 2 minutes and 25 seconds, is the introduction before
the actual recording of the incident including audio

Meet Rasputin's
Conjoined Twin 

Meet Rasputin's inseparable bosom buddy of 30+ years : Salim Kamboli

Another shambolic faux maulwi, just like Rasputin, who also attended DU in South Africa.  

Rasputin has an uncanny talent of being attracted to deviants, as companions and friends.

Those who match his deviancy and evil traits become his partners in crime.  

There's the  wife beater -  Wadiwala, and now meet the wife cheating scumbag -  Salim Kamboli

(again to address him with the title of 'maulana' would be wholly

unjustified, as an adulterous slimeball has no rightful claim to such a title).

 This zaani is just another one is unable to surrender  the trappings of this dunya.

Just like his dear leader and twin, Rasputin,

he loves it's adornments and in a similar fashion chases after it, come what may.

He cheated on his wife to fulfil his corrupt desires,

causing immense pain to both his and his wife’s families.

His son has still not recovered from the acute depression, as a result of his transgression. 

He committed zina, not caring an iota for the marriage

of 20+ years and the children of that marriage.


This is Rasputin's best mate and cojoined twin of 30+ years.

These charlatans, so called alims are narcissistic dregs of society,

who have no regard for anyone except for themselves.

They use their fake 'maulana' titles to snarl the unwary in pursuit of power and capital.


Kamboli’s cravings for the worldly riches was known from his

days at the DU in South Africa - yes, like his complicit twin - Rasputin.

Few know of the truth of the alleged ‘car crash’ in South Africa,

where he was left in critical state close to death.  

Well, the truth is, that there was no car crash -

The fact was that he's attempted theft of gold from

a protected are,  in the hope of  smuggle it to another country.

However, local South Africans  caught him red handed and dished out

local 'hudud' justice there and then. He was beaten to a pulp.

Resulting in him being hospitalised with grave injuries. 

Rasputin knew this yet covered it up - as that's conjoined twins do.

All the while they made up the tale that he was injured in a car accident.


One would think he'd learnt his lesson and so rectify his illicit greed for the dunya. 

But no, like his crooked Rasputin twin, that greed was and is still ever present in him.  

Fast forward to his tenure at Bolton DU and together with Rasputin

they caused a total run down of the DU and School and  

then orchestrating theft of the assets by attempting to transfer these same assets

to their own charity  – forging signatures of trustees being one such example. 

As mentioned previously on here, Mr. Y. Bhailock was onto their shenanigans,  

and forcefully put a stop to it, and made sure they were all kicked out.


 Rasputin (and the other two sidekicks – Wadiwala, Darbar) are still at it.

This time trying the same ploy at Tauheedul but thankfully

their devious and malicious actions has once more been halted.  

Rasputin, Kamboli, Darbar and Wadiwala - all evil reprobates who

have no meaningful purpose in life except to

deceive and enrich themselves by hook, or by crook.


More will follow on Kamboli and Rasputin and the innate thuggish hooligan behaviour

they practised for so long at Bolton DU.  Which eventually lead

to them being unceremoniously booted out of the DU/School.


Even artificial intelligence
recognises the
REALITY of Rasputin  

A question was posed to GPT-4o (Premium version of the free ChatGPT)

It was asked : why is suhail manya known as rasputin ?

The answer it gave : (red highlights added afterwards)

Suhail Manya has been nicknamed "Rasputin" due to perceptions of his manipulative and
influential behavior, similar to that of Grigori Rasputin, the Russian mystic
who had significant sway over the Russian royal family. Critics use
this nickname to highlight Manya's alleged involvement in various
controversies and conflicts within the institutions
he is associated with, particularly those related to
his leadership style and decision-making.

One significant incident involved a dispute at an Islamic boarding school
in Bolton, where police were called due to conflicts between Manya and the staff.
The staff accused Manya of creating a toxic environment and attempting
to transfer school assets to another charity under his control. These actions
were seen as manipulative, echoing Rasputin's infamous reputation for intrigue and power struggles​.

Additionally, Manya has been criticized for his approach to leadership
within religious communities, where his actions have led to
petitions and significant divisions. This further fueled his "Rasputin" nickname,
as it symbolizes the disruption and controversy he allegedly brings to his roles​

Overall, the nickname "Rasputin" reflects the contentious and
polarizing figure Manya has become within certain circles,
with accusations of manipulation and conflict surrounding
his tenure in various institutions.


The Bicknell Strangler


In the 1960s there was the serial murderer who was dubbed the Boston Strangler.

It so happens, during the past Ramadhan, that a new minor strangler appeared in Tauheedul masjid,

who can, by all means, be termed as the "Bicknell Strangler". 

Who was this vile individual? 

Who would dare resort to commit such a violent act in the House of Allah ? 

After salaat, this goon stood up and then headed towards a musalli,

who was also getting up, and without any provocation,

this jackass grabbed hold of the musalli's neck and dragged him all the way to the back wall.  

It was only after the intervention of other musallis that this animalistic knucklehead was

separated from the musalli, who was understandably left dazed. 

For whatever reason this imbecilic airhead did this, it was a vile crime

against the House of Allah - a place which is sanctified and a blessed sanctuary.

Nothing justifies such unprovoked violence in His House.

All this has been documented and recorded in the masjid CCTV cameras.

There are also countless witnesses to the unfortunate event.

So who was this uneducated, uncouth, and illiterate low life

dunderhead that committed this lamebrained act ? 

Lo and behold !!  It was Rasputin's teenage son - yes, HIS SON !!

Seems this is a very good case of, 'like father like son'.

Violence and nasty, devilish akhlaq runs deep in Rasputin,

 and all those he acquaints with.  Whether it's Wadiwala, Darbar,

and his baseball bat wielding meathead brothers - and now his son/s.

Birds of feather, always flock together - as the adage goes.

If his own son, and who like his uncouth dad,  is studying at Azaadville DU,

hasn't taken into practice the high and mighty preaching of his father.

If all the seerah lectures and hours of sermonising about

adopting good akhlaq, like the good character of the

Prophet ﷺ, the Sahaba (rad') etc hasn't sunk into his own son's life -

then what chance that it has for others  ? 

His own son,  for nearly 18+ years was supposed given tarbiyyah at home

for 18+ years - home schooled, home madrasah'd, 24/7

and yet still this same son cannot stop himself resorting to

violent behaviour in the House of Allah.  

Compare that to a muslim boy/girl, who has not been home schooled,

has gone to secular schools, and attended madrasah,

and received ta'leem and tarbiyyah

from their parents about good behaviour. 

How many of these turned out to be so evil that they commit violence

in a sanctified space like the Masjid ? 

Answer = ZERO.

Certainly not in Tauheedul Masjid.

Rasputin's son, was the FIRST to commit such violence, in the history of the masjid. 

With all the arrogant abuse he has dished out to Tauheedul schools,

may be he should ask himself how many of those students (whether  boy or girl)

has gone on to commit such horrendous violent action in the House of the Almighty ?

Spiritual penetration of words can only happen if the

one doing the talking, is himself of upright character and a decent human. 

He is not a hypocrite.

Doesn't cause strife and disunity.

Is averse to causing fitnah.

Doesn’t hurl abuse.

Doesn't shame others at the pulpit.

Doesn't bring harm to others.

Isn't filled with envy, hasad and hatred.

Isnt in love with the  dunya and hankers after materialism etc

No matter how many sermons the person gives, 

in whatever eloquent manner he gives them,

if he possess any of the evil traits mentioned,

the words will have little or no effect.

The talks will be for mere entertainment purposes.

People will listen, say "wah wah",  and once finished, and forget. 

Just another form of merry making bidah party like Rasputin's trip

to the "old boys reunion" in South Africa.

If an example is ever needed then look

no further than Rasputin's son - for all of Rasputin’s efforts

his own son was devoid of receiving any of the

spiritual effects and benefit of his sermons, talks and teachings. Why ?

Those talks were devoid of noor and blessing because the person giving

them is devoid of  حـسـن الـخلق husn-khalq (good and upright character/akhlaq)

With all the baggage and ill repute Rasputin has garnered, how on earth

can his words or teaching have any effect,  not only on the public, 

but on his own kith and kin. 


Nice rhetoric and sweet talks are never ever

a sign of spiritual knowledge.

Even Adolf Hitler's  speeches filled the masses with hypnotic trances and cheer.

Yet, look at what he was and turned out to be.

اللهم احفظنا من أمثال هؤلاء
Oh Allah, Protect us from such people !  - Aameen


The Dangers of Deviant Alims

Here is a rule by Imam Ash-Shatibi who said:

“Evil scholars are those who are dangerous to mankind.

They are a disease to mankind, and they are those who do not act on their knowledge.”


In his book Al-Fawa’id, Ibnul Qayyim gave a parable. He said:

“Evil scholars are like people sitting on the gates of Paradise (Jannah) and

calling people to come on in. With their tongues they are saying come on in,

come on in, but their actions are saying do not come in.

The more they talk to people and tell people to come in,

the more their actions say do not listen to us, because if we were

indeed truthful then we would have been the first to apply it…”

Ulama As-Su’ (Evil scholars) like Rasputin appear as though they are guides
but they are bandits, may Allah save us and give us refuge from that.
Those who do not apply what they learn are like bandits.
It is like you are in your car and you are asking someone for directions,
and he gives you a detour so he can rob you. That is how evil scholars are.
The Qur’an gives us parables and examples to learn from.
Some of the worst parables and examples in the Qur’an to learn from
are pertaining to those who do not apply their knowledge:
“And recite (O Muhammad) to them the story of him to whom We gave
Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc),
but he threw them away, so shaytan, iblis (satan) followed him up,
and he became of those who went astray. And had We willed,
We would surely have elevated him therewith
but he clung to the earth and followed his own vain desire.
So his description is the description of a dog:
If you drive him away, he lolls (protrudes) his tongue out, or if you
leave him alone, he (still) lolls his tongue out.
Such is the description  of the people who reject Our Ayat.
So relate the stories, perhaps they may reflect.”
(Surah Al A’raf,7:175 -176)

Imaam Ibn al Qayyim [rahimahullaah] said:

Allah likened him to a dog because he was given 

knowledge of the Book and taught what was not given to others,

but he abandoned it, followed his desires and

preferred the Anger of  Allah over the Pleasure of Allah,

preferring the worldly life over the afterlife and preferred the created beings over the Creator

(like hankering after luxurious cars, expensive holidays to sin city, 

wasting £1000s in taking part in merry making parties,

chasing relentlessly after an opulent lifestyle, demanding salary of £35k+ to feed that greed  etc)


A dog is considered to be among the meanest animals, the greediest and most

eager [for food]. And due to this eagerness, it does not roam about except

that its nose is placed on the ground, whilst sniffing greedily and eagerly.

When it takes possession of a dead animal enough for a hundred dogs, it would

not allow another dog to eat anything from it, except whilst

growling and seeking to gain the upper hand due to eagerness, greed and covetousness.

This deviant alim - the one who abandoned the

verses of Allah and followed his desires -

did so out of severe eagerness for the worldly life and due to his heart

being disconnected from Allaah and the afterlife.

He is extremely eager for the dunyah and his eagerness is

similar to the constant eagerness of a dog whether it is troubled or left alone.


Ibn Jurayj [rahimahullaah] said:

A dog is among those animals with the least patience when it is thirsty.

It lolls its tongue out the most, whether it is standing,

sitting, moving or not moving. Its intense desire [i.e. greed]

necessitates that it will always loll its tongue.

Likewise, this is the affair of that person likened to the

dog because the extreme eagerness and burning desire in his

heart necessitates that he will always exert himself [for the worldly goods at the expense of the Aakhirah].

He still exerts himself whether he is admonished or not.


Mujaahid [rahimahullaah] said:

This is similar to the one given knowledge of the Book, but he does not act upon it.


Ibn Abbaas [radiyallaahu-anhumaa] said:

If you direct him towards wisdom, he does not follow it,

and if you leave him alone he is not guided towards good,

just like the dog that lolls its tongue out whether it is taking a rest or driven away.


Al-Hasan [rahimahullaah] said:

It is the Munaafiq. He does not remain firm upon the truth

whether he is called or left alone,

whether he is admonished or not admonished,

just like the dog that lolls its tongue out whether driven away or left alone.


So Allah [The Most High] gave an example of the one who abandoned His Aayaat, saying:

He is misguided, whether he is admonished or left alone, just like the dog that lolls its tongue out,

whether driven away or left alone.

This Ayah [Al-A’raaf 176] is similar to the saying of Allah [The Most High]:

وَإِن تَدۡعُوهُمۡ إِلَى ٱلۡهُدَىٰ لَا يَتَّبِعُوڪُمۡ‌ۚ سَوَآءٌ عَلَيۡكُمۡ أَدَعَوۡتُمُوهُمۡ أَمۡ أَنتُمۡ صَـٰمِتُونَ 

And if you call them to guidance, they follow you not.

It is the same for you whether you call them, or you keep silent [7:193]

For those deviant alims like Rasputin;

Contemplate on the [statements] of wisdom and [significant] meanings found in this parable!


How Rasputin disregards noble Prophetic teachings

He is not one of us .... who does not show respect to elders. (At-Tirmidhi)

If a young man honours an elderly on account of his age,

Allah appoints someone to honour him in his old age. (At-Tirmidhi)

link Mosque's £1.5m royal boost - 10th July 2007

MOSQUE leaders are celebrating a £1.5million windfall after their

ambitious rebuilding scheme was adopted by the royal family of Qatar.

The money, pledged by Emir His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, has provided a vital boost

to £3million plans to replace the outdated worship centre in Bicknell Street, Blackburn.

The offer came after Lord Adam Patel, chairman of the mosque board, visited Qatar three months ago.

Lord Patel, who represents Blackburn at Westminster, said:

"I visited the Emir and his wife when they held a conference I was invited to.

"They are really courteous and down-to-earth people, and we asked if a donation was possible

for our new multi-purpose building. We were delighted when they very

generously promised to donate £1.5million towards the project." - 


The  respected marhoom Adam Hafejee Patel نورالله مرقده , was

Tauheedul's honoured president for many years and imparted
selfless service. He was from the first generation of elders that  came to Blackburn and together with other
marhoomeen elders, founded the masjid and madrasah.  May Allah reward them all the highest place in Jannah. Aameen

His crowning achievement for the community in 2007, was his initiative
and single handed influence in convincing the then, amir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani
رحمة الله عليه,

to donate over £1.5m (£2.5m in today's money) towards the complete reconstruction
of the masjid and madrasah as it stands today.  


With Allah's grace, the marhoom will continue to reap immense rewards till the day of Quiyaamah.
Every musalli that reads their salaat, every child, and every deed performed in the masjid and madrasah

will also be recorded in his book of good deeds.

As without his wise intervention while visiting the

Qatari ruler at the time, the funding to develop
the masjid and madrasah in the grand form as it stands now, would most likely

never had happened or at least not in the scale it was done.

Yet the ungrateful tyrant Rasputin, has had a tyrannical crusade against

the marhoom and his family members, not only when he was alive but
still continues to do so, some 5 years after his demise.  

The nasty verbal abuse, cursing, expletive filled slander he has hurled

at the late marhoom and his family members would
put the most hard hearted person to shame.  But not him.

He seems to forget, that without the immense contribution of marhoom Adam نورالله مرقده,

he wouldn't have had the opportunity to have been the imam (now ex-imam) in the first place.  


When the Qatari delegation came to the UK, as guests of the masjid and marhoom Adam نورالله مرقده,

Rasputin was like a fawning love sick youngster.

 Like a love sick puppy, Rasputin couldn't help himself being enamoured towards the Qatari
diplomat - the embarrassing show of him trying so desperately to curry

favour with him was sickening. Witnesses back then saw with sheer

embarrassment how badly he carried himself, making a mockery of diplomatic protocol.  

Furthermore, Rasputin made a very awkward speech, where he

attempted to read from a prepared script in Arabic,
which he no doubt angst over the night before - and was so filled with grammatical errors

that the Qatari diplomat told him bluntly to speak English, as Rasputin
was showing himself as an inept maulwi, who claimed to be 'fluent' in Arabic.  

In fact, a few arabs who were present then, stated
that his Arabic was so grammatically poor that they wondered what sort

of Islamic scholar he was, as his mastery of the Arabic language
was worse than a 7 year old arab child just getting to grips with the Arabic language .  

If that wasn't enough, when he proceeded
to speak English, his ignorance of protocol was demonstrated by him

when he referred to the diplomatic guest as his "friend".  

The diplomat obviously annoyed, interrupted him and told him in no uncertain words,

yet politely.. "I am not your friend, I don't know you !".  

This is the sort of idiocy that perfectly exemplifies him.  

He couldn't help himself trying  to cling to  the Qatari's coat tails, believing may be
the diplomat would offer him some rich

employment  post in return for his desperate obedient dog like behaviour.  


How unfortunate is he who has no consideration and

respect for those who did so much for the masjid and madrasah -

especially if he himself has for decades
enjoyed the fruits of

and then continues to hurl curses and vile abuse to the marhoom and his family.

The same marhoom whom which Allah chose to be a means

for allowing the masjid and madrasah

to stand in its current grandeur.



Rasputin's addiction of wanting to be revered

'Hazrat Worship'

What sort of alleged Alim calls himself  "Hazrat" and has posters printed stating so ?

Rasputin portrays the noxious state of the so-called ‘shaikhs’ of tasawwuf of this era.


As stated by the respected Mufti Sadaq Desai, South Africa :

They indulge in haraam and bid’ah which are regarded as constituents of Tasawwuf.

Tasawwuf is practically dead today.

Both these types of ‘hazrats’ and their ‘mureeds’ are juhalaignoramuses

who have polluted the pure Ilm and Amal of Tasawwuf. 

These semi-qabar pujaaris do not have the haziest idea of the meaning of Tasawwuf.

The actions mentioned in the under mentioned letter have no relationship with Tasawwuf.

They are the prelude to Qabar Puja (Grave-Worship).

Riya and Takabbur  have  made the ‘shaikhs’ of today, bandits.

They ruin and rob the juhala of their Akhlaaq and Imaan.


The letter :

I do not understand the actions of certain Hazrats.

They come in to the Masjid with  mureeds walking in behind them. 

Everybody gets to know who is the important man and, in some instances,

people have to, or are made to move so that Hazrat can get to where he wants.  (like parking space ?)

Hazrat can walk round or sit where he is, but no, he must walk

through the Masjid so that everybody sees him. 

Many times he will walk in one minute before Salah and the layman will be expected

to make a path and give way to Hazrat in the first saff.

This is classed as respect, obedience to Shaykh in order to obtain Fana Fillah. 

Carrying of Hazrat’s shoes and placing them on the rack also takes place,

yet Hazrat has no known medical condition and is able to pick up

the shoes himself. Does this not create pride in him? 

Then prior to a talk, the Molvi Mureed of Hazrat will praise Hazrat for a full

2 or 3 minutes with tears welling up in his eyes.

Is such excessive praise, particularly in the presence of Hazrat, justifiable? 

If a lay man not endowed with knowledge and therefore manners approaches

Hazrat to ask a question or to make Salam, Mureeds fiercely usher him

away saying Hazrat is busy or is going to rest. 

If the Molvi Mureed is giving a talk, he will talk excessively saying Hazrat

said this and Hazrat said that. In fact the words of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and the

blessed name of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alahyi Wasallam is given less of a mention than Hazrat’s name and words. 

When any bid’ah or wrongful actions of Hazrat are pointed out,

Mureeds take offence and even threaten to harm the person. 

One person directly stated to me that if my Hazrat is offended I

do not want to see the face of the person that offended him,

yet Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam forgave the majority at the

time of Conquest of Makkah and these disbelievers did far worse to Him. 

Furthermore, we now have to listen to the dreams of Hazrat through Molvi Mureeds,

who educate the masses to think that Hazrat’s dreams are a Shar’i proof for an action. 

On one occasion we were told when Laylatul Qadar occurred due to Hazrat’s dream. 

People create Twitter accounts exclusively dedicated to Hazrat’s words.

The words of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and Sahabah (May Allah Be Pleased With Them)

are redundant from these accounts. 

When Hazrat becomes ill we are bombarded with SMS to make Du’a for Him by Mureeds,

sometimes at midnight, yet the known Muslim layman in their own

community does not get the benefit of even one SMS sent on his behalf. 

Is this all part of Tasawwuf or am I right to suspect that

this is bordering on Hazrat worshipping, which is detrimental to one’s faith?


What awaits the hypocrites of

Ulama-e-soo (deviant ulama)

that do not practise what

they preach !

Abu Uthman al-Hindi reported:

Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said,

“Verily, what I fear most for this nation is a learned hypocrite.”

It was said, “How is he a learned hypocrite?”

Umar said, “He is learned with his tongue,

but he is ignorant of the heart and good deeds.

Source: al-Aḥādīth al-Mukhtārah 236

In the Quran, Allah states that the lowest and the most horrific pit of fire

will not be filled with those who denied God and His blessings, rather it will be for hypocrites –

those who are two-faced and preach what they do not practice.

The traits of hypocrites and warnings to them are found throughout the Quran.

In one such passage, Allah chastises a group of people who claimed to be the

most dear to Allah saying :

أَتَأۡمُرُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ بِٱلۡبِرِّ وَتَنسَوۡنَ أَنفُسَكُمۡ وَأَنتُمۡ تَتۡلُونَ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَۚ أَفَلَا تَعۡقِلُونَ

"Do you enjoin upon people godliness and virtue but forget your own selves, even

while you recite the Book (and see therein the orders, prohibitions, exhortations and warnings)?

Will you not understand and come to your senses” 

al-Baqarah v 44

This was directed toward the learned people among the Israelites

but  is a warning to all of who claim to be from the people of knowledge.

The most ironic thing is that these people were the learned scholars

who used to read the scripture to the people and interpret what

Allah wanted them to do, while neglecting to do so themselves. 

The esteemed Mufti Sadeq Desai writes :

The calamity is that the majority of the

`Ulama today are `Ulama-e-Soo’ in the true sense of the word.

They are the kind of `Ulama that Hudhoor (Sallallaahu `Alayhi wasallam) feared for his Ummat.

They are the Aimmah-e-Mudhilleen (deviant ulama).

The job of these Aimmah-e-Mudhilleen is only to cause Fitnah

amongst the Muslimeen in their vileness, through

obscuring the true Deen of Islaam from them.

Their job is to slander, criticise, defame, and insult any true Muslim who

takes it upon himself to carry out the Fardh (Obligatory)

duties which Allah Subhanahu wa Ta`ala has placed upon him.


حُبُّ الدُّنْيَا وَكَرَاهِيَةُ الْمَوْتِ 

“Love of the world and hatred of death” 

Rasputin exemplifies the one who loves the dunya.
His penchant for expensive tastes and hankering after the
highlife personifies someone who is in love with the dunya.
And he has the gall and hypocrisy to constantly preach from the pulpit,
about leading a life of simplicity (sadghi) and frugality.
Sermonising about living according to sunnah -
life of zuhd and rejecting opulence in favour of simple living.
While his own lifestyle is completely the opposite.
Is he so moronically stupid that he isn't aware that
every single one of those listening
to his pompous and arrogant preaching
is laughing at his sheer hypocrisy ?
Look at the love he has for :
1) Fast and Luxurious cars
2) Designer clothing, like wearing coats/jackets costing near £1,000
3) Perpetual habit of taking trips to the Middle East's zina capital of kabaair (major) sins
4) Moving out from the community he claims to serve, to an affluent OUTSIDE locality
5) Demanding a pay rise from Tauheedul to £35k+ per year -
when not a single imam in the UK gets such remuneration.
Even people working 50 hours a week in back breaking jobs hardly get over £15k. 
In fact some imams in London, who are expected to be in the
masjid 8 till 6 are paid no more than £20k.
Yet this deluded charlatan wants £35k+ for doing daily duties for what ? :
30 mins (leading salaat if he leads all 5)
2.5 hours for madrasah
where in actual reality he just lounges about
in the office doing useless chit chat with his thicko muggins slaves,
Messrs Darbar and Wadiwala.
Tauheedul's very own 3 fishwives.

This clearly is someone who has fallen in
love with the trappings of the dunya.
Narrated Thawban رضي الله عنه (the freed slave of Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم) :
The Prophet صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم said:
“The nations are about to come for you, just as guests come for their meal.” 
Someone said, “Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?” 
He replied, “Nay, on that day you will be many, 
but you will be scum and rubbish like that is carried down by a torrent. 
And God will remove fear from the breasts of your enemy, 
and God will cast wahm (weakness) into your hearts. 
Then someone asked , “O Messenger of God, and what is wahm ?” 
He replied , “Love of the world and  hatred of death”.
The Prophet صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم warned us about
And Rasputin is that
warning in front of our eyes.


The open hypocrisy of Rasputin's zanadiqah, bid'ah and kuffar

merry making function trip is highlighted by this letter

to which Mufti Sadeq penned

his reply (as posted below, prior to this letter)

The following is a letter from a Brother who justifiably voices his indignation and consternation: 

Sept 2019

Assalamu Alaikum

Recently Madressa Arabia Islamia published a poster advertising for a merrymaking party.

This party, the first of its kind since no one else introduced such a thing before!!!

I don’t even think the Qabr Pujaari -agents of iblees – have stooped down so low to this level !!!

The poster is an invitation from the Madressa to all Hifz chaps, Qari “Sahebs” and Molvis who

had completed their studies there to have a reunion merry making party

and also together talking about the challenges of the Ulema and other topics they

still have no idea what to talk about! (it’s mentioned in the poster!)

– ALL THIS WILL TAKE 3 DAYS – SUBHANALLAH! – at the end of this September. 

Unfortunately this stupid advert has began circulating around

these dumb and silly “Ulema & Jamiat” “Watsapp Groups” 

One of these dumb molvis from Jamiat KZN accidentally sent me the poster on WhatsApp.

As I was casually browsing the poster I realised that it was the

most stupid and idiotic thing I’ve ever read and I would be honest to say

that no one would expect such NONSENSE AND UTTER THRASH

to ever be  published and advertised by one of OUR established so-called Madressahs’.

Anyway, the contents of the poster together with MY CONCERNS are as follows:

Abna e Qadim (“Special Madressa Reunion Programme“) – As far as the SHARIA IS CONCERNED,

there never was any such thing called Madresah Reunion! I’m almost certain that this is a new bidah.

Did Rasulullah(SallalhuAlyhi Wasallam) by any chance hold any “Special Reunion” with the Sahaabah(RadiyallahuAnhum).

During the time of Imaam Ahmed bin Hambal (Rahmatullah Alayhi) there was a lot of fitna.

Did he hold “reunion” conference programmes with his students?!! Of course not!!!

In fact reunions are the way and customs of the Kuffar!!!

Reunions have no place in Islam right? However, It is possible that this soon to be Evil Bidah

could be nipped in the bud so to speak.

If it’s not taken care of now and the Ulema e Haq don’t speak about this

then it’s quite possible that it will become widespread like the evil satanic seerat  jalsa’s etc…    

(End of the Brother’s valid lament) 


The Prophet  ﷺ said,

“The majority of the Hypocrites of this Ummah [Muslims] will be its alims ”

[Musnad Ahmad no. 10/123]


In another Hadeeth, He ﷺ said:

“In the latter days the devout ones (Sufis) will be ignorant  and the Ulama immoral.”


Sayyidina Umar (Allah be pleased with him) said:

“On behalf of this Ummah, I am most fearful of the Alim who is a hypocrite.” 

A perfect example of such a hypocrite :
in 2019 Rasputin, went AWOL from his duties at the Masjid/Madrasah and
spent £1000s to have a jolly merry making trip to South Africa for an "old boys" reunion
One may ask, where in the Sharia does it sanction such merry making ?
When Rasputin was preaching against events like the above, his hypocrisy
was on open display when he waisted £1000s on a 'Zanadaqah' (heretical murtaddeen) event.
"Is there anywhere in the Qur’aan and Sunnah examples and permission for such waste and bid’ah functions? 
It is not permissible. It is bid’ah. It is a ploy of shaitaan"
- Mufti S. Desai

 Mufti Sadeq Desai - Majlis-al Ulama, South Africa,

the distinguished Mufti is the senior Khalifah of

Maulana Maseehullah Khan Saab (reh)

who in turn was the Khalifah of the Mujaddid, Hakeemul

Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (reh), 

had this to say on the "jahaalat" event :



Sept 2019

abna-e-qadeem merrymaking function


The Azaadville Madrasah in emulation of the Zanadaqah ‘Old Boys of Aligarh University’, is organizing a silly, wasteful,

proudful function of laghw and fudhool to show off its accomplishment in the sphere of Shar’i Uloom.

This function is the very antithesis of the Maqsad (sacred objective) for which a Madrasah is established.

The Maqsood of a Madrasah should be nothing other than the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala by way of

reviving and implementing the Sunnah which the Madrasah is supposed to impart.

For achieving this objective, it is imperative that the Madrasah increasingly

and progressively adorns itself with the humility, simplicity, total lack of ostentation and

the ghurbat which were the hallmarks and attributes of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and the Sahaabah.

Indeed, shaitaan has engarlanded Muslims of this era, including the Darul Ulooms and Khaanqas,

with the epidemic of merrymaking functions where they all specialize in eating and

excreting whilst millions of the Ummah are languishing in extreme poverty and ignorance all over the world. 

What has happened to the brains of these Azaadvile molvies?

They are supposed to teach Hadith and practice the commands presented in the Qur’aan and Ahaadith.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“The Muslimoon are like a single person. If the eye pains, the whole body is affected.

If the head pains, the whole body is affected.”

Today millions and millions of Muslims of this Ummah are suffering

and starving while others professing love for Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and

His Deen are lost in nafsaani enjoyment and shaitaani israaf, riya, and takabbur. 

With what calibre of Imaan do these molvis indulge in feasting,

excreting, merrymaking, entertaining, riya and israaf when the

Ummah is ablaze with heart-rendering sufferings and misery?

And, while Allah’s ‘lesser punishment’ in the form of widespread

violence and looting has already been decreed, these

molvis find leisure and the pleasure for their khuraafaat!!! 

How many thousands of rands will be gushed down the toilet

and sewer drains at the three-day old boys merrymaking function

whilst the Ummah is suffering and while millions are scrounging for food?

Does the Hadith teach such israaf and callousness?

Does the Qur’aan teach this?

Is there anywhere in the Qur’aan and Sunnah examples and permission for such waste and bid’ah functions? 

With their old boys merrymaking functions and sportsfields, the Darul Uloom are aping

the Yahood and Nasaara right into the “lizard’s hole.” 

Indeed this fallen Ummah has become the RUBBISH stated by Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam): 

“The time will soon dawn when the nations of the world will gobble you (Muslims) with their coalitions.”

Someone asked: ‘O Rasulullah! Will we be few in number on that day?’

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “On the contrary, you will be abundant.

But you will be ghutha (rubbish / flotsam / jetsam / chaff). 

Allah will remove from the hearts of your enemies fear for you, and He will cast Wahan in you.”

Someone asked: ‘O Rasulullah! What is wahan?’

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Love for the dunya and aversion for Maut.” 

Leave alone the masses (awaamun naas), the molvis suffer more

from this disease of hubbud dunya (love for the world) which is being

manifested in these functions of waste, pride, show, merrymaking and satanism.

They should hang their heads in shame. They teach Hadith, but

their hearts are like stone or harder than stone. Their hearts are

bereft of the slightest vestige of mercy and feeling for their suffering

brethren in Syria, Burma, Kashmir, Palestine, and elsewhere.

Their hearts are rotten with the diseases of the nafs. 

They all come within the scope of the Hadith in

which are mentioned some Signs of Qiyaamah: 

“Knowledge will be imparted for reasons other than the Deen,

and with the amal of the Aakhirat the dunya will be pursued.”

This is today the condition of the Madaaris and Khaanqahs. 

The dunya and the nafs reign supreme in these institutions,

hence all this haraam merrymaking, entertainment and satanic waste.

There is no goodness in Azaadville’s Old Boys merrymaking function.

It is not permissible. It is bid’ah. It is a ploy of shaitaan in which he has

harnessed molvis to execute his pernicious plot of undermining

the Deen and to sever the bond with Allah Ta’ala.

This Bond can be strengthened only by reverting to the Sunnah,

not by aping the Yahood and Nasaara, and by innovating  practices,

functions, etc. which are in total conflict with the Shariah and the spirit of Islam.

6 Muharram 1441 – 6 September 2019


An apt response to the latest capricious

rant of a letter from

Rasputin's fatuous sycophants 

To the Illustrious Interim Working Committee


Alhamdulillah, after a mere 36 years, we have finally received your letter.

A document so profoundly insightful, it’s a wonder it didn’t come with a Nobel Prize attached.

Your opening line truly sets the stage for what can only be described as a literary marvel.

Following this, the declaration of your tireless efforts leaves us in awe—if only effort translated directly into competence. 

Your dramatic proclamation about the notice board, after 36 years, is truly the stuff of legends.

One can only imagine the sleepless nights spent in anticipation of such a monumental event.

A missed signature here, a procedural misstep there—these are clearly matters of life and death.

Surely, the world’s finest investigative minds should be summoned to tackle these alleged errors.

The entire letter is peppered with such insights that even a child would find them amusing.

The level of outrage over minutiae is truly commendable;

it’s a wonder how we’ve survived all these years without your meticulous oversight.

Your demands for immediate answers and signed documents

evoke a sense of urgency that would be more fitting in a spy thriller than an AGM notice.

Your dedication to following every possible rule, no matter how obscure or pedantic,

is a shining example to us all. Perhaps we should introduce a new role in the committee

for someone to count the grains of sand on the beach, just to ensure they comply with our high standards.

And then, there’s the showstopper: your impassioned plea for Rasputin's reinstatement.

One can almost hear the swelling orchestral music in the background as you make your case.

It’s touching to see such devotion; truly, Shakespearean in its drama.

For future reference, when crafting such masterpieces, perhaps consider running them by a 10 year old schooler.

Their grasp of common sense might help avoid some of the more laughable errors. 

For all further whimsical communications, please continue to brighten our days

With bemused regards,

The Board of the  Bored 


### Further Remarks ###

Your letter reads like an over-the-top soap opera script,

with each sentence dripping with melodrama.

If only your enthusiasm could be matched by a

basic understanding of effective communication.

Your fixation on procedural minutiae would be charming if it weren’t so comically misplaced.

The breathless urgency over a notice that has been

36 years in the making is akin to panicking over a misplaced comma in a novel —

perhaps only a toddler would appreciate the excitement.

The insistence on immediate answers and documented evidence

makes one wonder if you believe we are operating in

some imminent nuclear meltdown. Spoiler alert: we're not.

Your convoluted demands for compliance with a series of obscure

provisions suggest you have mistaken our AGM for a treasure hunt,

with the hidden prize being a grasp on reality. 

The theatrics surrounding the audit and AGM linkage are particularly amusing.

Finally, your heartfelt plea for Rasputin's reinstatement is the pièce de résistance.

The passion with which you present this demand is nothing short of operatic.

One can almost see the stage lights dimming as you make your case.

In the future, perhaps consider simplifying your communication.

A bit of clarity and a dash of realism might go a long way.

And remember, a sense of proportion is invaluable—

something even children grasp with ease.

For all future communications, whimsical or otherwise, please continue

to reach out at: mtiworkingcommittee@yahoo.com.

With bemused regards,

The Board of the VERY Bored 


Sayyidina Umar (rd) said: “On behalf of this Ummah,

I am most fearful of the Alim who is a hypocrite.”

Rasputin's and his 2 lackey mugs fit the bill.  

Out of so many examples, here's one :

Nov 2020 (during Covid)

In a long moronic tin foil conspiracy filled rant,  

he talks about the restrictions on madrasah classes, Rasputin asks : 

"representatives had the right intentions ?" 

“And this is my question.... Whose agenda are they following?"

“Whose interests are they keeping in mind?"

"Do they have mine and your interests at heart?"

“Do they have the interests of our children at heart? ”

“There should be certain questions arising in

your minds as to why is this happening."

“When you come to the bottom of that you will come to

realise that the people they are colluding with and

sitting with they are not of the same imaan, faith as us.”

source : AsianImage


The above quotes, made during the

covid era, from  a mega rant

filled conspiracy b/s typically emanating 

from a rust filled empty vessel

Now, turn the tables, and ask the same questions to

Rasputin and his 2 lackeys (aka Dopey Muggins Brothers; Darbar & Wadiwala)

who want to SHUTTER madrasah classes :

Whose agenda are they following?

Whose interests are they keeping in mind?

Do they have mine and your interests at heart?

Do they have the interests of our children at heart? 

 Should there be certain questions arising

in your minds as to why this is happening ? 

Since they are  hell bent in wanting to CLOSE the

madrasah classes, should we then logically also deduce this ? :

“When you come to the bottom of that you will come to realise

that the people they are colluding with and sitting with

they are not of the same imaan, faith as us.”


Or is this another example of two faced hypocrisy by

Rasputin and his 2 Dopey Muggins Brothers

that is now so well known to one and all ?


The Halalization of the Haram  -

Rasputin and his KFC love affair

Making KFC 'halal' just because his owner mates at Eurogarages asked him (they
owned a KFC franchise in B/Burn) -
he now bears

responsibility for thousands eating doubtful / haram food.

This by Mufti Sadeq Desai - Majlis-al Ulama, South Africa

The distinguished Mufti is the senior Khalifah of

Maulana Maseehullah Khan Saab (reh)

who in turn was the Khalifah of the Mujaddid, Hakeemul

Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (reh) :



In the ideology of today’s maajin (crazy) maulwis and muftis, ‘Taqwa’ is antique.

For them Taqwa has no relevance in the practical lives of Muslims.

Thus, they frown when they hear someone speaking about Taqwa.

Their attitude towards Taqwa is one of Istikhfaaf (disdain), if not outright rejection.
Furthermore, they believe that Ulama who blend their fataawa

with Taqwa are ‘mad’ as the kuffaar believed about the Ambiya.

Yet, the Qur’aan Majeed commands the cultivation of Taqwa from

page one to the last page. The Qur’aan Majeed is replete

with the command of Taqwa. The maulwis & muftis of today do not have the

haziest idea of the meaning of Taqwa. That is why they zigzag and

blunder like drunken persons when issuing zigzag fatwas.

The dunya has made their brains groggy. They are unable to understand the

kutub beyond the ink shadows of the words.

These ulama-e-soo’ (evil ulama) have ruined the Akhlaaq and even the

Imaan of the Ummah with their zig zag haraam

fatwas which halaalize practices which are blatantly haraam.

Just imagine! A slaughtering system branded by

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) as  ‘Shareetatush Shaitaan’

is able to produce ‘halaal-tayyib’ meat and chickens in the

understanding of the vermiculated (worm eaten) brains

of the maajin muftis and maulwis of today.

How is it possible for Ulama who have Imaan to ever

condone and promote a system which is brutal (eg stunning) and HARAAM

from A to Z, then with their  condonation they actively promote the

haraam halaalization certification of human shayaateen

by the Carrion Cartel of Iblees?

While the function of the Ulama is to defend and safeguard

the purity of all Islamic institutions, systems and practices,

these zigzagging maulwis & muftis do the exact opposite. With technicalities

whose application they do not understand,  they promote

the haraam wares of the Agents of Iblees.

That is why Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that

“a time will dawn when the worst of the people under the

canopy of the sky will be their ulama from whom will

gush fitnah and the fitnah will rebound on them.”


Rasputin's dictatorial legacy of abysmal failure and

total abject dereliction of responsibility and duty

towards students, staff and the DU/school. 

Ever since Rasputin was made principal of the DU/School,

NOT one OFSTED report gave any rating

that was something to be proud about. 

Always concluding that the DU/school was

woefully inadequate and fell shamefully short of even

the lowest of standards that parents rightfully expect for their children.

Here is the summary of the last report before the wannabe dictator

was finally and unceremoniously BOOTED out

of the institution after years of shambolic failure :


Concerns for safety of pupils at Bolton boarding

school after 'inadequate' rank from Ofsted

source : Bolton News

Students at a school in Bolton  are deemed to be 'at risk' after

it was rated 'inadequate' by inspectors.

The school also failed to meet a host of  

health and safety standards set to protect both pupils and staff, said the authorities.

Concerns around the safeguarding of pupils at the independent

Al Jamiatul Islamiyah school in Deane were raised by regulator Ofsted

The school also failed to meet a host of

health and safety standards set to protect both pupils and staff, said the authorities.

In particular, the school has no safeguarding policy for students boarding.

This potentially places other children in

boarding at serious risk of harm."

Fire safety was also highlighted as an issue at the school, said the report

"Several shortfalls were found with fire safety

provision which places pupils at risk of harm."

Staff were also unaware of how to deal with boarders who become unwell.

"There is no policy for the care of boarders who are unwell," said Ofsted.

"This means that should children fall ill out of hours, there is no clear

procedure to guide staff or senior advocates on the actions that they need to take."


What sort of individual who was 

given responsibility over

children, shows such enormous disregard for their

   health, safety and education ?

Answer = a dictator who lacks any sort of kindness, empathy and concern.

"Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith." 

- Sahih Muslin (Book of Morals & Manners)


The Unmitigated bigotry, racism, illiteracy and

sheer idiocy of Rasputin

These are a few of the first hand reports given to us by some of the ulama,

teachers and students from the time Rasputin caused havoc at Bolton DU :

1) telling staff and students not to trust "surtis"


2) also not to trust Bengali and Pakistani students

(even though they made a large part of the DU fees and so his WAGE)


3) Verbally abuse, with extreme profanities, any staff

(school teachers and ulama) who raised concern about his behaviour


4) Deliberately running the school to the ground - on paper they were

supposed to teach many core subjects, but in reality he purposedly made only

a couple of subjects to be taught.  And even then it was deduced

as "inadequate" at best (OFSTED's own deduction)


5) Any ulama/staff who he thought was to take matters to external officials,

he would threaten them with blackmail with made up stories. Even threatening

the staff member that he would tell students of these (made up) lies.


6) Concerned parents being hurled nasty abuse simply because their

children reported his vile behaviour towards them.  His bigotry towards 'surtis',

Bangladeshi and Pakistani children - and the disgusting racism he met out to them. 

One mother, who confronted him with his bigoted behaviour,

was reduced to tears by his crass verbal abuse towards her. 

See details below about the Police being involved. Parents and staff had, had enough of him.


7) Because of the above, OFSTED made a uncalled inspection and

found massive failures in student care - both health and mental well being. 

OFSTED issued final warning of closure - ALL this was under his watch. 

It was then that a responsible and concerned elder, Y. Bhailok, decided

enough was enough and made the decision to remove him.


8) Under his abysmal watch, in the years he was there - NOT one

student academically achieved any sort of worthy qualification to

further his progress in the real world. NOT one student went onto university. 

Compare that to other DUs, and one can see what an abject failure he was.   

A reflection of massive failure he was at any sort of academic level.

He was/is plain THICK.

Obviously, someone who is absolutely clueless about academic

importance - after all he barely passed his GCSE’s and would

NOT be even able to do  basic geometry or algebra, even  if his life

depended on it (something that not only Muslims invented,

but our great ulama of the past were masters of). Heck, his written

English is worse than a 10 year old. He once wrote a teaching booklet

for the madrassa kids - hoping it would be used in Tauheedul madrasah

classes - and so make a name for himself, as well as few £££s

On checking by those that were proficient in the language - they were

gob smacked at the illiteracy portrayed in his writings.  One person

involved in the checking of the booklet confirmed to us that

"his 10 year old laughed at it, and could write infinitely better".

This racist, bigoted and illiterate so called maulvi has

no place in a teaching institution let alone be an imam. 

Rasputin is nothing more than a "penny shop maulvi".

Together with his 2 stooges, they complete the circle of ignorance par excellence.


Rasputin's infamy is well known.

He is a loud mouthed empty vessel that

can't help but make useless noise.

Whose only skill is his nature for

Causing Strife, Destruction and Fasaad.

Together with his two lackeys (Ilyas Darbar, Asim Wadiwala),

they are the : "3 MUFSIDOON"

ALLAH's curse be upon those who cause

disunity, destruction and fasaad.

His atrocious behaviour at Bolton DU is a perfect example. 

Which lead to his rightful booting out of that institution.

His current failed antics are deja vue of the above - lead by him, 

the three are using the  same  text book of fitnah they

tried to use at the Bolton DU.

Just like then, they've FAILED here too. 

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ

Police called to Islamic boarding school over alleged staff concerns

POLICE officers were called to a Bolton school over a dispute between staff.

Three police vans and a marked car were sent to the Al-Jamiatul Islamiyah boarding

school based at Mount St Joseph’s Convent in Deane, yesterday morning.

Officers arrived at noon and spent about an hour at the the scene. No arrests were made.

It is understood police were responding to a dispute

between members of staff and the school’s principal Suhail Manya.

The school declined to comment and the headteacher could not be reached.


Haraam Petition on a Haraam website that

is promoting and supporting LGBTQ

The illiterate fools that came up with the idea of conducting a rebellious petition

did so on a platform that is actively supporting and promoting LGBTQ.  Hence they are implicitly

showing their own indirect support.  Any muslim who has  a modicum of shame and intelligence

would immediately think again in doing a petition on such a LGBTQ promoting platform.

لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِالله 

  نعوذ بالله من ذلك 








Letter by an alim graduate of Bolton DU, expressing his grave 

Concerns about Recent Incidents

at Masjid e Tauheedul Islam

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits.

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent

incidents at Masjid e Tauheedul Islam in Blackburn.

As a graduate from Bolton Darul Uloom, I feel compelled to share my

experiences and observations, as they may shed some light on the current situation.

Seven years ago, I had the privilege of studying at Bolton Darul Uloom,

where I witnessed similar issues caused by certain individuals who claimed

to be devout and religious. These individuals, led by Maulana Suhail Manya

and his associates Maulana Asim Wadiwala and Maulana Ilyas Darbar, took control

of the institution and began engaging in bullying and intimidation tactics. Even our

elderly trustee was not spared from their bullying tactics. It was disheartening to

see this behavior within an institution that is meant to foster spiritual growth and unite the community.

I urge you to take these concerns seriously and investigate the matter thoroughly.

The incidents at Bolton Darul Uloom escalated to a point where legal action had to be

threatened by our elder, Yusuf Bhailok, in order to restore peace and harmony.

I fear that if left unaddressed, these individuals will continue to cause

divisions within the community, as they did in Bolton.

As a graduate of Bolton Darul Uloom, I feel a strong sense of responsibility

to warn parents and community members about these individuals.

Maulana Asim Wadiwala and Maulana Ilyas Darbar have shown no hesitation in

causing divisions and inflicting harm on others. It is crucial for parents to exercise

caution and remain vigilant in safeguarding their children's education and well being.

I kindly request that you take appropriate measures to ensure the

safety and harmony of Masjid e Tauheedul Islam and its community. By promoting

unity and addressing issues of bullying and intimidation, we can prevent further harm

and maintain a peaceful environment within our religious institutions.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will handle it

with the utmost seriousness and work towards resolving the issues at hand. Together, we

can create a community that upholds the values of compassion, respect, and inclusivity.


Moulana Muhammad


Reminder for those SHAYATEEN that 

want to cancel madrasah classes !! 

In a narration it states, The Cursed Shaytaan lays his throne on water and sits on it.
His entire group assembles around him to report their activities.
One says, “I convinced so many to steal.”
Another says, “I lured so many to commit adultery.”
The other says, “I enticed one to kill” etc.
Each one reports his success.
The Shaytaan listens to all without comment.
Then, one says, “I distracted a student of Ilm-e-Deen from reading his Sabaq and made a certain Muslim couple quarrel.”
On hearing this, the Shaytaan jumped off his throne and embraced him and honoured him a seat beside him.
The other Shaytaans protest because they too had laboured very hard to mislead others.
“What was so special in his work, that you give him so much honour?” they asked the big Shaytaan.
He answers, “His one act is greater than a thousand of your acts. You have no idea of its greatness! 



The Shayaatayn that are depriving

children from acquiring knowledge

In light of the recent unauthorised letter sent out by TWO Madrasah 'teachers', namely :

Asim Wadiwala in conjunction with Ilyas Darbar - two of Rasputin's chief lackeys

(they like to claim to be maulana's but it would be treacherous to honour them with such a title)

No doubt all this is being instigated and directed by the disgraced ex-imam.

It’s a shame they have decided to take this despicable stance and once again bring

up the ta'leem of the children as a tool/weapon in their, so far,

failed efforts to bring back the ex-imam.

Now let's think about their actions and what it tells us about

their (in)capabilities and resulting ineptness.

Consider this : As they've been under the guidance of

their commander in chief for so many years,

it would be quite logical to deduce that they must have

acquired the skills set and know how, from

being guided by their master/principal's decades of tutelage, and

so would've learnt a thing or two in the running of the madrasah ?

But NO, the  events of the last 3 weeks, have suddenly caused them to be

shocked and awed and so much disorientated that are now unable to

carry out their duties, which they are PAID to do.

This implies either or both of 2 things :

1) They are completely inept in their duties as teachers

and learnt ZERO under their now ex-principal 

2) Their ex-principal imparted little or no skills which leads one to accept that his ousting as

ex-imam here, and from Bolton DU before that, was wholly justified.

Also, how did they operate the madrasah when Rasputin took

his oft outings and breaks to foreign lands like Dubai ?

Did they fall apart and become disorganised , like headless chickens ?

and halt / cancel the classes until their masters return ? 

The concerning factor is that operational management is not their duty and

this in turn does not stop them from carrying out their duties in teaching the children in their classes.

Do these lackeys need to be motivated daily from their master in order to get them through the teaching day ? 

To now use their master's absence as an excuse to stop classes is enormously embarrassing (for them).

Any other employer, no matter in what sector, would not tolerate such a situation -  so why here ?

Further, the illegal use of mosque letterhead (which has NOT been authorised) shows a level of

illiteracy and ineptness one sees in those that are devoid of any sense of shame and good character.

The culprits desperation to attain credibility via the letterhead indicates to one and all, that they

themselves have no authority or influence among the public and so have the need to resort to illicitly "copy/pasting"

the Mosque letterhead , in some lame attempt to garner any sort of attention and credibility.

More telling, there are no signatures or names (like the previous correspondence from them)

which implies, they are too cowardly to show their identities, for all to see AND / OR

no other teachers were consulted or gave permission to put their signatures/names

Was the real notion of being put to shame by the parents too much for them ?

What's the reality here ? 

It's childish to think  there has been a  sudden loss of direction and so use this as a lame excuse.

If their years of experience and teaching, has still not made them prepared for such an occasion

and so continue with their duties then, by Allah, any parent would not want their children

to be taught by such inept, lazy and self serving so called maulanas/teachers

Our forefathers not only founded madrasahs but also ran them diligently without any worldly motive.

They taught us and those before us, through thick and thin.  

They weren't maulanas - yet their dedication and time produced all

the scholars we see today.

SO to the fitnah khor teachers who think the childrens' ta'leem hinges on them

think again - the community will move forward just fine without them as

when our parents, grand parents arrived in this country - they faced

tests infinitely more taxing than the current miniscule bump.

If you don't want to serve Allah's deen, the move over - Allah will put in place

others that will discharge the duties far better than your

devious selves, and with selfless devotion.


Deceiver in Chief.

Rasputin's deception.

Exposing the deceitful ex-imam.

"He who deceives is not of us.'' - Sahih Muslim

Exposing the deceitful ex-imam.

The so called charity "Hope & Help"

On the "About Us" page : https://www.hopeandhelp.uk/about-us/

So Rasputin has the title of "CEO" for this apparent charity.

Yet, look who are the trustees ?


HE HIMSELF is on the trustees board under his REAL name "Suhel Master".

So he has LIED to the Charity Commission by stating a

NON EXISTENT "Suhail Manya" being the CEO of the alleged charity "Hope & Help" 

His actual name is "Suhel Adam Master".

Look at this :

This from companies house - he is the director/owner of perfume business :


And this, director of another company :


Why the deception of masquerading as "Suhail Manya",

and even signing off letters, financial accounts etc as "Suhail Manya" ?

YET no such person exists, as his REAL documented name is "Suhel Adam Master"

What is he hiding ?  Why the deception ?

"He who deceives is not of us.'' - Sahih Muslim



FATAWA by Mufti Sadeq Desai - Majlis-al Ulama, South Africa

The distinguished Mufti is the senior Khalifah of Maulana Maseehullah Khan Saab (reh) who in turn was

the Khalifah of the Mujaddid, Hakeemul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (reh)

Question :

Is it permissible to have reserved parking bays in a Musjid which is Waqf property?

We do understand that the Musjid is Waqf. We also understand and will respect that if there is a handicapped

parking area close to the entrances or exits that would be respected for convenience of the disadvantaged brothers.

The clarity we require is regarding the reserved parking bays for the Imaam etc


Answer by Mufti Sadeq

Naseehat will not penetrated the clogged brains of these villains... and fake Moulanas.

The Musjid along with its environs are Waqf property.

All the Musallis have equal right to the space inside the Musjid, in its Sehen, the Wudhu Khaanah, the shoe racks,

its amenities, and its yard space where the parking bays are located.

The one who occupies any of these spaces first has the prior right to its use for the purpose for which it has been made waqf.

No one has the right or authority to debar any Muslim from this inalienable right without valid Shar’i reason.

It is haraam to have reserved parking for the imaam and for so-called ‘guests’.

Guests of people cease being guests in relation to the Waqf property of the Musjid.

In the Musjid there are no guest facilities.

The same applies to the parking area. The one who comes first has the prior right of parking his vehicle in any parking bay.

This reservation practice has been acquired from the mutakabbireen and mutrafeen juhala.

It is the practice of the arrogant and proud to usurp Waqf premises for their own convenience.

It is obscene, zulm and haraam to block off parking bays...

They are treating the Waqf Musjid property as if they are the owners. This is zulm.

The imaam..  have no greater right to the Musjid facilities than every other Musalli.

The builder of the Musjid, the Waaqif (donor) and the trustees are all on

the same level as other Musallis regarding the facilities of the Musjid.

Donors enjoy no special treatment. Their donations are supposed to be for their own benefit in the Aakhirat,

not for buying privileges in the Musjid. So it does not matter who the person may be.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and the Khulafa-e-Raashideen were not accorded

special privileges in the Musjid. So who are these Toms, Dicks and Harries who usurp

Musjid space for themselves? Then they aggravate their usurpation with zulm.

The first culprits for this haram practice are the molvis.

We are in the era in close proximity to Qiyaamah, hence the fitnah is incremental.

Among the signs of the Approaching Hour is: “The dunya will be pursued with the amal of the Aakhirat.”

The Deen will be presented as a front and cover for the attainment of worldly and nafsaani objectives.

In the forefront are the ulama-e-soo’ who are experts in presenting ‘deeni’

colour and cover for their haram activities.

No amount and no type of explanation will penetrated their sealed hearts.

They belong to the category of villains about whom the Qur’aan Majeed says: “They are deaf, dumb and blind.”


The Prophet's (s) warning about the love for opulence -

which is Rasputin's forte

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

I saw some men on the night of my ascension, whose lips were being sheared by scissors of fire.

I said: O Gabriel, who are these people?

Gabriel said: Preachers from your nation who commanded people to be righteous but they

forgot it themselves, yet they recited the Book. Will they not reason?

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 

Jundub ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

The parable of the scholar who teaches people virtue, but forgets it himself,

is that of a lamp giving people light while it burns itself.

Source: al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr lil-Ṭabarānī 


He can't help it - Rasputin is gallivanting in Dubai AGAIN

Rasputin is so predictable - he has once more dashed off and enjoying himself in Dubai.

That same Dubai that has earned the reputation of being The Middle East capital of Fahishah !!

Dubai  is the new vice capital

Dubai sex tourism capital

Israeli men going in droves to UAE to "sleep with prostitutes"

How did Dubai become the largest prostitution center 

The Hidden Side of Dubai: Sex Tourism Has Been Growing

Dubai in United Arab Emirates a centre of human trafficking

Look at what happened to  قَوْم لُوْط, (people of Lut); Allah's wrath and punishment descended on them

for the same reasons as Dubai has become so infamous for.

And this supposedly holy man in the eyes of the gullible, has again

taken a trip to that vile centre of Satanic activities... All funded from the FULL PAY he is getting even when suspended.

This is the sort of   faux "alim" the Prophet (s) warned about - ulama soo' (evil ulama)


Rasputin's hypocrisy knows no bounds

The one who has persistently preached from the pulpit about photos/taswirs being HARAAM,
Railing against ikhtilat (free mixing of men/women)
The same HPYOCRITE does the opposite.
What's even more despicable is that Rasputin put his name as a signatory on a letter
that castigated, damned and condemned those ulama who they believed had been involved in ikhtilat.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “The majority of the Hypocrites of this Ummah [Muslims] will be its readers
[i.e. those who read the Qur’an and not act according to it].” [Musnad Ahmad no. 10/123]


In another Hadeeth, He ﷺ said: “In the latter days the devout ones (Sufis) will be ignorant and the Ulama immoral.”

Sayyidina Umar (Allah be pleased with him) said: “On behalf of this Ummah, I am most fearful of the Alim who is a hypocrite.”

Rasputin's moto  : "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO !!"

Standing next and close to a ghayr-mahram woman AND 
free-mixing among 10 other ghayr-mahrams -
all the while happily saying "cheese" as his picture is taken.
He himself doing ALL the things that he has, from the pulpit,
hurled abuse at other ulama and people, for allegedly practising.

And before the usual culprits start running around like headless
chickens and claim it's photoshopped or AI generated,
the link to the photo is here : theboltonnews

Rasputin shows what a complete and utter IDIOT he really is.

He gets a 2nd letter, warning him of his conduct, and disseminating what
was a private letter regarding his initial suspension and
no sooner he gets this 2nd letter spelling out his folly, he decides to share it !!
And so like a consummate FOOL he is, breaking his employment contract AGAIN.
A helpless mega MORON who simply hasn't developed the simplest of a thinking brain.


Fancy cars, opulent lifestyle, expensive tastes, routine holidays to haraam

locations etc are all signs of the alim 

who has entangled himself in the love of  dunya.

For the one who calls himself an Alim

yet hankers after the dunya

Hadhrat Shaykh-ul-Hadlth Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya (Rahmatullah Alayh)

Hadhrat Malik bin Dinar (Radiallahu anhu) said:

I have read in ancient books that Allah says. “When an Aalim begins to love this world,

the least that I can do to him is that from his heart I take away the pleasure of his conversing with Me in prayer.” [Ihya]


Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) observed:

“When you see any Aalim who loves worldly riches, consider him to

be a suspect (and guard your Deen) for whosoever loves a thing becomes entangled with it ”


Sayyadina Hasan (Radiallahu anhu) also said:

“The torment of the Ulama will be the death of the heart. The death of the heart is

seen in this that with which the deeds of the Hereafter he earns the benefits of this world


Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) said:

“On behalf of this Ummat I am most fearful of the Aalim who is a hypocrite”

people asked: “Who is a hypocritical Aalim?”

Hadhrat Umar(Radiallahu anhu) replied:

“He is one who by tongue is an Aalim but in his heart he is ignorant.”


Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) also said:

“Whoever acquired knowledge for the purpose of attracting people to be

inclined towards him, will be cast into Jahannam” [Targheeb]

and also “The worst of people have the worst Ulama” [Targheeb]


Narcissists Hate the Truth

Rasputin and his sycophants unable to handle the truth 


Rasputin's Spoiled Brat Syndrome

More comments coming in from people who know him :


Rasputin's reputation has always preceded him.

He is a fitnah maker wherever he goes !!

This from a classmate in South Africa :


Surprise, surprise !!

Rasputin's lacky caught red handed, causing 

fitnah like he did for his master at Bolton DU

MESSAGE 1-Concerned Parent 
As a concerned parent I received a letter today on the whats app tauheedul
madrasahs broadcast a letter stating the welfare of the children. 
My children have attended the madressah for the last 10 years. When questioning my children
about the welfare and speaking to other parents, no concerns have been raised in relation to their welfare. 
However what was concerning is that conversations have been heard by children in the class rooms.  
Usthaads discussing this letter to other usthaads on the phone about then advising them to tell the children
they won’t come to the madressah till the Moulana is back.  Is this is my children’s welfare or theirs ?
Also why are my children and other children now being bought into this matter ? 
The usthaads should not be bringing political and personal issues into the
madressah regardless how they feel about the situation. 
In relation to the passing of personal contact numbers is
clear breach of GDPR and DPA and needs to be tackled swiftly. 
Lastly, if the usthaads have took time to write a letter a sign it then itnwould be good to clear
state the welfare concerns - from the looks of it they are the concerned ones not the
children and maybe my children should look after them. 
Please keep these matters out of the madressah and please
don’t discuss these matters in front of my children.
Response :
MESSAGE 2-We would like to thank the ustaads for their concern
regarding the madressa and the absence of the ex principal.
It is very nice of them to pass on the responsibility to the Trustees. 
Maybe this should’ve been done every time the ex-principal made trips to Qatar and Dubai. 
How conveniently the staff operated in the excessive absence of the principal on those
occasions and now when it comes to uphold their integrity for the
sake of their hereafter and the students.
We are seeing the disease manifesting in the teachers as well in the form
that they are removing them selves from bearing any responsibility.
Does this mean all these years they have been teaching to please the principal? 
It would’ve been more responsible to say that we are going to teach
for the sake of islam regardless if the principal is here or not.
But when a disease spreads it touches everyone who
has worked for a contagious individual.
More P45s being printed
Furthermore :
MESSAGE 3-Ladies and Gentlemen we have found the culprit.
It seemed like this was a joint decision and all the teachers were
unanimously agreed upon the letter signed in the madrassa.
We the new ‘concerned members’ quizzed one teacher to what the game is and why he is protesting.
It so transpires that we have an instigator who has been leading on this mission,
pressurising the other teachers to sign .. introducing Ilyas Darbar.. why are we not surprised!! 
This is the same person who was also kicked out of Bolton Darul Uloom with his master. 
So, in reality what seems like a problem is in fact the EX-Imaam's side kick trying to stir unrest in the community.
If he had any brains he could’ve sat on that office chair he so longed for all these years..
but of course he can’t be seen being disloyal to his master !


Ulama-e-Soo - Evil Ulama Who The Masses Should Be Wary Of
- By The Majlis - South Africa

Hadhrat Ali bin Abi Talib (Radhiyallahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah(S) said:
"Soon there will dawn an age upon mankind when nothing will remain of Islaam but
its name and nothing will remain of the Quraan but its text. Their
Masaajid will be beautifully adorned structures, but devoid of
Hidaayat. Their Ulamaa will be the worst (of creation) under the canopy of
the sky. Fitnah will emerge from them and Fitnah will return to them."

Ulamaa-e-Soo are famous for their "Halaal Fatwas", that have gained nothing from their study of the Books of Deen.
Yazeed narrated to us; Daylam bin Ghazwan informed us; Maymun al-Kurdi narrated
to us from Abu Uthmaan an-Nahdi who said, "Indeed I was sitting under
the Mimbar of (Hadhrat) Umar (Radhiyallahu Anhu) whilst he was
addressing the people, and he said in his Khutbah (Speech): "I heard
Rasulullaah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wasallam) saying:

"Verily the thing I fear most for this Ummah is every Munafiq who is eloquent in speech." [Musnad-e-Imaam Ahmad]

This is a quality which many people are affected by; eloquence in speech.
Many of these deviated, Ulama-e-Soo are very eloquent in the field of oratory.
Although they may be speaking utter trash in their Bayaanat, however,
as they have a very eloquent manner of expressing themselves, the
crowds are immediately impressed by them and accept everything which they
say regardless of whether it conforms to Quraan and Sunnah or not.
"Verily the thing I fear most for this Ummah is every Munafiq who is eloquent in speech." [Musnad-e-Imaam Ahmad]


Fitnah 'khors' gonna always do fitnah
Rasputin proved this last night - it's in their blood

So we have another day (21-05-24) of fitnah in the masjid.
The imaam was further given a warning not to attend the masjid, as in keeping with employment
law, he is suspended due to his harassment and intimidation towards
the general public and the Trust Board.

The masjid is open to all but when there's a threat of violence from juveniles
/thugs /barbaric individuals, then from a social order and also from
Islamic perspective (this was clarified with Mufti's) it is reasonable
in-fact encouraged to temporarily keep certain people away from the masjid
until the community finds its feet again and the matter is
resolved in a civil manner.

We saw again today that a certain individual, and it is the same individual who wants
to be the saviour of one party but in fact has become the means of disruption
and further escalation of unrest in the community.

He claimed to say that if anyone has an issue with the committe then go and see
them at the office. Yet, he himself is taking the mic off the imaam and
broadcasting his ill informed views in the prayer hall. The committe
clearly states in the letter, to the employee, that petitions are being
signed outside the masjid and this is causing disruption. Why isn't this individual
standing outside the masjid and asking the petitioners to stop if he
is concerned about the masjid?

He claimed that we should forgive each other and shouldn't resort to this
approach of legality in sending letters to imaam saab.

Very good point.. Did this not occur to to this individual himself, when the Bhopas had
apologised within 2 days to request The imaam to forgive ? Does he not
think that the we are in this position because the imaam persistently
refused to accept the written apology ?

The general public should not get involved in this matter publicly. This is
being dealt with by The Trust Board and is between an employer and the
employee to take legal advice accordingly.


The 'alim' who loves materialism

By Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalawi (rh)ِ

an alim is one who does not try to acquire wealth through his learning. The
lowest of rank among the ulama is one who is fully aware that this
material world is despicable, mean, polluted and temporary; and that the
life hereafter is vast, everlasting and glorious beyond imagination, the
bounties whereof are absolutely pure. Besides, every true alim fully
understands that this world and the hereafter are opposed to each other.
They are, so to say, like two wives married to one and the same husband -
when one is pleased with him, the other is naturally displeased.
To give another example, they are like two scales of a balance, when one goes down,
the other goes up automatically. Indeed, the present world and the world
hereafter are poles apart. They are like two wives of a person - if you seek
to get closer to one, it will be at the expense of the other. He who does
not realise that this material world is of low value and impure, the
pleasures of which are gained at the cost of hardships in this world and in
the hereafter, is not of sane mind.
It is a common experience that all worldly joys involve taking pains in this
world and unavoidable sufferings in the hereafter. How can a person of such
insane mind become an alim? Furthermore, a person who has no idea of the
magnificence of the hereafter and its everlastingness is not a believer. How
can such a person be an alim? If a person does not realise that this world
and the next have opposing interests and wishes to combine both, then he is
trying to do something that is undesirable. Such people are in fact ignorant
of the code of life of all of the prophets of Allah Most High. If a person
knows all these facts and still gives preference to his worldly interests,
he is a slave of Satan, ruined by lusts and facing an evil fate. Such a lost
soul cannot, obviously, be counted among the ulama.
Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "If you find an alim
enamoured of this material world, then he must be blameworthy in religious
matters, for everybody occupies himself with things which are dear to him."


Ignore RASPUTIN and his Clueless Lemmings

Putting the record straight.:
There has been a letter circulating demanding resignation of Trustees which apparently was agreed by Ali Vika.
Reality is, Ali Vika was intimidated by some of Rasputin's lapdogs, the night before.
A typical thuglike village mentality act because Rasputin was given a suspension.
Add to that, these same attack dogs also intimidated the legally appointed Trustees
in an attempte to pressure them to revoke the suspension.

The lawless rebels should take note; that the contents of the hard copy letter
still stands and the rebellious imaam in question aka Rasputin is
suspended for 12 weeks.

As far as legality is concerned, Ali Vika CANNOT agree to anything without a
joint Trust Board agreement and neither can the rebellious thugs 'members'
who have written the aforementioned sad excuse for a letter.

So what is the law in this matter ?
The vile muppet hooligan morons who have been poisoned by the forked tongue of Rasputin should realise,
that the legal approach is for the Board of Trustees to agree, decide and then inform the members.
Civilised folk, who want to challenge or raise any grevience can duly raise their
concerns at the AGM as per legal guidelines. This is the LEGAL and PEACEFUL
route for dissension - NOT the one chosen by the chief thug Rasputin, his
brothers and the sheeple fools that have fallen for his fitnah ways.

The only official and legally based decisions that have been made are:
1. Imaam is suspended for 12 weeks
2. Yakub Bhopa is suspended
3. AGM in September.
Everything else is legally null and void, and has no basis in law
and should automatically be disregarded

And as seen, those that have followed the shameful route of rebelling have caused immense fitnah,
fasad and chaos - all because of Rasputin's thirst for wealth and power.
Falling for the guile of this bling bling imam, who claims to
preach and teach 'sadghi' (simplicity) is the same wolf that
loves to drive luxurious cars, wear designer label clothing,
lives in a posh area OUTSIDE the community he serves.
Rarely, if ever mingles with the common folk he claims to serve.
Loves to be friends with the rich and well known. His arrogance and pomp is well known.
Rarely will he talk where he does not boast about himself and his faux status and achievements.
And almost each time his inferiority complex compels him to trash
talk other scholars without a moments thought that the people
listening to his garbage are thinking the exact same about himself.

REMEBER : It's this sort of arrogance, the pompous belief that he can do no wrong
and shear greed and love for wealth that ruined the darul-uloom /
school in Bolton - his attitutde back then and now reeks of someone
who believes he is some infallible saint - which lead to his downfall at the instiution


RASPUTIN's dopey thugs are at it again

Stupid clueless goons. They wouldn't know legality, even if it bit them on their behinds.
Ordering to hand over the keys is legal ?

Abolishing the trustees and the committee by some pathetic letter is legal ?
And they have the brazen liberty to claim the trustees and the committee are illegal ?

These dumb asses need some schooling. Rasputin really is scraping the depths of a rotting old barrel with these shysters.



The GREED of Rasputin

Mr Manya has made public speeches attacking individuals that resist his tyranny and on
15th March 2019, attacked mufti Abdul Hamid and founders of tauheedul school for
teaching equality/British values during a speech given in the mosque where he is the imam
- his real motive is the deep rooted jealousy and hatred he has for these people which he
has made clear to his staff .

If we are to undo the damage Mr Manya has caused to the young hearts and
minds under his care, we need to remove him and his associates so they
can be replaced with positive role models. There is no spiritual
enhancement taking place at Bolton DU because of the sickness of greed and
hatred that exists in it's ' leader'. We have to make a change for the sake of the children.


Rasputin's Traits